Thursday, January 7, 2010


When someone in your family needs prayer, pray for them. First, you must consecrate yourself. Ask God for protection upon you by Praying on Eph. 6:10-20, “The Whole Armor of God.” You will then be able to withstand the wiles of the Devil in Jesus mighty name. Sometimes people ask me, if it is permissible to pray within their family? My answer is yes; if you feel you are able to do it. I am not saying for you to go out of your way and pray for anybody, unless you have the authority from God. If you feel that you cannot do it, call your authorized Minister or Pastor to pray for you and your home. Eph. 6:12 (NLT)“12 For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places.” In my personal opinion, we are not against those made of flesh and blood, but against evil spirits. We cannot physically punch or strike the Devils, but through prayers to Jesus Christ with a strong faith; we can defeat the Demonic Spiritual Realm. The Devils can go through any walls, even concrete. We are nothing without Jesus Christ’s blessing or protection upon us.
I have been praying for people for many years and I have seen and heard lots of weird things or paranormal happenings in their homes such as: windows rattling, noises in the attic, walls pounding, a toilet flushing by itself, a screen door opening, scratches on my back, food pushed from a stove to the floor, etc. Once, I had two small puncture holes about 6 inches above my right ankle like snakebite. Blood was dripping down from them and the holes were approx. 1” wide. In Hawaii, we don’t have any snakes; it was a spiritual snake. I saw one black snake in front of me in a vision and didn’t see the second one that had bitten me. It felt like a bamboo stick poked me. Another time, I felt like something was squeezing my head, which resulted in a severe headache. I had to go to the Emergency Room twice and the doctors couldn’t find anything wrong with me after approx. 4 hours of examination. I knew all along what had happened, but I couldn’t tell them what actually happened. I have seen and experienced much more than I have mentioned above. During my sixteen years of experience, I have gained a lot of knowledge from going to places whenever I was called to pray. I have experienced these paranormal things happen many times.
I am not trying to discourage anyone, but to make you aware that these Demonic spirits can hurt a person. They may try to destroy you or your family, if you allow them an opportunity to enter your home. Many times, I tell the people don’t call me on their land line phone from their home, because the Demonic spirits may be able to listen to our conversation. Sometimes when I arrive there, the spirits have made themselves scarce. When I see them, I bind them in Jesus mighty name and send them to the pits of hell. Amen!!!

I pray that these messages are very informative to you.
From Rev. Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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