Thursday, February 4, 2010


 We all came from Heaven for a little vacation in this world. Why did I say a little vacation? Our life is very short on this earth when you think about it. We are borne into this world and grow up, play, go to school and graduate. Some of us go onto college. Then we find a job, buy a home, probably get married, have a family, and so on. Finally, we retire and pass away. That is usually our life process. In a humorous way, the Lord Jesus may ask me, how was your vacation on earth? I would like to answer the Lord; it was awesome, Lord!!! I had a lot of fun. Amen!!! Now lets get back to the word. Okay? Amen!!! 2 Peter 3: 8-9 (NLT) “8 But you must not forget this one thing, dear friends: A day is like a thousand years to the Lord, and a thousand years is like a day. 9 The Lord isn’t really being slow about his promise, as some people think.” If my calculation are correct, let say 1 year of our time = 86.4 second = 1.44 minutes of God’s time. Let’s say we lived to 75 years old. (75yrs. x 1.44 min. = 108 minutes of God’s time) Brothers and Sisters in Christ, our life is very short when you think about it. Don’t you all agree with me?
We must always focus our mind and faith to God, by going to a good Christian Church to worship our Lord Jesus Christ and have fellowship with the Power of the Holy Spirit.
We are all under a curse of Sin as stated in Psalms 51:5 (NLT). “5 For I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me.” How can we break this curse? By asking God for forgiveness from within our heart, not from the corner of our mouth and giving our Tithes to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. By doing so, we can show God our obedience to Him and he will bless us. Remember “Job?” He was blameless - a man of complete integrity. He feared God and stayed away from evil. He was the richest man in that entire area. One day, when Satan told God, the reason that Job is very successful is because you have blessed him, but if you were to take away the entire blessing he will curse you. God told Satan, you can do anything to him except take his life and his faith to me will never change. Satan worked upon him. Unfortunate things happened to him, such as the loss of his children and live stock. This included having boils all over his body, even his wife said, why don’t you curse God and die? Job didn’t curse God; therefore, God proved to Satan that he was wrong and God blessed Job a multitude, much more than what he had lost. Amen!!! Brothers and Sisters in Christ, we must believe in our Lord Jesus with all our heart and thank him for the breath of life and everything else while we are living in this world. The bottom line is that while on vacation on this earth we should always worship and fellowship with our Lord and enjoys our life to the fullest. Amen!!!
When a person gets closer to God, many times persecution will take place from other people. Don’t worry about it. Let God take care of it. For me, I am very pleased, because that means the enemies are worried about it. They will speak negatively about you and usually a jealous spirit will come upon them. Remember, no one has any power on this earth. Only the Lord Jesus has all power in heaven and earth; however, many people have the authorization from God to do his work. Amen!!!
Let us discuss healing. Healing can be accomplished by the individual’s faith with God. I usually tell the person not to pray. Let me do the praying. Why? If the person were to pray, the Demonic Spirit will have difficulty coming out of the person’s mouth. Why? The Demonic Spirit cannot pass the biblical name. Many times, I tell the person to relax and raise both of their arms toward God. Take a deep breath and cough it out. On the third exhale, I command the Demonic Spirit to COME OUT, IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST!!! I then send the Demonic Spirit to the pits of hell. Amen!!! (So be it)
I pray that this information is very helpful to you.
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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