Sunday, September 5, 2010


When you feel lonely, depressed, have financial problems, health problems and etc, come to Jesus, He will guide and lead you to solve all of your problems. This can be done, if you could only believe and accept the Lord Jesus as your personal savior. He can make all things possible for you. Of course, this will all be done in God’s time, not in our time. Amen!

When you attend your church, give your tithes or offering to God to show your obedience to God. Now, let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mal. 3:10, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will enough food in my temple. If you do,” says the Lord Almighty,” I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!

In other words, what this means is you not only store your treasure up in heaven, but an opportunity will be given to you even while you are living on this earth. Just keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mind awake. When it comes to you, confirm with the Lord and thank Him for the opportunity He has given to you.

Always remember to name your seed and be a cheerful giver, then drop your offering into the collection basket and when it reaches the bottom of the collection basket, instantly God has accepted your offering and He will bless you many times more. You and I cannot out give God, He will bless you 100 or even a thousand fold and somehow He will fulfill your need. Now, be a cheerful giver and receive you’re cheerful blessing.

Give your tithing from within your heart, because God looks into your heart. For example, lets say you and I become farmers and we are partners for these one hundred acres of land. We decided we are going to plant corn in our field, I am sure we are not going to plant one seed in the whole field. Right? We are going to plant thousands and thousands or more of the corn seeds, so when the corn gets mature and ready to harvest, we would have tons of corn to market. Right? At that time, we must give our thanks to God by giving our offering to Him.

Remember the story about Cain and Abel and God accepted Abel’s offering rather than Cain’s offering. Why? Abel gave his offering to God of the best of his flock. In other words, Abel gave his offering from his heart and because it was for God, he brought to God several choice lambs from the best of his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but did not accept Cain and his offering. As you can see, when we give our offering or tithing to God, we must give it from our heart and be a cheerful giver. Amen!

After the blessing of tithing or offering, your church may use the money to defray the expenses that the church occurred, such as rental, insurance, phone, electricity and etc. For me, personally I don’t want to handle any of God’s money at all. Why? It becomes an additional responsibility for me, especially with God’s money where I know no one can misuse God’s funds, because the accountability is too great, thinking no one knows about it, believe me God knows about it. (NLT) Mark 4: 22 Everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light. When the accountability becomes too great, then a wake up called may come upon the person or family. When you stop and think about it, everything belongs to God anyway such as our breath of life, the air we breathe, the water we drink to satisfy our thirst, the vegetables, the fruits, the fish, the meats and so on, that we enjoying eating what God has created for us.

Today, I am not rich or wealthy, but I am very comfortable and I give all THANKS, GLORY AND PRAISES TO MY FATHER GOD. Amen!
For me, I give more then 10% of my wages and I am very happy to give to the Lord and receive His blessing. Many times, I received His blessing in God’s time, not in my time. Sometime, He has granted me much sooner than I expected. Sometime it’s later. I just wait patiently. All I want to prove to the Lord Jesus is my obedience to Him, not to anyone else, but to the Lord, so He will bless me much more and put protection upon my family and myself. So far does it make sense to you? If it makes sense to you, say Amen!

The moral of this message is to give your tithing or offering from your heart and be a very cheerful giver.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

1 comment:

  1. The New Testament teaches generous, sacrificial giving, from the heart, according to our means. For some, $1 might be a sacrifice, while for others, even giving 50% of their income might not induce a sacrifice. In the Old Testament, ONLY the farmers tithed, and it was equal percentage (a tenth). The New Testament teaches the principle of equal sacrifice instead of equal percentage. Equal sacrifice is much harder to achieve, if not impossible, than giving ten percent.

    The Bible CLEARLY SHOWS that the tithe ENDED at the cross in the Book of Hebrews. In the first nine verses of Hebrews 7 the words tenth or tithes appears SEVEN TIMES. The ONLY place in the Bible, after Calvary, that tithing appears is in Hebrews 7.

    In Hebrews 7:5 we are told that Levi (the Levites) took the tithes under the law. In Hebrews 7:12 we are told that when the priesthood changes, the law will change. Hebrews 7:18 is telling us that Numbers 18 was disannulled. Numbers 18 established the Levitical priesthood, and part of that establishing included tithing. When the Levitical priesthood ended (at Calvary, or at least in the year 70AD when the temple was destroyed), all laws that established that priesthood were canceled. If Numbers 18 wasn't canceled, we would still be under the Levitical priesthood.
