Wednesday, June 22, 2011


Communion is very important for all Christians to partake in; some Christian churches may take their communion only once a month. It all depends on the Pastor of the church. Sometimes, people have asked me how often they should take their communion. My answer to that question was as often as you can. In 1 Corinthians 11: 25, “Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it.” So there are fifty-two weeks within a year that means 52 times a year. As an individual, you could take communion everyday if you or your family wants to have communion in your home. It’s all depends on individual preference. There is nothing wrong with it. Why? Sometimes, some of the church members may miss their communion, because of various reasons and they may have to wait a month or a month and half to take the next communion in the church.

Now what is communion? Communion is the nature of the Lord’s Supper, which many church groups refer to as their celebration of Jesus’ final, memorial supper with His disciples. So when you are taking the communion, pray on the elements that you have received. The Bread represents the body of our Lord Jesus and the Wine represents the Lord’s precious blood. When an authorized person blesses the elements, transformation will take place instantly, the bread becomes the body of the Lord Jesus and the wine becomes the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Communion can be very rewarding or can be very dangerous to a person. Why? Let’s see what is written in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30, for if you eat the bread or drink the cup unworthily, not honoring the body of Christ,* you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. So as you can see, we as Pastors must be very careful about communion. In other words, we cannot take it too lightly.

For example, sometimes a husband and wife may have spoken very harsh words to each other that morning or last night with bitterness within their hearts and when they arrive at the church, who knows what really took place within their home. Question, do they still have bitterness, anger, jealousy and etc. with someone or anger with the Lord because things didn’t happen in their favor within their home? They probably smile a little and enter into the church. No Pastors or Ministers could tell if a person/persons still have bitterness within them or what really took place that morning or last night within their home, it may be very dangerous for the person. Are you with me so far?

Many, many years ago, I was told by a Kahu (Shepherd) this particular family had taken the communion with bitterness within their hearts and after the church service was over, they got into their car and they left the church’s premises and got into an accident with a big truck. The whole family was run over, some got killed and some were very seriously injured. Now, could this be a coincidence or not? Only God knows the true answer. For me, I don’t want to take any chances for my members of the church. Of course, this must be prayed from within our hearts, not from the corner of our mouths. For example, let’s say I became the Captain in the military army for my company and my Lieutenants or Sergeants mess up and my whole company got wiped out from the enemy, I would personally feel responsible for my men in the company and I feel I may have to answer to the higher authorities. Sure in the eyes of men, I may not be responsible for it, but in the church and in the eyes of God, I may be responsible for them. I have to answer to God and that time I strongly feel that would be the hardest thing for me to answer and to explain to God. Why? A Pastor or Reverend is a shepherd of his or her flock of their church. Am I correct so far? At that time, the accountability will become much greater for the minister of the church. Remember in Mark 4:22, there is nothing hidden in the eyes of God, everything will be brought to light.

As a Pastor, whenever I giving the communion to the members of the church, I pray and encourage everyone to pray along with me and to ask God for forgiveness for all of our sins by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all of his sins and God forgave him. Now as a Pastor, I strongly feel, I had done my part and I truly feel a peace of mind within myself. So we cannot take it too lightly with communion; it could also be for healing, deliverance and etc.

Therefore, in many churches the Pastor, Reverend, Minister or authorized Associate Pastor will do the communion. We cannot take any chances at all. The accountability will be too great for the Pastor of the church in the eyes of God. Why? It is a very sacred ritual for us as Christians to partake in the communion. Some of the members may have serious illnesses or personal problems within themselves; therefore, communion is very important to participate in. Sometimes, healing or deliverance will take place while they are taking their communion within themselves in the church. It’s all depends on the individual’s faith.

Sometimes, people with serious illness within their body get healed without being aware about it. I always tell the members of the church to ask God to bless their elements (Bread and Wine) that they are holding in their hands, so God will bless it and could heal them, because individually they may or may not know their own personal problem/problems that need to be healed. Sometime, without them being aware about their illness or problems, God healed them. Sometimes, for some of us, waiting for once a month may be too late. Next week may never come for some of the members.

Now as a Pastor, I can face and look straight to the Lord Jesus’ eyes with a clear frame of mind and say I tried and did my part Lord! Now it becomes an individual responsibility, not the Pastor of the church. Does it make sense to you so far?

The moral of this message is Communion is honoring the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time, it is for healing and deliverance for the individual and also for the members of your church. Amen! (So be it)

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

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