Tuesday, January 26, 2010


The best time to cast out the Demonic Spirit is during the night, when the areas are totally dark, because we are dealing with “Ruler of Darkness”. The demonic spirit doesn’t like the sunlight, only the areas that are totally dark. For me, I find that 7:30 PM or so is a perfect time. If it is a home, I ask the owner to turn off all the lights in the home, except the exterior light on wall of the front door. I am then able to read my bible scriptures.
Prior to casting out this Demonic Spirit, I make a short prayer for all the people who are living in the home, by praying Eph. 6: 11, the “Whole Armor Of God”. I ask God to protect every one of them, including myself, in Jesus mighty name.
I walk to the front entrance door of the home, stand just outside of the door and look inside to use my spiritual vision to see if any paranormal spirits are looking at me.
Sometimes they will show themselves and sometimes they don’t. I pray on Psalm 67:1-7 to cast out any Demonic Spirit within that home. When I am casting out, I command that spirit with a loud voice, like a military sergeant giving a command to his or her squad by saying “COME OUT IN THE NAME OF JESUS!” I show the Demonic Spirit I mean business. If there are any Demonic Spirits within that home, I send them to the pits of hell and ask the angels to escort them out in Jesus mighty name.
I use my clear virgin olive oil, which is used only for blessing. I bless that oil, in the name of the Father, Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit. After it has been blessed, that oil will transform and become a “Holy Oil.” I pour the Holy Oil on the ground in the name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit. (I pour it, three times.) I then ask God to send this Holy Oil to the four corners of the property in Jesus mighty name.
Now, I ask God to bless the home from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home to the four corners of the property and put an invisible shield over the entire home to the four corners of the property. The blessing keeps all the ungodly angels away and brings only the good to the home. In Jesus name, I bless all the contents in the home and all the vehicles.
Before closing the blessing, I ask the people if there are questions. If there are no questions, I close by praying on Matthew 6: 9-13, it is the Lord’s Prayer. Amen!!! When the blessing is completed, I ask God to release the blessing of the remaining oil in the bottle. The oil then becomes ordinary olive oil.

Do you have some questions about the blessing?
a) Why do I choose to do the blessing in the darkness? As I mentioned above, we are dealing with Ruler of Darkness.
b) Why do I pray Eph. 6:11? I pray to ask God for protection to all of us.
c) Why do I pray on Psalm 67:1-7? If you read verse 7, it says God will bless us and people all over the world will fear him.
d) Why do I pour the Holy oil on ground? The ungodly angels will find it difficult to walk where it is blessed.
e) Why do I ask God to put an invisible shield on the property? I do it because the ungodly angels can enter into the home from above, without touching the ground.

I pray that this information is helpful to you and your family. Amen!!!
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


In the dictionary, the word “Paranormal” is defined as not scientifically explainable: Supernatural. In the Demonic spiritual realm, many people cannot see these types of spirits, but some say they can feel something around and they get goose bumps or what is known as chicken skin on their body. The Devil is master deceiver and he came to deceive, destroy and to kill you. He knows the strong and weak point of you and your family’s history. Why? They were there when God created human beings.
Many years ago when I was young, I had experienced a heavy pressure on my chest and I couldn’t move at all. I know I wasn’t sleeping and my mind was awake. After wrestling with it, it finally let go of me and I stood up and looked around. I couldn’t see anything in the apartment.
At that time, I was taking a martial art called “Karate” and made it to black belt degree. When that spirit came back again, I had an old samurai sword with a razor sharp blade and tried to cut that spirit with my eyes closed. I used my senses in order to cut and tried to defeat that spirit. I was swinging my sword for approx. 20 minutes or so with perspiration coming down my forehead and I couldn’t defeat that spirit, finally I gave up, because I was exhausted. At that time, I didn’t know Jesus Christ at all. All I knew was my work and karate and I didn’t believe in the supernatural. I remember people telling me about the supernatural and I told myself, it’s all in my mind and from the movies. If there were such a thing, I would challenge the supernatural with my martial arts ability. Today, I know what a fool I was; I could have been killed or crippled.
If I knew then what I know today, I would have bound the spirit in Jesus mighty name and sent it to the pits of hell. It would have been much easier than swinging any sword or doing my front kick, cat stand, round house kick, side kick or knife hand. All of that will be useless against the Demonic Spirit, because in Eph. 6:12 (NLT) “For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” Now, can you see how foolish I was at that time, but not today? Amen!!!
If any Pastors or Ministers are ordained from God, then he or she shouldn’t be afraid of these paranormal spirits and may be able to help his or her members when they need it. When the Pastor or Minister is ordained from God, the evil spirit will see Christ and every knee shall bow before the Lord. Without the authorization from God, the Demonic Spirit will know and will try to destroy the person or their family.
I pray this information’s will help you. Amen!!!
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Thursday, January 14, 2010


This morning, I prayed to the Lord asking what should I write about in the Internet Church topics? The word that came out was “Gossip.” What about Gossip, I asked the Lord. Gossip will cause a great deal of dissension within Christian churches. It is the work of the enemy (Satan, Devil). The devil wants to cause dissension in order to break the congregation of the church. The person who is gossiping may not know that the devil has pierced into their mind. If a person speaks negatively about other people, that person may speak negatively about you one day. What I normally do is smile and walk away or I would say, “Stop it, in the name of Jesus.”
Usually, they speak negatively about Pastors, Ministers, Members, Elders, and Deacons or even about other churches. Sometimes people asked me, what church is good? My answer is any Christian church that comes in the name of the Lord Jesus is good. Spiritually, we are all brothers and sisters in Christ. Gossiping start like, do you know what I heard or what I saw? The person who is listening to the gossip will be just as sinful as the person who is saying it. He or she may have to answer to God for it. For me, that would be the most fearful moment. We cannot judge a person; only God can judge us fairly. If we judge, then God’s judgment may come upon us or on our family. We cannot blame God for it. We must blame ourselves.
Many times, gossip is not true. I have experienced it in fishing stories. Let’s say a person named Wayne caught 100 fish in Hilo bay in Hawaii. The weeks went by and the story had gone through approx. 30 people or so. The last person heard that Wayne caught 300 fish in the Hilo bay area.
Just for the fun, you can experience this by having 40 to 60 people participate in an experiment. First, have one person write on a piece of paper, “Last night, Wayne caught a 4 ¾ pound fish in the Hilo bay area.” Now, have each person whisper the message into the next person’s ear without letting the other people hear it. At the end, have the last person of the group stand up and repeat what he or she heard. I truly believe it will not be the same as what the first person wrote on the piece of paper. Gossiping can be the same way.
Remember, gossiping is a sin and a true Christian will never gossip, but try to walk in a Godly way. The bottom line is don’t gossip. Amen!!!
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


I don’t believe in luck. About 25 years ago, before I had accepted the Lord, I had gone to Las Vegas and played the slot machines and it was really fun. As I was playing, an elderly, oriental woman sat next to me and she was rubbing her lucky rabbit’s foot on the slot machine. She told me it is was good luck to rub the rabbit’s foot on the machines and she suggested I get one for good luck. I told her, I am sorry but I don’t believe in luck. She asked me why? I told her that poor rabbit lost its foot, then she looked at me for minute or so and she walked away. I strongly believe you make own your luck. If you want to use the word luck, it’s okay.
How do you spell luck? You spell it LUCK, right? I believe it is Labor Under Correct Knowledge. In other words, you make your own luck. Don’t you all agree with me?
With God, we don’t need luck; we need a strong faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Believe that he is the Son of God, who sits on the right side of the Father’s throne. Amen!!!
God has given all of us wisdom and knowledge, so we can be able to think for ourselves. Sure we all make mistakes in life, because no one is perfect in this world except the Lord Jesus Christ. When you make a mistake, pray to the Lord and ask him to grant you wisdom and knowledge, so you can correct yourself. With God, all things are possible. When you feel alone and strongly believe in Jesus Christ, you are not alone in this world. You have Jesus within your heart and he will never forsake you or leave you. Amen!!! Jesus is the best friend you will ever have. When your earthly friend takes their last breath on this earth, he or she is gone. The Lord Jesus Christ; however, can be your friend in this world and also in heaven. He is my best friend. I am not saying for you to be a loner or antisocial. We must also have fellowship with our earthly friends.
Some years ago, a woman came to me and said, “Pastor Jimmy, no one loves me, not even my own family. I didn’t do anything wrong to them and yet they have treated me very coldly.” My answer to her was, the main thing is Jesus loves you. That is what counts. She looked at me for few minutes and walked away with a smile Amen!!! Brothers and sisters in Christ, we all have a good friend and his name is Jesus Christ. He loves you very much with all his heart until the end of time. The bottom line is, you are Not alone in this world!

I pray that these messages are very informative to you.
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Before a Pastor or Minister prepares a sermon, he or she should go to a quiet, private place where no one will be able to disturb him or her. Ask God, what would you have me say through the “Golden Message” of the day? Give a sermon of what God wants to say, not what you want to say.
Let’s say around 100 people attend a church and the Pastor or Minister preaches what the people want to hear. I believe that church will increase its members. If the Pastor or Minister gives a sermon of what God wants to say, I truly believe approx. 2/3 of the people may not attend the next church service. Why? When God speaks, it may be too harsh for the people, like a child gets a scolding from the parents. For me, that is all right because we all need guidance and correction from God so he can lead us into a right, godly direction.
Every Pastor or Minister will be accountable for his or her members. We cannot say to God, I don’t know. For example, let’s say a shepherd works for someone and watches 100 sheep and something happens to them. Let’s say that 2/3 of the flock are gone or got hurt. How can that shepherd explain this to the owner of the sheep? Don’t you think it would be pretty difficult for the shepherd to explain about the 2/3 of the flock to the owner? It is the same as God asking the Pastor or Minister what happened to your flock? Well Lord, I, I, I don’t know. As you can see, it is very difficult to explain to God. I would rather be accountable for the 1/3 of the members. It is less to explain and much better to teach the word of God to the group. Amen!!! Don’t you all agree with me?
As a Pastor or Minister, we can say we have elders, deacons and so on, but at the end; we still will be responsible in the eyes of God. We are not running for any popularity contest. Our responsibility to the members is to feed them the word of God. Anyone who gives the sermon will be accountable to God. Rev. 22:18-19(NKJV) "18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book." God tells us in the Bible, we cannot add or delete anything written in the Bible. If we do, I don’t want to know what is going to happen to that person. For me, it would be most fearful, because I would be judged according to what I have preached to the members.
I am very careful about what I say to the church members about God. I know I will be accountable for what I said. Mark 4:22(NLT) "22 For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light." Always remember, none of us are perfect in this world, except our Lord Jesus Christ. We must always ask God for forgiveness. Forgiveness is the answer to most of our problems. Amen!!!

I pray that these messages are very informative to you.
Form Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Thursday, January 7, 2010


When someone in your family needs prayer, pray for them. First, you must consecrate yourself. Ask God for protection upon you by Praying on Eph. 6:10-20, “The Whole Armor of God.” You will then be able to withstand the wiles of the Devil in Jesus mighty name. Sometimes people ask me, if it is permissible to pray within their family? My answer is yes; if you feel you are able to do it. I am not saying for you to go out of your way and pray for anybody, unless you have the authority from God. If you feel that you cannot do it, call your authorized Minister or Pastor to pray for you and your home. Eph. 6:12 (NLT)“12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” In my personal opinion, we are not against those made of flesh and blood, but against evil spirits. We cannot physically punch or strike the Devils, but through prayers to Jesus Christ with a strong faith; we can defeat the Demonic Spiritual Realm. The Devils can go through any walls, even concrete. We are nothing without Jesus Christ’s blessing or protection upon us.
I have been praying for people for many years and I have seen and heard lots of weird things or paranormal happenings in their homes such as: windows rattling, noises in the attic, walls pounding, a toilet flushing by itself, a screen door opening, scratches on my back, food pushed from a stove to the floor, etc. Once, I had two small puncture holes about 6 inches above my right ankle like snakebite. Blood was dripping down from them and the holes were approx. 1” wide. In Hawaii, we don’t have any snakes; it was a spiritual snake. I saw one black snake in front of me in a vision and didn’t see the second one that had bitten me. It felt like a bamboo stick poked me. Another time, I felt like something was squeezing my head, which resulted in a severe headache. I had to go to the Emergency Room twice and the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me after approx. 4 hours of examination. I knew all along what had happened, but I couldn’t tell them what actually happened. I have seen and experienced much more than I have mentioned above. During my sixteen years of experience, I have gained a lot of knowledge from going to places whenever I was called to pray. I have experienced these paranormal things happen many times.
I am not trying to discourage anyone, but to make you aware that these Demonic spirits can hurt a person. They may try to destroy you or your family, if you allow them an opportunity to enter your home. Many times, I tell the people don’t call me on their land line phone from their home, because the Demonic spirits may be able to listen to our conversation. Sometimes when I arrive there, the spirits have made themselves scarce. When I see them, I bind them in Jesus mighty name and send them to the pits of hell. Amen!!!

I pray that these messages are very informative to you.
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Saturday, January 2, 2010


We pray that this year will be a good and wonderful year for all of you. Always remember, to thank God for the breath of life and fellowship with him, so that God may prolong your life. All of us have gifts from God, if we know it or not. We must find out what kind of gifts God has given to us and use them. They may be in Healing, Deliverance, Preaching, Worship leader, Usher, Deacon, Elder, Pastor, Reverend and many more. It doesn’t matter what they are. We are all in the body of Christ. Amen!!!
If healing or deliverance is your calling, then use the gifts to help others that need to be helped in Jesus name. Mark 16:15-18(NIV) “15 He said to them, Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation. 16 Whoever believes and is baptised will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned. 17 And these signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; 18 they will pick up snakes with their hands; and when they drink deadly poison, it will not hurt them at all; they will place their hands on sick people, and they will get well.” In my personal opinion, the Lord gave us the authority to do these miraculous gifts, if we truly believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and we have the authorization from the Lord. We can do it!!! Amen!!! Chris and I have gone to many homes to cast out demonic spirits, when people call us. Sometimes, the demonic spirits reveal themselves to both of us in a vision, and stare at us, but as soon as we pray in Jesus mighty name, they move out of that place real fast and we cast those spirits to the pits of hell. Remember, Satan was defeated at the time of the cross. He can only create fear upon you, and he will capitalize on it, but if you have a strong faith in Christ within your heart, he cannot mislead or deceive you. Always confirm with God and pray on Psalm 51: 1-19 and Ephesians 6:10 “ The whole Armor of God” for your protection to God. Amen!!!

From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Friday, January 1, 2010


Finally the New Year is here, we have a full year to enjoy life and to study the Bible and know God’s word. Praise the Lord!!! Last year, we have covered a great deal of God’s word. Before you open your bible, make a short prayer. Ask God to grant you the wisdom and knowledge so you can be able to understand the bible much more clearly. In any event, when you don’t know the meaning of the scriptures or God’s words, ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. In the past, when Jesus’ disciples didn’t know, the Holy Spirit taught them. Amen!!!
Always remember, forgive from your heart and confess all of your sins to the Lord with your mouth. I truly believe that God will forgive you and set you free. In the Spirit, you are free and start your life again. No one is perfect in this world, not even one Pastor or Minister is perfect in this world, except our Lord Jesus Christ.
I truly believe that most Churches are good if they come in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are my personal reasons for attending a church: a) When I attend a church, I am listening to the “Golden Messages” of the day that may apply to me. b) I attend church to feed my soul, so God may prolong my life. (Like a car alternator is charging the battery to prolong the battery life.) c) I attend church to have relationship with God and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Don’t you all agree with me? I know there are many reasons, but I have narrowed it down to three good reasons.
Every Pastor, Minister or person whom is giving the “Messages of the day” is accountable for these messages. We must be very carefully of what is preached to the people or members. We must preach the words from the bible, nothing else, but the truth of God’s word. We cannot assume that God doesn’t know about it. God knows it as stated in the bible, Mark 4: 22 that nothing is hidden in the eyes of God. I have seen and heard that unfortunate things happen to a family or to a person, such as husband, wife, children or even grandchildren as a “wake up call”. We cannot blame God for it, but blame ourselves. We must be very careful and take it very seriously. I know that no one is perfect in this world. We must always pray on forgiveness from our heart, so God will accept your forgiveness and forgive you.
I usually pray on Psalm 51:1-19; it is a prayer from King David, asking God to forgive him for all of his sins and have mercy upon him. Amen!!! For me, in my personal opinion about King David, he was a smart person by praying on forgiveness. Amen!!! When God forgives you, he will look at the good side of you. Why? We serve the most loving and forgiving God. He is an awesome God. Amen!!!
Once again, HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you.
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason