Sunday, June 19, 2011


No! It is not a great loss at all, but it is all to gain. Are you so Mighty and have so much Pride within yourself? If your answer is yes, then this message may be for you. This morning (6/11/11) at 9:40AM, as I sat down in front of my computer and I asked God what He would want me to write in the Internet Church Topics; instantly, “Forgiveness” came to me. In my mind this must be for some people the Lord wants me to give this message to. I really don’t know whom this message is for.

You must realize, no one is perfect in this world, except the Lord Jesus Christ and some of you have so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within your heart. Stop it in Jesus Mighty Name! Sometimes, the Lord may take the breath of life out of a person. How? When a person has so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within his or her heart, high blood pressure may come to the person and who knows what will happen. It could be a stroke or heart attack. In other words, something may give up. Don’t you agree with me?

You must ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into a person’s heart and He will decide if you are sincere or not. We cannot play any games with the Lord Jesus, believe me it is very serious. We all came from heaven for a little vacation and we must all return back to heaven. Amen? I pray you will all agree with me. Now when you stop and think about it, our life on this planet is very short. We must make use of every moment to do constructive, not destructive while we are living on this planet. If you want to, you could multiply 1.44 times your present age and to see how long you have lived on this planet in God’s eyes. For example, 50 years old man times 1.44 min. per year equals 72 minutes in God’s eyes. So as you can see, our life is not as long as you may think.

First of all, we must worship and have relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Some people worship money before God, in other words, they place money first then God second. It is not right; we must place God first within our life, because when we take our last breath on this planet and take our first breath up in heaven, will our fortunes from this planet be up in heaven? No! Absolutely not! It may seem like we will be at a poverty level; unless, we give our tithes or offerings to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. For example, we may think we are wealthy on this earth and if we don’t give, we become poor in heaven. Let’s look at what is written in Malachi 3:8-9, after you had read the verses, you will understand what I mean. How can we break the curse? You will find the answer in Malachi 3:10.

Let’s get back to forgiveness, Psalm 51: 5 For I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. We must ask God to forgive us for all of our sins and make us whole in Jesus Mighty Name. You may use Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all his sins he had committed and God forgave him. Why? We serve the most understanding, loving and forgiving God. It doesn’t matter if you are just a member, deacon, elder, or even pastor of the church, we are all equal in the eyes of God. The only difference is ranking in the church, the higher you become, the higher your accountability with God. In other words, you must answer to God; that is the hardest thing to do. You will find the answer in Mark 4:22. Now if you don’t ask God to forgive you, then sometime the most precious things of yours may be taken away from you as a wakeup call. If it happens, then you cannot blame anyone, but yourself.

Everyday, we fall into sins, it doesn’t matter who you are so therefore; everyday, we must ask god for forgiveness. Forgiveness is your answer to most of your problems. Now this prayer must be prayed from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into the person’s heart. Does it make sense so far?

Remember, God is “Love”. Just think for a minute, our Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross to buy all of our sins, and he also shed his precious blood so we can live much more abundantly within our lives. All his pains, agonies, and suffering he went through for all of us. Why? He had shown the true love for all of us. What is true love? It is a long suffering. Don’t you think the Lord Jesus had gone through a long suffering? Believe me, He did.

Sometimes, I close my eyes and picture myself; if I could duplicate what the Lord Jesus has gone through - all the pains and suffering. My answer is no. For me, even one tiny splitter from the lumber, which poked my hands or fingers, really hurts and is very painful. Every so often, I thank the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for you and me. Amen!

There are three steps:

1) Always ask God for forgiveness from your heart, not from corner of your mouth.
2) Always give your tithes or offerings to God, to break the curse.
3) Always be obedient to the Lord Jesus, He will guide you to the godly path.

The moral of this message is always asking god for forgiveness.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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