Sunday, August 28, 2011
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Sunday, August 14, 2011
Jesus Gives the Great Commission to all true Christian Believers as written in Mark 16:18 they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them. I truly believe many of the sicknesses come from Satan and his followers.
Remember the story about Job; he was a very wealthy and religious man who seemed to have life under control. One day Satan challenged God, and said the reason Job is very successful is because you have blessed him, when you take the blessing away from him, he will curse you. So God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do with Job, except take his life. Satan had stricken Job with boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I truly believe Job had really suffered a lot, even losses of all his possessions and children. Still Job didn’t curse God; he had proved his faithfulness to God and God blesses him many times more than what he had lost. So as you can see Satan can cause sickness and problems.
Now just stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you really believe God Jehovah wants us to be sick, suffer and die? No! He wants all of us to enjoy our life while we are living on this planet; it is like a little vacation on this planet because we all came from heaven and one day we must all return back to heaven. Don’t you agree with me?
Remember the story about Job; he was a very wealthy and religious man who seemed to have life under control. One day Satan challenged God, and said the reason Job is very successful is because you have blessed him, when you take the blessing away from him, he will curse you. So God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do with Job, except take his life. Satan had stricken Job with boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I truly believe Job had really suffered a lot, even losses of all his possessions and children. Still Job didn’t curse God; he had proved his faithfulness to God and God blesses him many times more than what he had lost. So as you can see Satan can cause sickness and problems.
Now just stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you really believe God Jehovah wants us to be sick, suffer and die? No! He wants all of us to enjoy our life while we are living on this planet; it is like a little vacation on this planet because we all came from heaven and one day we must all return back to heaven. Don’t you agree with me?
God wants us to be healthy, wealthy and prosperous while we are living on this planet. Satan knows we are all created in the image of God as written in Genesis 1:26. Satan wants to destroy all what God has created on this planet, mostly man. Therefore, we must always ask God and the Holy Spirit to protect our families and ourselves against the wiles of the devil in Jesus Mighty Name. How? By praying to God every chance you have. Don’t wait until something happens to you and your families then start to pray. Sometimes, it may be too late. Does it make sense to you so far?
"Psychosomatic" is a word that means "soul and body," it is referring to the close relationship of body and soul. Jesus truly believed in healing of the body. The methods of healing Jesus used included: prayer, laying on hands, anointing with oil, and assurance of forgiveness of sins. In (NLT) James 5:14-16 any among you are sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
Before you pray for someone, remember to consecrate yourself by putting the Whole Armor of God upon you, so you can be able to withstand the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! Sometimes by not having this protection upon yourself, the sickness may come upon you from the sick person that you are praying for. We must not take any chances at all; sometimes, troubles or problems may come upon you or your family. So don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come against you and your family.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear, no one has any power at all to heal any person, only God has the power to heal the person, God uses authorized people to do the healing for Him. God gives authorization to certain people who have strong faith with God. It all depends on the individual’s faith that you have with God. Now, if the person that you are praying for truly believes the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accepts the Lord Jesus as their personal savior, then all things are possible for the person that you are praying for and he or she shall be healed in Jesus Mighty Name.
When God heals a person, he or she is completely healed. Before you pray for a person, you may ask the person a few questions, such as: do you believe Jesus Christ is the True Son of God? Do you believe Jesus died for our sins? Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior? If that person answers all truthfully and answers yes, then I say that person has won 50% or more of the battle of his or her problems.
God gives certain individuals the authorization to do His work. Wait until, the Authorized Minister allows you to pray for the sick person. In other words, don’t jump in and start praying for the sick person on your own without the authorization from the Minister; sometimes, the person’s problems may become your problems. Usually the Authorized Minister will know your capabilities to pray for the sick person or not. If the Minister feels it could be very dangerous for you to handle it, then I truly believe he or she will not call or tell you to pray for that sick person.
For me in the church, I will not pray for anyone, unless I am told to pray for the sick person; then I will pray for the sick person. Why? Many, many years ago, I made a covenant with the Lord Jesus and to my late "Kahu" (Shepherd); I told the Lord and my late Kahu, if they call me I will go in your Name and pray, if they don’t call me, then I will not go at all. Sometimes, it takes lots of spiritual energy away from me and I must pray to the Lord Jesus to restore my energy and strength back to me. It is not as simple as you think. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits coming out of the person’s mouth or nose. I have watched other people praying for the another person with sickness problems and sometimes, the demonic spirit/spirits comes out the sick person and goes to the back of the person that was doing the praying for the sick person and that person who was doing the praying for the sick person doesn’t know about it.
When the church service is over, he or she may have gone home. Now, if I happen to be there and see this happening to that person that was doing the praying, I will walk slowly to the person and stretch my hand and pray silently without the person being aware about it and ask the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to remove that bad spirit away from that person. Now, lets say I wasn’t there or being aware about it, then sometimes, the bad spirit/spirits may hop a ride to the person’s home who was doing the praying for the person with sickness. Sometimes, things may happen within their home. Now those problems may become their problems, for instance: sickness, financial and family problems. Many times when that happens, the demonic spirit/spirits may be within their home and they may not be aware of it.
The demonic spirits may like to strike their health, wealth and family. So we must always pray to the Lord Jesus for protection and don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come to you and your family.
The demonic spirits may like to strike their health, wealth and family. So we must always pray to the Lord Jesus for protection and don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come to you and your family.
God uses certain individuals and gives him or her authorization to lay their hands on the sick person so he or she shall be healed. In other words, all authorization comes from God through the person that is doing the praying for the sick person. It is like a conduit pipe flowing through from God to the person that is doing the praying and to the sick person.
Numerous times, I have mentioned in my topics to always consecrate yourself and your family before you pray for someone. Sometime, their problems may become your problems or may enter into your home without you knowing about it. Now, I am not discouraging anyone from praying for someone. No! What I am saying is to always protect yourself against the wiles of the Devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! (So be it) Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Today (7/24/11) after the church service was over, we had our usual Sunday luncheon at the church and I was asked to do a house blessing in the Kea’au area. I brought along with me Elder Darrel Aniban and Brother Ray Okabayashi. While we were driving in my truck to the destination, we prayed to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit to protect the three of us by praying the “Whole Armor of God”, so we could be able to withstand the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. I prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ that not one single strand of our hair shall be harmed and when we leave the premise, not one demonic spirit or spirits will be able to follow us to our homes. We all said Amen! That night, we all slept well because the spirits didn’t follow us to our homes. Amen! (So be it!)
When we reached our destination and entered into their home, they told us that this lot has two adjoining lots with two homes built next to each other and I believe it is made into two separate lots. The upper side of the lot is the parent’s home and the daughter lived with her own family in the lower level of the lot. It is approximately 75 to 100 feet distance between the two homes. Anyway, we all sat at the living room of the daughter’s home and they were explaining to us what was happening within the two homes. I understand that one-day the daughter’s husband went to the back yard of their home and started cutting the big old trees and some bushes completely down. Their lots are surrounded by big tall trees and lots of bushes and he told us while he was cutting the trees, from the corner of his eyes, he could see something had just passed by, so he looked around and there was nothing. Anyway he kept on cutting the trees and bushes.
I can’t remember what day he was putting on a tinting film sheet to tint his car windows; now this tinting film sheet comes in a roll and normally when you put this material on the windows without wetting it and you let it go, it will normally roll back. When you dampen the tint sheet film, it will stick to the car windows and when you squeeze out all the excess water between the glass window and the tint film sheet, it will stick on the glass window.
Anyway, he had put the tint film sheet on the car window and when he turned around and tried to do something else for few minutes then he turned around and looked back at the car window, the tinting film sheet was laying flat on the floor with a 4 to 5 inches long tiny foot print on the tint film sheet. His wife took a photo of the footprint. I asked her, if she would email the photo of the tiny foot print to me, she said yes and she did so I could put the photo on this topic and everyone could be able to see the Demonic Spirit’s tiny foot print that had been walked on the tint film sheet.
From what I could see, I believe it is the left foot of the demonic spirit that had been walked on the tint film sheet. I zoomed in on the photo through my computer to make it much larger; I realized I could be able to see the demonic spirit’s face on the big toe, four on the rest of the toes, one on the side of the little toe and one big face on the dark area. If you were to look at it very slowly and carefully, you would be able to see very clearly. On the big toe, you will see the whole face, eyes and nose with the mouth slightly open with some teeth in it. A total of seven faces of demonic spirits can be seen on this photo. Six faces on footprint and one large face on the dark area, located on the topside of the footprint. I will try to put this on this topic with zoom in photos so many people could able to see it. As you can see, these demonic spirits do exist on this planet; therefore, we must always pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit for protection for your home, premises, families and yourself. We must not let our guard down for even one second; believe me they are out there, waiting for the opportunity to strike you and your family. When you have Jesus Christ within your family and yourself, you needn’t worry at all, because the demonic spirits will see Christ instead of you and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen to that!
Her father explained to me, at approximately 4:00 AM in the morning he could see something was passing by outside of his home. In one incident, he had seen a demonic spirit with a hunchback wearing like an off white hairy fur coat on his body. As he tried to approach the demonic spirit by taking a few steps toward it, the spirit moved away from him and disappeared into the trees and bushes. He told me; sometimes the dogs will keep on barking in an unusual way. I told them, sometimes when the dogs start making howling sounds instead of barking, it is a bad omen, usually things may happen to someone within the home. Sometimes animals such as dogs, cats and younger children can see these supernatural spirit/spirits. Why? Because the child is innocent and the animals have keen senses and sight.
For example, a child that is between one through three years old and can hardly speak, usually he or she will start to cry with fear. Remember that child couldn’t speak at all because of the age; the only thing the child could do is express itself by crying out loud with fear. It may sound like a tantrum crying. In other words, something is bothering that child. If that ever happens to a child, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask the Lord to protect that child by removing all of the demonic spirit/spirits out of the home and premises. If you find things doesn’t work too well for you and the child, call your Authorized Minister and invite the Minister to your home and have your Minister bless that child and the premises in Jesus Mighty Name to set that child free from all of the demonic spirits.
I had asked Elder Darrel and Brother Ray, if they would pray at the outside of the home, which is located toward the trees and bushes areas by praying on Psalm 67: 1-7, which they did. While they were praying, I used my spiritual vision looking at the top of the trees, to the bottom of the trees stumps and throughout the entire premises. When they got through praying, I passed them by walking toward the trees and bushes and started to pray again. I had even tried to provoke the demonic spirit/spirits several times by saying, “Are you afraid of me? Show yourselves to me or do some kind of action, such as shaking the trees branches or move something”; regretfully nothing happened to the trees or bushes.
We had all entered into the home and I used my spiritual vision to look at the top of the house roof, to the bottom of ground, in and out of the home, including all the bedrooms, closets and attic, I couldn’t see any of the demonic spirit/spirits within the premises. My spiritual energy had come down; nearly fifty percent of my energy was gone. I was getting tired, which is a normal thing to happen for me. To use my spiritual vision, it takes lots of energy away from me. It is not too easy or simple, many times after the house blessing, I just want to go to my home and walk straight to my bed or couch and go to sleep.
I was asked if we could bless the next home, which is the daughter’s parent’s home, I told them sure, let’s go and when we got to the father’s home, we starter to pray within the home and there was nothing. Her father mentioned to me from Tuesday to Sunday the place became quiet, in other words, there were no activities of the demonic spirit. I asked him what day did you call me? He said Tuesday. Sometime when people call me from their land line house phone or within their premises, the demonic spirit may hear our conversations and may leave before I get there, because the demonic have eyes and ears, they will know when I will be arriving at their home or premises. Sometime they will leave the home or premise before I arrive at my destination and may return back when I leave the premises. Therefore, I would like to have the person call me outside of their home and premises. In other words, I would like to catch the demonic spirits at the first house blessing, so I could be able to see and bind the spirits in Jesus Mighty Name.
For me, I always try to tell the person not to call me from their landline house phone or within the premises, even with their cell phone, unless they are away from their premises, because they will know when I will be coming to their home. I would like to bind that demonic spirit/spirits on my first visit to the home, in Jesus Mighty Name and apply the Lord Jesus’ Precious Blood upon the demonic spirits and send them to the pits of hell until judgment day.
Three days after the houses blessing, I called one of the family’s members to see if everything is okay and she told me, so far everything seem to be fine. Praise the Lord! I must admit I was a little concerned at that time because the demonic spirit wasn’t around at the time of the house blessing and I wasn’t be able to bind any of the demonic spirits and send them to the pits of hell, in Jesus mighty name.
Many times, the demonic spirits are around on this planet, because this is their domain and unfortunately we cannot do anything about it, but keep on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit for protection. Some people don’t really believe that Satan and his followers exist on this planet because fortunately nothing has ever happened to them or their families. I don’t really blame them, because many years ago, even I didn’t believe it at all. I used to tell people it’s all in your mind and in the movies, I was wrong about it, they do exist.
Whenever questions arise about the subject of demonic spirits, I always bring the question about germs and bacteria. For example, I ask them the question, do you believe there is such thing as germs or bacteria on this planet? They all answer to me yes. Why do you believe there are such things as germs and bacteria? Can you see them with your naked eyes? They answer to me, no; then why do you believe such things as germs and bacteria really exist? Well, their parents always told them, did you wash your hands before you eat? Perhaps when they had a cut and didn’t take care of it, it became infected with pus on the wound.
Well my answer to them, in my bible, if I counted and recollect correctly; 52 times Satan is mentioned in my bible, 54 times, demons and devils are mentioned and 58 times hell is mentioned in my bible, so I cannot really convince myself that these do not exist on this planet. Believe me, they really exist; furthermore, why do people have problems with the supernatural, such as they could hear footsteps, doors opening for no reason, walls pounding, low voices, things moving within the home, windows starting to rattle and much more? Why? Why? Because, I truly believe they exist on this planet, whether we like it or not. They exist! How can we protect our families and ourselves? We must always pray to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit for protection for our families and ourselves, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
Take a look at the demonic spirits faces, just click on the links below.
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
See the photos at:
Sunday, July 24, 2011
This morning at approximately 5:23 AM (7/16/11) the word “Holy Spirit” came to me so I did some research about the Holy Spirit, it must be for someone that God wants me to give this to, I really don’t know who it is for. Well anyway, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity through whom God acts. In the King James Version 1 John 5: 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one. So as you can see, we cannot leave out the Holy Spirit, because “These three are one.” Some churches or denominations don’t really allow or include the Holy Spirit into their church’s services. Till today, I don’t really know the real reason why, they don’t allow the Holy Spirit to participate in the church services. If the Holy Spirit is in the church and even takes 15, 30, even 60 minutes or longer than the normal church services time, in my personal’s belief it is okay or I should say it is an honor and privilege to have the Holy Spirit into the church’s services. Don’t you agree with me? By doing so, you may see some of the members of the church with tears in their eyes and the Joy of the Lord will be with them and within the church. They may even pray in tongues. Remember, “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength.” Amen!
Psalm 51:11 tells us, do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit* from me. Now the word “Banish” according to the dictionary means to drive out, clear away or to remove from a home or place. Some churches don’t allow the Holy Spirit to have His way for various reasons. The first thing that comes to their mind, is the church running on time or over time? Do we have to close the church service as soon as possible? No! No! No! We must not do that! We must let the Holy Spirit have his way with full permission and control within the church services. We cannot stop the Holy Spirit by ending the church service as soon as possible. The Holy Spirit is like, no I shouldn’t say the word like, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman where the Holy spirit will enter into the church, if you invite the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will leave the church when the Holy spirit is not wanted, then the church may become just a organization or even as a association. Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen!
The Holy Spirit is God’s wind or known as mighty wind and during the time of Exodus, God deployed this wind to part the sea, so the Israelites could cross the sea and prevent Pharaoh and his army from attacking the Israelites. In Luke 1:15, Zechariah and Elizabeth, John’s parent were informed that their son would be filled with Holy Spirit, even before his birth.
For me, I always invite the Holy Spirit into the church and give the Holy Spirit the full permission and control to help and to teach us the true meaning of God’s words that are written in our bible. At the same time, I would ask the Holy Spirit to search out the entire premises to see if there are any unclean spirits/spirits around. If there are any unclean spirit/spirits around, I will ask the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort them out of the church’s premises and send the unclean spirit/spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name.
Many times when the worship team leader and the worship members start singing their worship songs, it may invite the unclean spirit/spirits into the home or church and they may just cruise around these areas and to look within the home or church. Today, some people still believe Satan and his followers cannot enter into any homes or churches. People have asked me, if the demonic spirit/spirits could enter into the church property. My answer to that question was, do you believe in your bible that Satan had approached and tempted our Lord Jesus three times as written Matthew 4: 1-5 while He was fasting for 40 days and 40 nights? They answered to me was, yes.
If Satan can approach our Lord Jesus Christ, then what are we? Nothing! Absolutely nothing, but if we have our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts and believe He is the true Son of God, then we become something. For example, Jesus has the covering from His Father (Jehovah) and the Authorized Ministers will have the covering from the Lord Jesus and the members will have the covering from the Authorized Minister. It is very important to have an “Authorize Ministers” within the church. So it will be a big covering for all of us as Christian members, now as members of the church we must do our part too. As I recollect in my childhood days, we call it choo, choo train. Does it make sense to both of you? They said yes. Anyway let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?
Sometimes, the unclean spirit/spirits may manifest themselves into the areas and problems may arise. In other words, we must let the Holy Spirit search and clean out the entire premises, yes absolutely clean out the entire areas of your home or church.
Many times pastors or ministers would like to hold their church services in a building, not in their personal residence. Sometimes, the unclean spirits or demonic spirits may come into their home and problems may arise within their home, such as affecting their children, grandchildren and etc. Remember, as I had mentioned numerous times that demonic spirits don’t carry any clock or wristwatch, they are timeless spirits. In other words, they have all the time on their side and when they strike, it could make your head spin real bad, including your families. Now let’s say, If it does come to your home, can you honestly fight all of these demonic spirits, perhaps even one, five or even hundreds. If you’re true answer is yes! Praise the Lord! By all means, go with the Lord Jesus’ blessing and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I have seen in one incident nearly twenty or more unclean spirits at the same time on the topside of a hill, which was a vacant lot, looking at us while we were blessing a home next to the vacant lot. Most of the time during house blessings, it is one to five of the unclean spirits and they come all in different sizes, shapes and some of them are very ugly looking demonic spirits. In (NLT) Mark 16:17 these signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. In other words, Jesus had given to all true Christian believers a Great Commission. Now, I am not discouraging you for doing the Lord’s work, but to encourage you to have the lord Jesus’ blessing and the Holy Spirit to be with you at all times. Without it who knows what may or could happen to you or your family.
Many years ago, I witnessed a young man challenge the demonic spirits in the back of his home. The back of his home had lots of tall trees and bushes growing and he thought someone was trying to steal something or locally speaking “ripping him off,” because he had seen lots of small lights around in the back of his home. He told me, he went into the bushes and start yelling in profane languages toward the lights. It was lots of demonic spirits and he didn’t know about it. His mother called me and told me her son couldn’t sleep at all at night and couldn’t go to work. He was trying to sleep with his family’s bible on his chest because of fear. I had asked him a question, would you try again? His replied to me was, No way!
I got out of the house and walked toward the bushes and trees and blessed the ground by pouring my Holy Oil on the ground, in Jesus Mighty Name. From what I understand, till today the demonic spirits didn’t come back for the past twelve years. Praise the Lord! Let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?
We cannot condemn the Holy Spirit, it is unpardonable sin. Let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mark 3: 29 but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. In Hawaii we called it “Pau!” Meaning, you are finished. I have mentioned numerous times in the past, the Father (Jehovah) may PARDON you; the Son (Jesus) may FORGIVE you, but not the Holy Spirit. Once a person condemns the Holy Spirit, there will be no FORGIVENESS for that person. Yes, absolutely none at all. We must be very careful about the Holy Spirit. In the bible there are numerous times written about the Holy Spirit, we must always respect and acknowledge the Holy Spirit. In the bible, 87 times that the spirit known as wind and 37 times known as God’s wind will do the work for God. In (NLT) Psalm 104:3, you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain cloud. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. In other words, God uses this wind to go whenever He wants to go. Amen! At this time, I will stop and continue on a later date about the Holy Spirit.
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha form Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Psalm 51:11 tells us, do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit* from me. Now the word “Banish” according to the dictionary means to drive out, clear away or to remove from a home or place. Some churches don’t allow the Holy Spirit to have His way for various reasons. The first thing that comes to their mind, is the church running on time or over time? Do we have to close the church service as soon as possible? No! No! No! We must not do that! We must let the Holy Spirit have his way with full permission and control within the church services. We cannot stop the Holy Spirit by ending the church service as soon as possible. The Holy Spirit is like, no I shouldn’t say the word like, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman where the Holy spirit will enter into the church, if you invite the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will leave the church when the Holy spirit is not wanted, then the church may become just a organization or even as a association. Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen!
The Holy Spirit is God’s wind or known as mighty wind and during the time of Exodus, God deployed this wind to part the sea, so the Israelites could cross the sea and prevent Pharaoh and his army from attacking the Israelites. In Luke 1:15, Zechariah and Elizabeth, John’s parent were informed that their son would be filled with Holy Spirit, even before his birth.
For me, I always invite the Holy Spirit into the church and give the Holy Spirit the full permission and control to help and to teach us the true meaning of God’s words that are written in our bible. At the same time, I would ask the Holy Spirit to search out the entire premises to see if there are any unclean spirits/spirits around. If there are any unclean spirit/spirits around, I will ask the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort them out of the church’s premises and send the unclean spirit/spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name.
Many times when the worship team leader and the worship members start singing their worship songs, it may invite the unclean spirit/spirits into the home or church and they may just cruise around these areas and to look within the home or church. Today, some people still believe Satan and his followers cannot enter into any homes or churches. People have asked me, if the demonic spirit/spirits could enter into the church property. My answer to that question was, do you believe in your bible that Satan had approached and tempted our Lord Jesus three times as written Matthew 4: 1-5 while He was fasting for 40 days and 40 nights? They answered to me was, yes.
If Satan can approach our Lord Jesus Christ, then what are we? Nothing! Absolutely nothing, but if we have our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts and believe He is the true Son of God, then we become something. For example, Jesus has the covering from His Father (Jehovah) and the Authorized Ministers will have the covering from the Lord Jesus and the members will have the covering from the Authorized Minister. It is very important to have an “Authorize Ministers” within the church. So it will be a big covering for all of us as Christian members, now as members of the church we must do our part too. As I recollect in my childhood days, we call it choo, choo train. Does it make sense to both of you? They said yes. Anyway let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?
Sometimes, the unclean spirit/spirits may manifest themselves into the areas and problems may arise. In other words, we must let the Holy Spirit search and clean out the entire premises, yes absolutely clean out the entire areas of your home or church.
Many times pastors or ministers would like to hold their church services in a building, not in their personal residence. Sometimes, the unclean spirits or demonic spirits may come into their home and problems may arise within their home, such as affecting their children, grandchildren and etc. Remember, as I had mentioned numerous times that demonic spirits don’t carry any clock or wristwatch, they are timeless spirits. In other words, they have all the time on their side and when they strike, it could make your head spin real bad, including your families. Now let’s say, If it does come to your home, can you honestly fight all of these demonic spirits, perhaps even one, five or even hundreds. If you’re true answer is yes! Praise the Lord! By all means, go with the Lord Jesus’ blessing and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I have seen in one incident nearly twenty or more unclean spirits at the same time on the topside of a hill, which was a vacant lot, looking at us while we were blessing a home next to the vacant lot. Most of the time during house blessings, it is one to five of the unclean spirits and they come all in different sizes, shapes and some of them are very ugly looking demonic spirits. In (NLT) Mark 16:17 these signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. In other words, Jesus had given to all true Christian believers a Great Commission. Now, I am not discouraging you for doing the Lord’s work, but to encourage you to have the lord Jesus’ blessing and the Holy Spirit to be with you at all times. Without it who knows what may or could happen to you or your family.
Many years ago, I witnessed a young man challenge the demonic spirits in the back of his home. The back of his home had lots of tall trees and bushes growing and he thought someone was trying to steal something or locally speaking “ripping him off,” because he had seen lots of small lights around in the back of his home. He told me, he went into the bushes and start yelling in profane languages toward the lights. It was lots of demonic spirits and he didn’t know about it. His mother called me and told me her son couldn’t sleep at all at night and couldn’t go to work. He was trying to sleep with his family’s bible on his chest because of fear. I had asked him a question, would you try again? His replied to me was, No way!
I got out of the house and walked toward the bushes and trees and blessed the ground by pouring my Holy Oil on the ground, in Jesus Mighty Name. From what I understand, till today the demonic spirits didn’t come back for the past twelve years. Praise the Lord! Let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?
We cannot condemn the Holy Spirit, it is unpardonable sin. Let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mark 3: 29 but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. In Hawaii we called it “Pau!” Meaning, you are finished. I have mentioned numerous times in the past, the Father (Jehovah) may PARDON you; the Son (Jesus) may FORGIVE you, but not the Holy Spirit. Once a person condemns the Holy Spirit, there will be no FORGIVENESS for that person. Yes, absolutely none at all. We must be very careful about the Holy Spirit. In the bible there are numerous times written about the Holy Spirit, we must always respect and acknowledge the Holy Spirit. In the bible, 87 times that the spirit known as wind and 37 times known as God’s wind will do the work for God. In (NLT) Psalm 104:3, you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain cloud. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. In other words, God uses this wind to go whenever He wants to go. Amen! At this time, I will stop and continue on a later date about the Holy Spirit.
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha form Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
(131) House Blessing in Pahoa, Hawaii
On Sunday (7/10/11), after the Church Service was over, I went to Pahoa, Hawaii with two of the members of my church to do a house blessing. We all sat in the living room area and listened to the complaints of what was happening in the home. The living room area was gloomy dark, even though the sun was shining bright outside of the home. I immediately took my oil and asked God to bless the oil, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name. Instantly transformation took place with the oil and it became Holy Oil. I told the family that I would take the scriptures and pray from Psalm 67:1-7 for casting out any demonic spirit/spirits that may be within the home.
As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.
I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.
Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.
Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.
Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.
Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.
After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.
I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.
Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.
Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.
Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.
Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.
After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
I have been going to many homes when people call me for help and many of them are Christian Believers and some are not. Within a month’s period, I have been going to approximately eight to twelve, sometime fifteen homes. I only go when they call me. When I get there, I listen to their problems and ask them what denomination of church that they belong to? They tell me so and so church. I answer and say okay.
Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.
I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?
Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.
Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.
I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?
Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.
Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
(131) House Blessing in Pahoa, Hawaii
On Sunday (7/10/11), after the Church Service was over, I went to Pahoa, Hawaii with two of the members of my church to do a house blessing. We all sat in the living room area and listened to the complaints of what was happening in the home. The living room area was gloomy dark, even though the sun was shining bright outside of the home. I immediately took my oil and asked God to bless the oil, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name. Instantly transformation took place with the oil and it became Holy Oil. I told the family that I would take the scriptures and pray from Psalm 67:1-7 for casting out any demonic spirit/spirits that may be within the home.
As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.
I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.
Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.
Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.
Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.
Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.
After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.
I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.
Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.
Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.
Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.
Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.
After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
I have been going to many homes when people call me for help and many of them are Christian Believers and some are not. Within a month’s period, I have been going to approximately eight to twelve, sometime fifteen homes. I only go when they call me. When I get there, I listen to their problems and ask them what denomination of church that they belong to? They tell me so and so church. I answer and say okay.
Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.
I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?
Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.
Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.
I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?
Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.
I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.
Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!
Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
(129) GREED
Let’s see what is written in the dictionary about greed. It is defined as a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. In other words, don’t let greed for riches have control over you. Sure we all need money to survive in this world of ours. Jesus warned against all types of greed. Let’s see what is written in Luke 12:15, Then he said, “Beware! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own.”
Let’s see what is written in 1 Sam. 2: 29, so why do you scorn my sacrifices and offerings? Why do you honor your sons more than me-for you and they have become fat from the best offerings of my people! Let’s look into 1 Tim. 3:3, 8 He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, peace loving and not one who loves money. 8 In the same way, deacons must be people who are respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers and must not be greedy for money.
Numerous times, I have mentioned people place money first and then place God second. No! It must not be! We must place God first. People who are in this situation serve “Mammon,” Greek form of a Syriac or Aramaic word for “money,” riches,” property,” “worldly goods,” “profit.” In other words, it is for their personal gain. Let’s look in Zephaniah 1:18, your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the Lord’s anger. For the whole land will be devoured by fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth. In other words, our fortunes or value of money will be all useless on that day, it will be worth nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. It will be worthless. People will be throwing their fortunes out on the street, such as gold, silver and money. It will be just pieces of paper and lots of metals.
Why? As I recollect, many, many years ago, I saw lots of wealthy people while I was working at the Memorial Park who passed away from this planet and they didn’t take their fortunes with them. What now? Could they buy their way to heaven? No! Absolutely not! They will be judged according to what they had done while they were living on this planet. Question, were they productive, generous or helpful to the less fortunate ones living on this planet? Are you with me so far? For me I truly believe, before a person takes their last breath on this planet, God will show them where they will be going. I have experienced in the past as I looked into their faces, sometimes the expression on the faces of the deceased showed fear and sometimes, it was a joyful face, it seemed like the person was smiling.
What really counts is while we are living on this planet; we must help the unfortunate ones who are struggling to live and to survive everyday of their lives and lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them don’t have enough food, medical or shelter to keep them warm from the harsh climate conditions that we encounter while we are living on this planet. Whenever time permits me, every so often, I watch the television programs where children are starving, without food, shelter, medical and they are stricken with sickness within themselves. It really saddens me very much. I pray to the Lord Jesus to comfort and protect them and provide whatever is necessary that they need to survive on this planet. Amen! (So be it)
The moral of this message is never being greedy, but to be very generous with others and I truly believe God will bless you much more in your wealth and health. Take care of your family and yourself, and then help others that need to be helped in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! Praise the Lord!
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Let’s see what is written in 1 Sam. 2: 29, so why do you scorn my sacrifices and offerings? Why do you honor your sons more than me-for you and they have become fat from the best offerings of my people! Let’s look into 1 Tim. 3:3, 8 He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, peace loving and not one who loves money. 8 In the same way, deacons must be people who are respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers and must not be greedy for money.
Numerous times, I have mentioned people place money first and then place God second. No! It must not be! We must place God first. People who are in this situation serve “Mammon,” Greek form of a Syriac or Aramaic word for “money,” riches,” property,” “worldly goods,” “profit.” In other words, it is for their personal gain. Let’s look in Zephaniah 1:18, your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the Lord’s anger. For the whole land will be devoured by fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth. In other words, our fortunes or value of money will be all useless on that day, it will be worth nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. It will be worthless. People will be throwing their fortunes out on the street, such as gold, silver and money. It will be just pieces of paper and lots of metals.
Why? As I recollect, many, many years ago, I saw lots of wealthy people while I was working at the Memorial Park who passed away from this planet and they didn’t take their fortunes with them. What now? Could they buy their way to heaven? No! Absolutely not! They will be judged according to what they had done while they were living on this planet. Question, were they productive, generous or helpful to the less fortunate ones living on this planet? Are you with me so far? For me I truly believe, before a person takes their last breath on this planet, God will show them where they will be going. I have experienced in the past as I looked into their faces, sometimes the expression on the faces of the deceased showed fear and sometimes, it was a joyful face, it seemed like the person was smiling.
What really counts is while we are living on this planet; we must help the unfortunate ones who are struggling to live and to survive everyday of their lives and lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them don’t have enough food, medical or shelter to keep them warm from the harsh climate conditions that we encounter while we are living on this planet. Whenever time permits me, every so often, I watch the television programs where children are starving, without food, shelter, medical and they are stricken with sickness within themselves. It really saddens me very much. I pray to the Lord Jesus to comfort and protect them and provide whatever is necessary that they need to survive on this planet. Amen! (So be it)
The moral of this message is never being greedy, but to be very generous with others and I truly believe God will bless you much more in your wealth and health. Take care of your family and yourself, and then help others that need to be helped in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! Praise the Lord!
Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Communion is very important for all Christians to partake in; some Christian churches may take their communion only once a month. It all depends on the Pastor of the church. Sometimes, people have asked me how often they should take their communion. My answer to that question was as often as you can. In 1 Corinthians 11: 25, “Do this in remembrance of me as often as you drink it.” So there are fifty-two weeks within a year that means 52 times a year. As an individual, you could take communion everyday if you or your family wants to have communion in your home. It’s all depends on individual preference. There is nothing wrong with it. Why? Sometimes, some of the church members may miss their communion, because of various reasons and they may have to wait a month or a month and half to take the next communion in the church.
Now what is communion? Communion is the nature of the Lord’s Supper, which many church groups refer to as their celebration of Jesus’ final, memorial supper with His disciples. So when you are taking the communion, pray on the elements that you have received. The Bread represents the body of our Lord Jesus and the Wine represents the Lord’s precious blood. When an authorized person blesses the elements, transformation will take place instantly, the bread becomes the body of the Lord Jesus and the wine becomes the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Communion can be very rewarding or can be very dangerous to a person. Why? Let’s see what is written in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30, for if you eat the bread or drink the cup unworthily, not honoring the body of Christ,* you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. So as you can see, we as Pastors must be very careful about communion. In other words, we cannot take it too lightly.
For example, sometimes a husband and wife may have spoken very harsh words to each other that morning or last night with bitterness within their hearts and when they arrive at the church, who knows what really took place within their home. Question, do they still have bitterness, anger, jealousy and etc. with someone or anger with the Lord because things didn’t happen in their favor within their home? They probably smile a little and enter into the church. No Pastors or Ministers could tell if a person/persons still have bitterness within them or what really took place that morning or last night within their home, it may be very dangerous for the person. Are you with me so far?
Many, many years ago, I was told by a Kahu (Shepherd) this particular family had taken the communion with bitterness within their hearts and after the church service was over, they got into their car and they left the church’s premises and got into an accident with a big truck. The whole family was run over, some got killed and some were very seriously injured. Now, could this be a coincidence or not? Only God knows the true answer. For me, I don’t want to take any chances for my members of the church. Of course, this must be prayed from within our hearts, not from the corner of our mouths. For example, let’s say I became the Captain in the military army for my company and my Lieutenants or Sergeants mess up and my whole company got wiped out from the enemy, I would personally feel responsible for my men in the company and I feel I may have to answer to the higher authorities. Sure in the eyes of men, I may not be responsible for it, but in the church and in the eyes of God, I may be responsible for them. I have to answer to God and that time I strongly feel that would be the hardest thing for me to answer and to explain to God. Why? A Pastor or Reverend is a shepherd of his or her flock of their church. Am I correct so far? At that time, the accountability will become much greater for the minister of the church. Remember in Mark 4:22, there is nothing hidden in the eyes of God, everything will be brought to light.
As a Pastor, whenever I giving the communion to the members of the church, I pray and encourage everyone to pray along with me and to ask God for forgiveness for all of our sins by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all of his sins and God forgave him. Now as a Pastor, I strongly feel, I had done my part and I truly feel a peace of mind within myself. So we cannot take it too lightly with communion; it could also be for healing, deliverance and etc.
Therefore, in many churches the Pastor, Reverend, Minister or authorized Associate Pastor will do the communion. We cannot take any chances at all. The accountability will be too great for the Pastor of the church in the eyes of God. Why? It is a very sacred ritual for us as Christians to partake in the communion. Some of the members may have serious illnesses or personal problems within themselves; therefore, communion is very important to participate in. Sometimes, healing or deliverance will take place while they are taking their communion within themselves in the church. It’s all depends on the individual’s faith.
Sometimes, people with serious illness within their body get healed without being aware about it. I always tell the members of the church to ask God to bless their elements (Bread and Wine) that they are holding in their hands, so God will bless it and could heal them, because individually they may or may not know their own personal problem/problems that need to be healed. Sometime, without them being aware about their illness or problems, God healed them. Sometimes, for some of us, waiting for once a month may be too late. Next week may never come for some of the members.
Now as a Pastor, I can face and look straight to the Lord Jesus’ eyes with a clear frame of mind and say I tried and did my part Lord! Now it becomes an individual responsibility, not the Pastor of the church. Does it make sense to you so far?
The moral of this message is Communion is honoring the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time, it is for healing and deliverance for the individual and also for the members of your church. Amen! (So be it)
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Now what is communion? Communion is the nature of the Lord’s Supper, which many church groups refer to as their celebration of Jesus’ final, memorial supper with His disciples. So when you are taking the communion, pray on the elements that you have received. The Bread represents the body of our Lord Jesus and the Wine represents the Lord’s precious blood. When an authorized person blesses the elements, transformation will take place instantly, the bread becomes the body of the Lord Jesus and the wine becomes the precious blood of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Communion can be very rewarding or can be very dangerous to a person. Why? Let’s see what is written in 1 Corinthians 11:29-30, for if you eat the bread or drink the cup unworthily, not honoring the body of Christ,* you are eating and drinking God’s judgment upon yourself. 30 That is why many of you are weak and sick and some have even died. So as you can see, we as Pastors must be very careful about communion. In other words, we cannot take it too lightly.
For example, sometimes a husband and wife may have spoken very harsh words to each other that morning or last night with bitterness within their hearts and when they arrive at the church, who knows what really took place within their home. Question, do they still have bitterness, anger, jealousy and etc. with someone or anger with the Lord because things didn’t happen in their favor within their home? They probably smile a little and enter into the church. No Pastors or Ministers could tell if a person/persons still have bitterness within them or what really took place that morning or last night within their home, it may be very dangerous for the person. Are you with me so far?
Many, many years ago, I was told by a Kahu (Shepherd) this particular family had taken the communion with bitterness within their hearts and after the church service was over, they got into their car and they left the church’s premises and got into an accident with a big truck. The whole family was run over, some got killed and some were very seriously injured. Now, could this be a coincidence or not? Only God knows the true answer. For me, I don’t want to take any chances for my members of the church. Of course, this must be prayed from within our hearts, not from the corner of our mouths. For example, let’s say I became the Captain in the military army for my company and my Lieutenants or Sergeants mess up and my whole company got wiped out from the enemy, I would personally feel responsible for my men in the company and I feel I may have to answer to the higher authorities. Sure in the eyes of men, I may not be responsible for it, but in the church and in the eyes of God, I may be responsible for them. I have to answer to God and that time I strongly feel that would be the hardest thing for me to answer and to explain to God. Why? A Pastor or Reverend is a shepherd of his or her flock of their church. Am I correct so far? At that time, the accountability will become much greater for the minister of the church. Remember in Mark 4:22, there is nothing hidden in the eyes of God, everything will be brought to light.
As a Pastor, whenever I giving the communion to the members of the church, I pray and encourage everyone to pray along with me and to ask God for forgiveness for all of our sins by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all of his sins and God forgave him. Now as a Pastor, I strongly feel, I had done my part and I truly feel a peace of mind within myself. So we cannot take it too lightly with communion; it could also be for healing, deliverance and etc.
Therefore, in many churches the Pastor, Reverend, Minister or authorized Associate Pastor will do the communion. We cannot take any chances at all. The accountability will be too great for the Pastor of the church in the eyes of God. Why? It is a very sacred ritual for us as Christians to partake in the communion. Some of the members may have serious illnesses or personal problems within themselves; therefore, communion is very important to participate in. Sometimes, healing or deliverance will take place while they are taking their communion within themselves in the church. It’s all depends on the individual’s faith.
Sometimes, people with serious illness within their body get healed without being aware about it. I always tell the members of the church to ask God to bless their elements (Bread and Wine) that they are holding in their hands, so God will bless it and could heal them, because individually they may or may not know their own personal problem/problems that need to be healed. Sometime, without them being aware about their illness or problems, God healed them. Sometimes, for some of us, waiting for once a month may be too late. Next week may never come for some of the members.
Now as a Pastor, I can face and look straight to the Lord Jesus’ eyes with a clear frame of mind and say I tried and did my part Lord! Now it becomes an individual responsibility, not the Pastor of the church. Does it make sense to you so far?
The moral of this message is Communion is honoring the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ and at the same time, it is for healing and deliverance for the individual and also for the members of your church. Amen! (So be it)
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sunday, June 19, 2011
No! It is not a great loss at all, but it is all to gain. Are you so Mighty and have so much Pride within yourself? If your answer is yes, then this message may be for you. This morning (6/11/11) at 9:40AM, as I sat down in front of my computer and I asked God what He would want me to write in the Internet Church Topics; instantly, “Forgiveness” came to me. In my mind this must be for some people the Lord wants me to give this message to. I really don’t know whom this message is for.
You must realize, no one is perfect in this world, except the Lord Jesus Christ and some of you have so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within your heart. Stop it in Jesus Mighty Name! Sometimes, the Lord may take the breath of life out of a person. How? When a person has so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within his or her heart, high blood pressure may come to the person and who knows what will happen. It could be a stroke or heart attack. In other words, something may give up. Don’t you agree with me?
You must ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into a person’s heart and He will decide if you are sincere or not. We cannot play any games with the Lord Jesus, believe me it is very serious. We all came from heaven for a little vacation and we must all return back to heaven. Amen? I pray you will all agree with me. Now when you stop and think about it, our life on this planet is very short. We must make use of every moment to do constructive, not destructive while we are living on this planet. If you want to, you could multiply 1.44 times your present age and to see how long you have lived on this planet in God’s eyes. For example, 50 years old man times 1.44 min. per year equals 72 minutes in God’s eyes. So as you can see, our life is not as long as you may think.
First of all, we must worship and have relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Some people worship money before God, in other words, they place money first then God second. It is not right; we must place God first within our life, because when we take our last breath on this planet and take our first breath up in heaven, will our fortunes from this planet be up in heaven? No! Absolutely not! It may seem like we will be at a poverty level; unless, we give our tithes or offerings to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. For example, we may think we are wealthy on this earth and if we don’t give, we become poor in heaven. Let’s look at what is written in Malachi 3:8-9, after you had read the verses, you will understand what I mean. How can we break the curse? You will find the answer in Malachi 3:10.
Let’s get back to forgiveness, Psalm 51: 5 For I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. We must ask God to forgive us for all of our sins and make us whole in Jesus Mighty Name. You may use Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all his sins he had committed and God forgave him. Why? We serve the most understanding, loving and forgiving God. It doesn’t matter if you are just a member, deacon, elder, or even pastor of the church, we are all equal in the eyes of God. The only difference is ranking in the church, the higher you become, the higher your accountability with God. In other words, you must answer to God; that is the hardest thing to do. You will find the answer in Mark 4:22. Now if you don’t ask God to forgive you, then sometime the most precious things of yours may be taken away from you as a wakeup call. If it happens, then you cannot blame anyone, but yourself.
Everyday, we fall into sins, it doesn’t matter who you are so therefore; everyday, we must ask god for forgiveness. Forgiveness is your answer to most of your problems. Now this prayer must be prayed from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into the person’s heart. Does it make sense so far?
Remember, God is “Love”. Just think for a minute, our Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross to buy all of our sins, and he also shed his precious blood so we can live much more abundantly within our lives. All his pains, agonies, and suffering he went through for all of us. Why? He had shown the true love for all of us. What is true love? It is a long suffering. Don’t you think the Lord Jesus had gone through a long suffering? Believe me, He did.
Sometimes, I close my eyes and picture myself; if I could duplicate what the Lord Jesus has gone through - all the pains and suffering. My answer is no. For me, even one tiny splitter from the lumber, which poked my hands or fingers, really hurts and is very painful. Every so often, I thank the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for you and me. Amen!
There are three steps:
1) Always ask God for forgiveness from your heart, not from corner of your mouth.
2) Always give your tithes or offerings to God, to break the curse.
3) Always be obedient to the Lord Jesus, He will guide you to the godly path.
The moral of this message is always asking god for forgiveness.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
You must realize, no one is perfect in this world, except the Lord Jesus Christ and some of you have so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within your heart. Stop it in Jesus Mighty Name! Sometimes, the Lord may take the breath of life out of a person. How? When a person has so much bitterness, jealousy and anger within his or her heart, high blood pressure may come to the person and who knows what will happen. It could be a stroke or heart attack. In other words, something may give up. Don’t you agree with me?
You must ask the Lord Jesus for forgiveness from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into a person’s heart and He will decide if you are sincere or not. We cannot play any games with the Lord Jesus, believe me it is very serious. We all came from heaven for a little vacation and we must all return back to heaven. Amen? I pray you will all agree with me. Now when you stop and think about it, our life on this planet is very short. We must make use of every moment to do constructive, not destructive while we are living on this planet. If you want to, you could multiply 1.44 times your present age and to see how long you have lived on this planet in God’s eyes. For example, 50 years old man times 1.44 min. per year equals 72 minutes in God’s eyes. So as you can see, our life is not as long as you may think.
First of all, we must worship and have relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Some people worship money before God, in other words, they place money first then God second. It is not right; we must place God first within our life, because when we take our last breath on this planet and take our first breath up in heaven, will our fortunes from this planet be up in heaven? No! Absolutely not! It may seem like we will be at a poverty level; unless, we give our tithes or offerings to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. For example, we may think we are wealthy on this earth and if we don’t give, we become poor in heaven. Let’s look at what is written in Malachi 3:8-9, after you had read the verses, you will understand what I mean. How can we break the curse? You will find the answer in Malachi 3:10.
Let’s get back to forgiveness, Psalm 51: 5 For I was born a sinner—yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. We must ask God to forgive us for all of our sins and make us whole in Jesus Mighty Name. You may use Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all his sins he had committed and God forgave him. Why? We serve the most understanding, loving and forgiving God. It doesn’t matter if you are just a member, deacon, elder, or even pastor of the church, we are all equal in the eyes of God. The only difference is ranking in the church, the higher you become, the higher your accountability with God. In other words, you must answer to God; that is the hardest thing to do. You will find the answer in Mark 4:22. Now if you don’t ask God to forgive you, then sometime the most precious things of yours may be taken away from you as a wakeup call. If it happens, then you cannot blame anyone, but yourself.
Everyday, we fall into sins, it doesn’t matter who you are so therefore; everyday, we must ask god for forgiveness. Forgiveness is your answer to most of your problems. Now this prayer must be prayed from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Why? God looks into the person’s heart. Does it make sense so far?
Remember, God is “Love”. Just think for a minute, our Lord Jesus was nailed to the cross to buy all of our sins, and he also shed his precious blood so we can live much more abundantly within our lives. All his pains, agonies, and suffering he went through for all of us. Why? He had shown the true love for all of us. What is true love? It is a long suffering. Don’t you think the Lord Jesus had gone through a long suffering? Believe me, He did.
Sometimes, I close my eyes and picture myself; if I could duplicate what the Lord Jesus has gone through - all the pains and suffering. My answer is no. For me, even one tiny splitter from the lumber, which poked my hands or fingers, really hurts and is very painful. Every so often, I thank the Lord Jesus for dying on the cross for you and me. Amen!
There are three steps:
1) Always ask God for forgiveness from your heart, not from corner of your mouth.
2) Always give your tithes or offerings to God, to break the curse.
3) Always be obedient to the Lord Jesus, He will guide you to the godly path.
The moral of this message is always asking god for forgiveness.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Every so often people have mentioned to me that they have experienced the “Press!” While they were sleeping or lying on their bed, they could feel something on top of them. For those of you who are not familiar with the press, it is a spirit or spirits who may sit or lie down on the top of your chest area while you are lying down on your bed or sofa with your eyes closed and your mind is wide awake. Some people tell me they wanted to open their eyes, but couldn’t open them and at the same time they wanted to move their arms, hands, legs, feet or even yell from their mouth and no sound came out of their mouth or couldn’t do anything. Sometimes, this “PRESS” could be from jealous, angry, cursing, bitter spirits or you may have been worshipping the dead. If you have been worshipping the dead, the dead may come to you. Now, if you have a bible, turn to Ecclesiastes 9:5-8, it will explain to you about the dead.
Now let’s get back to the Press, If this situation ever happens to you, first of all you must relax and do not panic. I will repeat again, DO NOT PANIC! Now focus your mind, heart and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. One thing we should all be grateful and thankful for is that the demonic spirit/spirits cannot read your mind. They may give you suggestions or thoughts and will try to create fear upon you and that is what they will capitalize on. So within your mind, pray to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and mind. Now within your mind, say, “I rebuke you demonic spirit/spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!” until such time when your voice comes out of your mouth and pray the Lord’s precious blood to cover you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, in and out of your body in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
How many of you have had the experience of putting some salt on the slugs or snails crawling in your back yard? What do slugs or snails do? They will try to avoid the salt instantly. Am I correct? I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits; they instantly will be gone, when they see you are covered with Lord’s precious blood upon you.
Approximately 35 years ago or longer, I had experienced the press and I understand what is like to be pressed down by the demonic spirit. At that time, I wasn’t a Christian at all and I was very desperate and scared, because of this happening to me. I tried to open my eyes or to move my arms, legs, and feet and even tried to yell or say something and couldn’t do any of these things. I remember I was perspiring on my forehead, because of the fear in my mind. I thought, I was getting a heart attack or even getting a stroke, these things had been crossing my mind while my eyes were closed.
Now, I didn’t experience any of these symptoms such as getting a heart attack or even a stroke. Also at that time, I didn’t know anything about demonic spirits at all. Anyway, then suddenly the name of Jesus came to my mind and I called His Name and instantly something had let go of me. Praise the Lord! As I recollect, I couldn’t move my arms, hands, legs, feet, yell or even open both of my eyes at all. Till today, I didn’t know why I had called upon the Name of Jesus Christ. Approximately nineteen years later I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior. At that time I didn’t anticipate becoming a strong Christian believer. Today, it is totally different for me, everyday; I try to get a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is like inch by inch trying to get closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe this was all in God’s plan for me. Sometimes, when you get closer to the Lord Jesus, your family, friends, members of the church or even other Christians may speak negative about you. If that ever happens to you, don’t worry about it, just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus and let Him take care of it.
One thing is for sure, sometimes, it becomes strong evidence that you are getting a closer relationship with Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Just think for a second, when a person gets closer to the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, do you think Satan and his followers would like that? Of course not! Satan and his followers will not give a pat on that person’s back and say you are a faithful servant to the Lord Jesus Christ, so please continue. No, Satan will use every means of discouraging the person from being closer to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. How? By using other people to speak negatively about the person, without the person knowing that he or she may have been used by Satan and his followers. So don’t worry about it. As a pastor, I have countless times, where people try to tell me about another person, at that time in my mind it is just gossip, so what I normally do and say, is that right? I just smile and walk away from that person without trying to offend that person who doing the gossiping. Let’s say I would stand or sit down and listen to that person’s gossip; in God’s eyes I would be just as guilty as that person telling the story. Am I right or wrong? In James 3:7-10 you will find the answer about a person who gossips. Our job as a Christians is to study God’s words and be obedient to Him. Does it make sense so far? If it does make sense to you, say Amen. Remember, you cannot judge anyone or judgment may come upon you. Only the Lord can judge each and every one of us fairly.
Now let’s get back to the Press, if it ever happens to you, just pray to the Lord Jesus and call His Name and the Holy Spirit to help you. Even in a short prayer, “Lord Jesus save me!” Now this must be prayed from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.
Aloha to all you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Now let’s get back to the Press, If this situation ever happens to you, first of all you must relax and do not panic. I will repeat again, DO NOT PANIC! Now focus your mind, heart and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. One thing we should all be grateful and thankful for is that the demonic spirit/spirits cannot read your mind. They may give you suggestions or thoughts and will try to create fear upon you and that is what they will capitalize on. So within your mind, pray to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and mind. Now within your mind, say, “I rebuke you demonic spirit/spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!” until such time when your voice comes out of your mouth and pray the Lord’s precious blood to cover you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, in and out of your body in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
How many of you have had the experience of putting some salt on the slugs or snails crawling in your back yard? What do slugs or snails do? They will try to avoid the salt instantly. Am I correct? I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits; they instantly will be gone, when they see you are covered with Lord’s precious blood upon you.
Approximately 35 years ago or longer, I had experienced the press and I understand what is like to be pressed down by the demonic spirit. At that time, I wasn’t a Christian at all and I was very desperate and scared, because of this happening to me. I tried to open my eyes or to move my arms, legs, and feet and even tried to yell or say something and couldn’t do any of these things. I remember I was perspiring on my forehead, because of the fear in my mind. I thought, I was getting a heart attack or even getting a stroke, these things had been crossing my mind while my eyes were closed.
Now, I didn’t experience any of these symptoms such as getting a heart attack or even a stroke. Also at that time, I didn’t know anything about demonic spirits at all. Anyway, then suddenly the name of Jesus came to my mind and I called His Name and instantly something had let go of me. Praise the Lord! As I recollect, I couldn’t move my arms, hands, legs, feet, yell or even open both of my eyes at all. Till today, I didn’t know why I had called upon the Name of Jesus Christ. Approximately nineteen years later I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior. At that time I didn’t anticipate becoming a strong Christian believer. Today, it is totally different for me, everyday; I try to get a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is like inch by inch trying to get closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe this was all in God’s plan for me. Sometimes, when you get closer to the Lord Jesus, your family, friends, members of the church or even other Christians may speak negative about you. If that ever happens to you, don’t worry about it, just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus and let Him take care of it.
One thing is for sure, sometimes, it becomes strong evidence that you are getting a closer relationship with Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Just think for a second, when a person gets closer to the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, do you think Satan and his followers would like that? Of course not! Satan and his followers will not give a pat on that person’s back and say you are a faithful servant to the Lord Jesus Christ, so please continue. No, Satan will use every means of discouraging the person from being closer to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. How? By using other people to speak negatively about the person, without the person knowing that he or she may have been used by Satan and his followers. So don’t worry about it. As a pastor, I have countless times, where people try to tell me about another person, at that time in my mind it is just gossip, so what I normally do and say, is that right? I just smile and walk away from that person without trying to offend that person who doing the gossiping. Let’s say I would stand or sit down and listen to that person’s gossip; in God’s eyes I would be just as guilty as that person telling the story. Am I right or wrong? In James 3:7-10 you will find the answer about a person who gossips. Our job as a Christians is to study God’s words and be obedient to Him. Does it make sense so far? If it does make sense to you, say Amen. Remember, you cannot judge anyone or judgment may come upon you. Only the Lord can judge each and every one of us fairly.
Now let’s get back to the Press, if it ever happens to you, just pray to the Lord Jesus and call His Name and the Holy Spirit to help you. Even in a short prayer, “Lord Jesus save me!” Now this must be prayed from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.
Aloha to all you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
What is an exorcism? Well, according to the Christian dictionary, it is a ceremony used to drive Demons out of a person they have possessed. Jesus healed people tormented by evil spirits, casting them out with the word, and his followers later drove out demons in his name.
Personally, I have gone to many house and land blessings whenever people call me, if I am available at that time. Sometimes, the demon is inside of the person and may say something, such as “Go away!” I am going to strike you! I am going to destroy you and your family! Most of the time, the voices are very angry low voices. Sometimes, the person may laugh in a continued way. Sometimes, the door will slam very hard and the wall will pound where the picture frame hanging on the wall bounces back and forth. Now, if this ever happens to you and your family, stand firm on your ground and pray to the Lord Jesus and to the Power of the Holy Spirit to protect you and your family. Turn on Christian music or songs and play them! These demonic spirit/spirits doesn’t like any Christian music or songs at all.
Call your Pastor, Minister, Reverend, Elder or Deacon as soon as possible and explain to them what has happening within your home. Invite them over to your home as soon as possible. Have them bless your home and pray for you and your family. Remember, when two or more are gathered in the Lord’s Name. He will be there. Amen! (So be it)
In Mark 16: 17 These signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. Now I am not telling for you to go out and cast out demons from any home, unless you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus. You may bless ONLY within your home or family or have an authorized person bless your home and family. It’s depends on the individual’s faith with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to accomplish this blessing.
These demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they can create only fear and that’s what they will try to capitalize on. They can only give you thoughts and suggestions, and then they will see how you will react. Stand firm on a solid ground, not on sinking sand. Remember, we are created in the image of God as stated in Genesis 1: 27, so we are higher beings than the angels or any demonic spirits.
We must not try to give the demonic spirits any reasons at all. Remember, when Jesus was tempted three times and Jesus didn’t obey any of the Devil’s requests, such as: Matthew 4:3-4 then the Devil* came and said to him, (1) “if you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread.” 4 but Jesus told him, No! The scripture say People need more than bread for their life; they feed on every word of God. (2) Matthew 4: 5, 6, 7 Then the Devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the temple, 6 and said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the scriptures say, ‘He orders his angels to protect you. And they will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.” 7 Jesus responded, “The scriptures also say, ‘do not test the Lord your God.” (3) Matthew 4: 8, 9, 10 Next the Devil took him to the peak of a high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. 9 I will give it all to you, “he said, “If you will only kneel down and worship me.” 10 Get out of here, Satan, “Jesus told him. “For the scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God; serve only him. ‘*” Satan couldn’t find any faults with our Lord Jesus Christ and left Him. Praise the Lord! Now let’s say Jesus had obeyed and complied with what Satan had requested, would that make Jesus subject under Satan’s authority? Of course it would. Why? It would be like taking orders from Satan. Don’t you think so? Thank God! He stood firm against Satan and said “No!” to Satan. As you can see Satan and his follower are master deceivers and they are here to destroy all what God had created, mostly man.
I know we as human beings are not perfect, so we must always ask the Lord Jesus to forgive us for all our sins and make us whole in Jesus Mighty Name. In other words, Jesus became our living sacrifice to buy all of our sins, so we could live abundantly in our life. We must study the words within our bible and know the words, so we can know the truth and the truth will set us free.
Sometimes, when we try to read our bible, we become sleepy and want to go to sleep. Many years ago, it had happened to me, so I understand what it is like. For me, before I open my bible, I make a short prayer and ask god to keep all the ungodly angels away from me, so I can be able to study the bible. Let me ask you a question, do you think, Satan and his follows, the devil want us to study the bible? NO! Not at all! Absolutely Not! Sometimes, they make the bible words blurry to prevent me from reading it, so I would make my short prayer prior to reading my bible, it would make the words much more clear, so I could be able to read all of God’ words. Amen! I am sure some of you had experienced this situation and know what I mean? If I am correct? Say Amen!
I pray this message is very informative to you. Amen!
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Personally, I have gone to many house and land blessings whenever people call me, if I am available at that time. Sometimes, the demon is inside of the person and may say something, such as “Go away!” I am going to strike you! I am going to destroy you and your family! Most of the time, the voices are very angry low voices. Sometimes, the person may laugh in a continued way. Sometimes, the door will slam very hard and the wall will pound where the picture frame hanging on the wall bounces back and forth. Now, if this ever happens to you and your family, stand firm on your ground and pray to the Lord Jesus and to the Power of the Holy Spirit to protect you and your family. Turn on Christian music or songs and play them! These demonic spirit/spirits doesn’t like any Christian music or songs at all.
Call your Pastor, Minister, Reverend, Elder or Deacon as soon as possible and explain to them what has happening within your home. Invite them over to your home as soon as possible. Have them bless your home and pray for you and your family. Remember, when two or more are gathered in the Lord’s Name. He will be there. Amen! (So be it)
In Mark 16: 17 These signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. Now I am not telling for you to go out and cast out demons from any home, unless you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus. You may bless ONLY within your home or family or have an authorized person bless your home and family. It’s depends on the individual’s faith with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to accomplish this blessing.
These demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they can create only fear and that’s what they will try to capitalize on. They can only give you thoughts and suggestions, and then they will see how you will react. Stand firm on a solid ground, not on sinking sand. Remember, we are created in the image of God as stated in Genesis 1: 27, so we are higher beings than the angels or any demonic spirits.
We must not try to give the demonic spirits any reasons at all. Remember, when Jesus was tempted three times and Jesus didn’t obey any of the Devil’s requests, such as: Matthew 4:3-4 then the Devil* came and said to him, (1) “if you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread.” 4 but Jesus told him, No! The scripture say People need more than bread for their life; they feed on every word of God. (2) Matthew 4: 5, 6, 7 Then the Devil took him to Jerusalem, to the highest point of the temple, 6 and said, “If you are the Son of God, jump off! For the scriptures say, ‘He orders his angels to protect you. And they will hold you with their hands to keep you from striking your foot on a stone.” 7 Jesus responded, “The scriptures also say, ‘do not test the Lord your God.” (3) Matthew 4: 8, 9, 10 Next the Devil took him to the peak of a high mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. 9 I will give it all to you, “he said, “If you will only kneel down and worship me.” 10 Get out of here, Satan, “Jesus told him. “For the scriptures say, ‘You must worship the Lord your God; serve only him. ‘*” Satan couldn’t find any faults with our Lord Jesus Christ and left Him. Praise the Lord! Now let’s say Jesus had obeyed and complied with what Satan had requested, would that make Jesus subject under Satan’s authority? Of course it would. Why? It would be like taking orders from Satan. Don’t you think so? Thank God! He stood firm against Satan and said “No!” to Satan. As you can see Satan and his follower are master deceivers and they are here to destroy all what God had created, mostly man.
I know we as human beings are not perfect, so we must always ask the Lord Jesus to forgive us for all our sins and make us whole in Jesus Mighty Name. In other words, Jesus became our living sacrifice to buy all of our sins, so we could live abundantly in our life. We must study the words within our bible and know the words, so we can know the truth and the truth will set us free.
Sometimes, when we try to read our bible, we become sleepy and want to go to sleep. Many years ago, it had happened to me, so I understand what it is like. For me, before I open my bible, I make a short prayer and ask god to keep all the ungodly angels away from me, so I can be able to study the bible. Let me ask you a question, do you think, Satan and his follows, the devil want us to study the bible? NO! Not at all! Absolutely Not! Sometimes, they make the bible words blurry to prevent me from reading it, so I would make my short prayer prior to reading my bible, it would make the words much more clear, so I could be able to read all of God’ words. Amen! I am sure some of you had experienced this situation and know what I mean? If I am correct? Say Amen!
I pray this message is very informative to you. Amen!
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Monday, May 30, 2011
I was asked to do a house blessing in the Hilo area, so I brought along Elder John Ide and we both went to the home. After listening to the family, I asked Elder John if he could make the prayer, which he did. While he was praying, I used my spiritual vision to see if I could see any of these demonic spirit/spirits. At that time, I couldn’t see any of the spirit/spirits from where I was standing, although I could sense something was hidden in the back bedroom; so I asked the owners of the home, if I could walk in the last bedroom and they said okay.
When I approached the last bedroom, the spirits were hidden in the bedroom closet; it had two demonic spirits, an elderly looking male and a female demonic spirit. Both of them went through the bedroom wall and went to the next bedroom. I immediately walked to the next bedroom and bound both of the spirits in Jesus Mighty Name. At the same time, I noticed the bedroom had a sliding door, so I opened the sliding door and the screen door to let out the demonic spirits from the home. Both of the demonic spirits left the home. I had given the Holy Spirit and the Angels full permission and control to search out the entire home from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. The home became clean. Praise the lord!
I told the family there are three things that may break my prayer. 1) If you pray for the dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, it may come back. 3) If you mediate or talk about it, it may come back. Now if you don’t do any of these three things, they have no reasons to come back. They all understood, so I had asked Elder John to close the house blessing by praying the Lord’s Prayer. (Matthew 6:9-13)
As we were about to leave, the woman of the home asked me if we could bless the next-door home because it belongs to them. My answered to her was yes. I will be most happy to pray on the next door home. We all walked next door and her husband was walking in front of us, so he opened the front entrance door. I had told Elder John, I would make the first pray, which I did, because something was telling me to do the prayer.
As I entered the home, I sensed something was within the home; it was an elderly oriental man and woman spirits. I saw the man spirit go out of the home and while I was concentrating on the man spirit, the woman spirit came from the back of me and struck my left ankle, it was very painful; however, I kept on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ even with the pain on my left ankle. Finally the woman spirit left the home. Praise the Lord! The pain lasted about three days. This morning (5/25/11) the pain of my left ankle is completely gone. I thank God for it.
Now as I recollect, I was wondering why at that time the Holy Spirit wanted me to do the blessing of the home. Now I have my answer, because the spirit may try to hurt Elder John Ide real bad. Time after time I have mentioned too many of you, these spirit/spirits are master deceivers, they are here to deceive, to destroy and to kill you. They have all the time on their side; regretfully we all don’t have much time. You could go to 2 Peter 3:8-9 and find the answer about what I mean. In other words, we don’t really have as much time as we think.
As we were leaving the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to protect all of us so that not one single strand of our hair shall be harmed by these demonic spirits, also none of these spirits will be able to follow us to our home or to our destination in Jesus Mighty Name.
Now I am not discouraging anyone for doing the Lord’s work, if you have the Lord’s blessing upon you, by all mean do it. You must be absolutely, positively sure or disasters may come upon you or your family. From my experience, these demonic spirits can hurt or even try to take you or your family’s life. This demonic spirits don’t have any compassion or love within them. For that reason “THESE ARE CALLED SATAN, DEVILS OR DEMONIC SPIRITS!”
This morning (5/26/11) 4:35, I was praying to my Lord Jesus Christ up in Heaven as my usual morning prayer asking some of the questions and my answers to my questions came to me. The enemy (Satan) doesn’t like me at all because of all the people who have spiritual problems and I have been casting out thousands of demonic spirits out of the people’s homes and sending them to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty name. Sometime when I meet the people in the supermarket and many other places, I ask them how everything is with you and your family? They told me; so far it is fine within our family. In other words, I became a thorn to the demonic spirits’ butts. They even will try to use some Christian peoples to speak negative about you or including me. At that time, the person didn’t realize that he or she has been use by Satan or his followers. Remember, I have witnessed many times, when the person speak something negative about the person, one day that same person may speak negative about you. For me I just smile and walk away from the person. In our bible written: Do not judge or judgment may come upon you. In other words, leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I prayed to the Lord Jesus and asked what shall I do? He said He will be with me and take care of it. At that time, something strange happened to me, it seemed something gently pulled my head to the right side and kissed the right side of my cheek, it was warm lips touches my cheek. This was my first time in my Christian life I ever experienced this. Thank You Lord Jesus!
As I recollect, when people call me during the morning, day or night, I have been going to their homes and helping them in Jesus Mighty Name. Sometimes, the demonic spirits were three feet to nine feet in height. Sometimes, it will be waist up with no legs. Many of them are very ugly animal looking spirits with reddish eyeballs and black pupils. Some of them have horns on the head and body. Some are small and some are huge in size. So if you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus, don’t be afraid. “Go in Jesus Mighty Name!” and help the people that need to be helped in Jesus Name. In one of my topics, I had written if you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus, the demonic spirit/spirits may not see you, but will see Christ, not you and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. Does it make sense to you? If it does say Amen! (So be it)
From what I have observed in Christian life, we all have special gifts from God: some of us are very good in giving sermons, some of us are good in healings, some of us are good in the worship team, some of us are good in deliverance and much more. In other words, when we all put everyone’s gifts together in unity, in one accord, we become the body of Christ. Don’t you agree with me? Now let’s get back to the house blessing, it was a very good feeling as we left the homes and none of the demonic spirits had followed us. Praise the lord!
The moral of this message is always focusing your mind and heart to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit then you will never go wrong.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
When I approached the last bedroom, the spirits were hidden in the bedroom closet; it had two demonic spirits, an elderly looking male and a female demonic spirit. Both of them went through the bedroom wall and went to the next bedroom. I immediately walked to the next bedroom and bound both of the spirits in Jesus Mighty Name. At the same time, I noticed the bedroom had a sliding door, so I opened the sliding door and the screen door to let out the demonic spirits from the home. Both of the demonic spirits left the home. I had given the Holy Spirit and the Angels full permission and control to search out the entire home from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. The home became clean. Praise the lord!
I told the family there are three things that may break my prayer. 1) If you pray for the dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, it may come back. 3) If you mediate or talk about it, it may come back. Now if you don’t do any of these three things, they have no reasons to come back. They all understood, so I had asked Elder John to close the house blessing by praying the Lord’s Prayer. (Matthew 6:9-13)
As we were about to leave, the woman of the home asked me if we could bless the next-door home because it belongs to them. My answered to her was yes. I will be most happy to pray on the next door home. We all walked next door and her husband was walking in front of us, so he opened the front entrance door. I had told Elder John, I would make the first pray, which I did, because something was telling me to do the prayer.
As I entered the home, I sensed something was within the home; it was an elderly oriental man and woman spirits. I saw the man spirit go out of the home and while I was concentrating on the man spirit, the woman spirit came from the back of me and struck my left ankle, it was very painful; however, I kept on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ even with the pain on my left ankle. Finally the woman spirit left the home. Praise the Lord! The pain lasted about three days. This morning (5/25/11) the pain of my left ankle is completely gone. I thank God for it.
Now as I recollect, I was wondering why at that time the Holy Spirit wanted me to do the blessing of the home. Now I have my answer, because the spirit may try to hurt Elder John Ide real bad. Time after time I have mentioned too many of you, these spirit/spirits are master deceivers, they are here to deceive, to destroy and to kill you. They have all the time on their side; regretfully we all don’t have much time. You could go to 2 Peter 3:8-9 and find the answer about what I mean. In other words, we don’t really have as much time as we think.
As we were leaving the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to protect all of us so that not one single strand of our hair shall be harmed by these demonic spirits, also none of these spirits will be able to follow us to our home or to our destination in Jesus Mighty Name.
Now I am not discouraging anyone for doing the Lord’s work, if you have the Lord’s blessing upon you, by all mean do it. You must be absolutely, positively sure or disasters may come upon you or your family. From my experience, these demonic spirits can hurt or even try to take you or your family’s life. This demonic spirits don’t have any compassion or love within them. For that reason “THESE ARE CALLED SATAN, DEVILS OR DEMONIC SPIRITS!”
This morning (5/26/11) 4:35, I was praying to my Lord Jesus Christ up in Heaven as my usual morning prayer asking some of the questions and my answers to my questions came to me. The enemy (Satan) doesn’t like me at all because of all the people who have spiritual problems and I have been casting out thousands of demonic spirits out of the people’s homes and sending them to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty name. Sometime when I meet the people in the supermarket and many other places, I ask them how everything is with you and your family? They told me; so far it is fine within our family. In other words, I became a thorn to the demonic spirits’ butts. They even will try to use some Christian peoples to speak negative about you or including me. At that time, the person didn’t realize that he or she has been use by Satan or his followers. Remember, I have witnessed many times, when the person speak something negative about the person, one day that same person may speak negative about you. For me I just smile and walk away from the person. In our bible written: Do not judge or judgment may come upon you. In other words, leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ.
I prayed to the Lord Jesus and asked what shall I do? He said He will be with me and take care of it. At that time, something strange happened to me, it seemed something gently pulled my head to the right side and kissed the right side of my cheek, it was warm lips touches my cheek. This was my first time in my Christian life I ever experienced this. Thank You Lord Jesus!
As I recollect, when people call me during the morning, day or night, I have been going to their homes and helping them in Jesus Mighty Name. Sometimes, the demonic spirits were three feet to nine feet in height. Sometimes, it will be waist up with no legs. Many of them are very ugly animal looking spirits with reddish eyeballs and black pupils. Some of them have horns on the head and body. Some are small and some are huge in size. So if you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus, don’t be afraid. “Go in Jesus Mighty Name!” and help the people that need to be helped in Jesus Name. In one of my topics, I had written if you have the authorization from the Lord Jesus, the demonic spirit/spirits may not see you, but will see Christ, not you and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. Does it make sense to you? If it does say Amen! (So be it)
From what I have observed in Christian life, we all have special gifts from God: some of us are very good in giving sermons, some of us are good in healings, some of us are good in the worship team, some of us are good in deliverance and much more. In other words, when we all put everyone’s gifts together in unity, in one accord, we become the body of Christ. Don’t you agree with me? Now let’s get back to the house blessing, it was a very good feeling as we left the homes and none of the demonic spirits had followed us. Praise the lord!
The moral of this message is always focusing your mind and heart to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit then you will never go wrong.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
Sunday, May 15, 2011
In the Bible dictionary, faith is defined as trust. Throughout the Scriptures faith is the trustful human response to God’s self-revelation via His words and His actions. God initiates the relationship between Himself and human beings. He expects people to trust Him; failure to trust Him was in essence the first sin.
If you were to read from Genesis 3:1-7, Adam and Eve didn’t have faith and trust in God. The serpent, Satan tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God’s goodness. He implied that God was strict, stingy, and selfish for not wanting Eve to share his knowledge of good and evil. Satan made Eve forget all God had given her and, instead, focus on the one thing she couldn’t have. We as human beings always fall into problems too, when we dwell on the few things we don’t have rather on the countless things God has given us. The next time you are feeling sorry for yourself and what you don’t have, consider all you do have and thank god for it, then your doubt won’t lead you to sin. As I mentioned many times, God doesn’t have one speck or black spot or blemish in Him, unlike we human beings have. Everyday of our lives, we must always ask God’s for forgiveness; forgiveness is our answer to many of our problems.
There are two ways within our life that we can try to be successful. 1) We as human beings can try to be successful by our own ability by using our wisdom, skill and knowledge. Many times, it may fail. 2) We as human beings can be successful in our life by the blessing from God. For me, I would choose God’s way, because in God’s way, He will open the entire path for you by removing all obstacles that may come in your way. Believe me, it will become much more smooth sailing for you in your life. Remember, these words:
“FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE” The greatness of these is LOVE. Love conquers a multitude of sins.
I pray these messages are very informative to your life of success.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
If you were to read from Genesis 3:1-7, Adam and Eve didn’t have faith and trust in God. The serpent, Satan tempted Eve by getting her to doubt God’s goodness. He implied that God was strict, stingy, and selfish for not wanting Eve to share his knowledge of good and evil. Satan made Eve forget all God had given her and, instead, focus on the one thing she couldn’t have. We as human beings always fall into problems too, when we dwell on the few things we don’t have rather on the countless things God has given us. The next time you are feeling sorry for yourself and what you don’t have, consider all you do have and thank god for it, then your doubt won’t lead you to sin. As I mentioned many times, God doesn’t have one speck or black spot or blemish in Him, unlike we human beings have. Everyday of our lives, we must always ask God’s for forgiveness; forgiveness is our answer to many of our problems.
There are two ways within our life that we can try to be successful. 1) We as human beings can try to be successful by our own ability by using our wisdom, skill and knowledge. Many times, it may fail. 2) We as human beings can be successful in our life by the blessing from God. For me, I would choose God’s way, because in God’s way, He will open the entire path for you by removing all obstacles that may come in your way. Believe me, it will become much more smooth sailing for you in your life. Remember, these words:
“FAITH, HOPE AND LOVE” The greatness of these is LOVE. Love conquers a multitude of sins.
I pray these messages are very informative to your life of success.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Sunday, May 8, 2011
This afternoon (May 1, 2011), Elder John Ide and I were asked to bless a home in Hilo, Hawaii. The people claimed a demonic spirit physically attacked a person within their home. The man had bruises on the front side of his chest area, like something had bitten him. In Hawaii we call it Obake bites (Ghost bites). The person told John and I that it was a female demonic spirit that had bitten him.
I asked Elder John to make the first prayer in the home and while he was praying, I closed my eyes and used my spiritual vision to look around within the home. It was a male demonic spirit looking at us, especially at me. It was in the next room in the back of the glass sliding door, which was covered with a curtain. When Elder John had completed his prayer, I continued to pray in the home. I told the male demonic spirit to get out of the house and premises in Jesus Mighty Name. The male demonic spirit did. I told the family, these demonic spirits can transform themselves into whatever they want to be. As I mentioned countless times, these demonic spirits are master deceivers.
I mentioned to the family I could see the signs of dragons within the home and the lady of the home told us there are signs with dragons within the home. The dragons were in one of the rooms. I immediately asked God and the Holy Spirit to bless from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground and in and out of the home, including all the contents within the home. I went to outside of the home and poured my Holy Oil three times to the ground and prayed, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Oil go to the four corners of the property to prevent any ungodly angels from walking on the premises. I also asked God to put an invisible shield upon the home to prevent the ungodly angels coming from above.
For me, I always ask God to put an invisible shield upon the home, because if I were to bless only the ground, sure they may not be able to walk on the ground, but what about coming from the top of the home? They can fly or float in the air without touching the ground. Don’t you agree with me? So just to be on the safe side, I asked God to put an invisible shield on the home, from the top of the roof and to the bottom of the ground. By doing this blessing, it will be complete protection for the family and home. Amen!
After we had completed our house blessing, I mentioned to the family, there are three things that may break through my blessing: 1) If you pray for the dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, it may come back. 3) If you meditate or talk about it, it may come back. Now, if you don’t do any of these things, they have no reasons to come back to your home. Don’t you agree with me? They all said okay. I told the family, this concludes our blessing for this home.
I asked Elder John Ide to pray the Lord’s Prayer, which he did. It was Matthew 6: 9-13.
Before we left the premises, once again, I used my spiritual vision to see if there were any unclean spirit/spirits within the home and I couldn’t see anything at all. Elder Ide and I left the home and went to the next home.
I pray this message is very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
I asked Elder John to make the first prayer in the home and while he was praying, I closed my eyes and used my spiritual vision to look around within the home. It was a male demonic spirit looking at us, especially at me. It was in the next room in the back of the glass sliding door, which was covered with a curtain. When Elder John had completed his prayer, I continued to pray in the home. I told the male demonic spirit to get out of the house and premises in Jesus Mighty Name. The male demonic spirit did. I told the family, these demonic spirits can transform themselves into whatever they want to be. As I mentioned countless times, these demonic spirits are master deceivers.
I mentioned to the family I could see the signs of dragons within the home and the lady of the home told us there are signs with dragons within the home. The dragons were in one of the rooms. I immediately asked God and the Holy Spirit to bless from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground and in and out of the home, including all the contents within the home. I went to outside of the home and poured my Holy Oil three times to the ground and prayed, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit and let the Holy Oil go to the four corners of the property to prevent any ungodly angels from walking on the premises. I also asked God to put an invisible shield upon the home to prevent the ungodly angels coming from above.
For me, I always ask God to put an invisible shield upon the home, because if I were to bless only the ground, sure they may not be able to walk on the ground, but what about coming from the top of the home? They can fly or float in the air without touching the ground. Don’t you agree with me? So just to be on the safe side, I asked God to put an invisible shield on the home, from the top of the roof and to the bottom of the ground. By doing this blessing, it will be complete protection for the family and home. Amen!
After we had completed our house blessing, I mentioned to the family, there are three things that may break through my blessing: 1) If you pray for the dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, it may come back. 3) If you meditate or talk about it, it may come back. Now, if you don’t do any of these things, they have no reasons to come back to your home. Don’t you agree with me? They all said okay. I told the family, this concludes our blessing for this home.
I asked Elder John Ide to pray the Lord’s Prayer, which he did. It was Matthew 6: 9-13.
Before we left the premises, once again, I used my spiritual vision to see if there were any unclean spirit/spirits within the home and I couldn’t see anything at all. Elder Ide and I left the home and went to the next home.
I pray this message is very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Friday, April 22, 2011
This past Sunday (4/10/11), after my morning church service, I was asked to bless a home in Hilo, Hi. Along with me, I brought Elder John Ide and his wife Lillian to the home. We all sat down in the living room and listened to the problems the family was experiencing within the home.
Some of them complained that they had seen the demonic spirit or something walking in their bedroom and the rest of the family feels something walking around within the home. During the conversation with the family, one woman mentioned to us that her son had passed away and his remains are placed in an Urn on one of the shelves located in the living room. I immediately prayed on the Urn container, by reading the scripture from Psalm 23: 1-6 to give peace to the deceased person. I applied the Holy Oil on the Urn container and prayed in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the home, we observed there were lots of dragon figurines displayed on several of the cabinet shelves. Some of the figurines were large, medium and small sizes. I explained to the family, according to my bible in (NLT) Revelation 12:9 this great dragon-the ancient serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world- was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. In other words, the dragon is a symbol or sign of the Devil or Satan. I personally don’t bring any of these types of symbols or figurines into my home. Why? Sometimes, the problems may come into my home, so I personally would not take any chances at all.
Let’s get back to the stubborn demonic spirit, Okay? Anyway I brought out my Holy Oil and blessed the oil in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit and gave it to Elder Ide and he prayed and blessed all the rooms, including all the windows and doors with the Holy Oil. While he was blessing the areas, I used my spiritual vision and saw a male and female demonic spirit, the female spirit ran out from the home and premises and I didn’t see any traces of her throughout the entire blessing of the home, but the male spirit was moving from room to room. In other words, it was playing hide and seek with all of us.
After Elder John completed his prayer to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I took the Holy Oil and went to the open patio and as I touched one of the chairs in the open patio, my right arm had goose pimples also known as chicken skin and my hair started to stand on the right side of my neck. I immediately blessed the chair with my Holy Oil, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and finally the chicken skin on my right arm and the hair on my neck area became normal again. Praise the Lord!
I suggested to them to destroy and get rid of all of the dragon figurines, which they did. Elder John, his wife Lillian and the entire family, including myself prayed on all of the figurines and asked God to remove every demonic spirit that may be hidden within the dragon figurines. I gave the Holy Spirit full permission and control to search the entire home from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home and within the four corners of the property. If there were any other of the unclean spirit/ spirits, I asked the Holy Spirit to escort all of them out of the home and premises in Jesus Mighty Name.
As I placed my hands on the top of every dragon figurine, some of the medium size figurines gave my right arm chicken skin. Anyway, they took all the dragon figurines in the back yard and started to destroy all of them with a hammer. Believe me, it was a lot of dragon figurines, it filled the large trash bin to the top. When they were almost completed destroying the figurines, I entered into the deceased son’s room and the male demonic spirit was hidden in the room. I had prayed and cast that male demonic spirit out of the room in Jesus Mighty Name. That male demonic Spirit was a stubborn spirit and he didn’t want to leave the home. Finally, the male demonic spirit left the home.
I explained to the family that whenever a person passed away, that’s not the deceased person at all. I mentioned many times, the demonic spirit/spirits are master deceivers; they are here to deceive, to destroy or to kill us. Let’s look into (NLT) Ecclesiastes 9:5-7 the living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are their remembered. 6 Whatever they did in their lifetime- loving, hating, envying- is all long gone. They no longer have a part in anything here on earth. 7 So go ahead. Eat your food and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! In other words, what this tells me is the dead are dead, so that when the demonic spirit/ spirits may try to take advantage of it by deceiving the people or their families, thinking that’s their loves one. No! It is not the person at all.
If you want to pray, pray for the living, why? God is for the living, not for the dead. Does it make sense to you so far? Amen! In other words, pray for the person/persons who are alive on this planet and most of all pray to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit everyday while you are living on this planet.
When the blessing of the home was completed, I reminded the family that the home is cleaned; however, there are three things that may break my blessing today. 1) If you pray for dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, then they may have reasons to come back. 3) If you talk or meditate about it, it may come back. Now if you don’t do any of these three things, then they have no reason to come back at all. I asked all of them, does it make sense to you? They all answer yes! Praise the Lord!
We ended the house blessing by having all of us pray in Unity and in one Accord. The prayer was the Lord’s Prayer, in Matthew 6:9-13. Amen!
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Some of them complained that they had seen the demonic spirit or something walking in their bedroom and the rest of the family feels something walking around within the home. During the conversation with the family, one woman mentioned to us that her son had passed away and his remains are placed in an Urn on one of the shelves located in the living room. I immediately prayed on the Urn container, by reading the scripture from Psalm 23: 1-6 to give peace to the deceased person. I applied the Holy Oil on the Urn container and prayed in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
In the home, we observed there were lots of dragon figurines displayed on several of the cabinet shelves. Some of the figurines were large, medium and small sizes. I explained to the family, according to my bible in (NLT) Revelation 12:9 this great dragon-the ancient serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the whole world- was thrown down to the earth with all his angels. In other words, the dragon is a symbol or sign of the Devil or Satan. I personally don’t bring any of these types of symbols or figurines into my home. Why? Sometimes, the problems may come into my home, so I personally would not take any chances at all.
Let’s get back to the stubborn demonic spirit, Okay? Anyway I brought out my Holy Oil and blessed the oil in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit and gave it to Elder Ide and he prayed and blessed all the rooms, including all the windows and doors with the Holy Oil. While he was blessing the areas, I used my spiritual vision and saw a male and female demonic spirit, the female spirit ran out from the home and premises and I didn’t see any traces of her throughout the entire blessing of the home, but the male spirit was moving from room to room. In other words, it was playing hide and seek with all of us.
After Elder John completed his prayer to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I took the Holy Oil and went to the open patio and as I touched one of the chairs in the open patio, my right arm had goose pimples also known as chicken skin and my hair started to stand on the right side of my neck. I immediately blessed the chair with my Holy Oil, in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit and finally the chicken skin on my right arm and the hair on my neck area became normal again. Praise the Lord!
I suggested to them to destroy and get rid of all of the dragon figurines, which they did. Elder John, his wife Lillian and the entire family, including myself prayed on all of the figurines and asked God to remove every demonic spirit that may be hidden within the dragon figurines. I gave the Holy Spirit full permission and control to search the entire home from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home and within the four corners of the property. If there were any other of the unclean spirit/ spirits, I asked the Holy Spirit to escort all of them out of the home and premises in Jesus Mighty Name.
As I placed my hands on the top of every dragon figurine, some of the medium size figurines gave my right arm chicken skin. Anyway, they took all the dragon figurines in the back yard and started to destroy all of them with a hammer. Believe me, it was a lot of dragon figurines, it filled the large trash bin to the top. When they were almost completed destroying the figurines, I entered into the deceased son’s room and the male demonic spirit was hidden in the room. I had prayed and cast that male demonic spirit out of the room in Jesus Mighty Name. That male demonic Spirit was a stubborn spirit and he didn’t want to leave the home. Finally, the male demonic spirit left the home.
I explained to the family that whenever a person passed away, that’s not the deceased person at all. I mentioned many times, the demonic spirit/spirits are master deceivers; they are here to deceive, to destroy or to kill us. Let’s look into (NLT) Ecclesiastes 9:5-7 the living at least know they will die, but the dead know nothing. They have no further reward, nor are their remembered. 6 Whatever they did in their lifetime- loving, hating, envying- is all long gone. They no longer have a part in anything here on earth. 7 So go ahead. Eat your food and drink your wine with a happy heart, for God approves of this! In other words, what this tells me is the dead are dead, so that when the demonic spirit/ spirits may try to take advantage of it by deceiving the people or their families, thinking that’s their loves one. No! It is not the person at all.
If you want to pray, pray for the living, why? God is for the living, not for the dead. Does it make sense to you so far? Amen! In other words, pray for the person/persons who are alive on this planet and most of all pray to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit everyday while you are living on this planet.
When the blessing of the home was completed, I reminded the family that the home is cleaned; however, there are three things that may break my blessing today. 1) If you pray for dead, the dead may come back. 2) If you have something that belongs to them, then they may have reasons to come back. 3) If you talk or meditate about it, it may come back. Now if you don’t do any of these three things, then they have no reason to come back at all. I asked all of them, does it make sense to you? They all answer yes! Praise the Lord!
We ended the house blessing by having all of us pray in Unity and in one Accord. The prayer was the Lord’s Prayer, in Matthew 6:9-13. Amen!
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Sunday, April 17, 2011
There are numerous times the “Third Day” is mentioned in our bible. If you can recall in one of my topics, I had mentioned Three, Seven and Twelve are biblical numbers and they mean something. Anyway, let’s get back to the word Third Day or Three Days. Amen! If you have your bible with you, you may follow along with me. My scriptures verses are taken from (NLT) New Living Translation bible. This Golden Message was from Sr. Pastor Tim Waugh from Crossnet Ministries on (4/6/11) Wednesday Evening Service. I had researched and gathered only the third or three days scriptures written in the bible, excluding all scriptures with three years. There may be much more written in the bible, depending on the interpretation of different bible translations.
1) Genesis 22: 4 tell us, on the third day of the journey, Abraham saw the place in the distance.
2) Genesis 42:17-18 17 Joseph put his brothers in prison for three days and 18 on the third day Joseph said to them, I am a God fearing man. If you do as I say, you will live.
3) Genesis 40: 20 tell us Pharaoh’s birthday came three days later, and he gave banquets for all his officials and household staff.
4) Exodus 10:22 tells us Moses lifted his hands toward heaven, and there was deep darkness over the entire land for three days.
5) Exodus 3:18 Let us go on the three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God.
6) Exodus 19:16 tells us on the morning of the third day, there was a powerful thunder and lightning storm, and a dense cloud came down upon the mountain. There was a long blast from the ram’s horn, and all the people trembled.
7) Genesis 1:12-13 the land was filled with seed bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind. And god that is good. 13 This all happened on the third day.
8) Matt. 12:40 for as Jonah was in the in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so I son of man, will be in the heart of the earth for three days and nights.
9) Act 10:40-41 tells us God raised Jesus to life three days later. Then god allowed him to appear, 41 not to the general public,* but to us whom God had chosen beforehand to be his witnesses. We were those who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
10) Numbers 19:12 on the third and seventh days the ceremonially clean person must sprinkle the water on those who unclean.
11) Joshua 2:16-22 Then, since Rahab’s house was built into the city wall, she let them down “Hide there for three days until the men who are searching for you have return; then go on your way. 22 The spies went up into the hill country and stay there for three days.
12) Joshua 1:11, 3:2-3 in three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your god has given you. In Joshua 3:2-3, three days later, the Israelite leaders went through the camp. 3 giving these instructions to the people:
13) 2 Kings 20:5 go back to Hezekiah, the leader of my people. Tell him, “this is what the lord, the god of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the Lord.
14) Samuel 30:1 Three days later, when David and his men arrived home at their town of Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had made a raid into the Negev and had burned Ziklag to the ground.
15) 2 Samuel 1: 2 on third day after David’s return, a man arrived from the Israelite battlefront. He had torn his clothes and out dirt on his head to show that he was in mourning. He fell to the ground before David in deep respect. (Amalekite who killed Saul to put Saul out his misery)
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
1) Genesis 22: 4 tell us, on the third day of the journey, Abraham saw the place in the distance.
2) Genesis 42:17-18 17 Joseph put his brothers in prison for three days and 18 on the third day Joseph said to them, I am a God fearing man. If you do as I say, you will live.
3) Genesis 40: 20 tell us Pharaoh’s birthday came three days later, and he gave banquets for all his officials and household staff.
4) Exodus 10:22 tells us Moses lifted his hands toward heaven, and there was deep darkness over the entire land for three days.
5) Exodus 3:18 Let us go on the three-day journey into the wilderness to offer sacrifices to the Lord our God.
6) Exodus 19:16 tells us on the morning of the third day, there was a powerful thunder and lightning storm, and a dense cloud came down upon the mountain. There was a long blast from the ram’s horn, and all the people trembled.
7) Genesis 1:12-13 the land was filled with seed bearing plants and trees, and their seeds produced plants and trees of like kind. And god that is good. 13 This all happened on the third day.
8) Matt. 12:40 for as Jonah was in the in the belly of the great fish for three days and three nights, so I son of man, will be in the heart of the earth for three days and nights.
9) Act 10:40-41 tells us God raised Jesus to life three days later. Then god allowed him to appear, 41 not to the general public,* but to us whom God had chosen beforehand to be his witnesses. We were those who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
10) Numbers 19:12 on the third and seventh days the ceremonially clean person must sprinkle the water on those who unclean.
11) Joshua 2:16-22 Then, since Rahab’s house was built into the city wall, she let them down “Hide there for three days until the men who are searching for you have return; then go on your way. 22 The spies went up into the hill country and stay there for three days.
12) Joshua 1:11, 3:2-3 in three days you will cross the Jordan River and take possession of the land the Lord your god has given you. In Joshua 3:2-3, three days later, the Israelite leaders went through the camp. 3 giving these instructions to the people:
13) 2 Kings 20:5 go back to Hezekiah, the leader of my people. Tell him, “this is what the lord, the god of your ancestor David, says: I have heard your prayer and seen your tears. I will heal you, and three days from now you will get out of bed and go to the Temple of the Lord.
14) Samuel 30:1 Three days later, when David and his men arrived home at their town of Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had made a raid into the Negev and had burned Ziklag to the ground.
15) 2 Samuel 1: 2 on third day after David’s return, a man arrived from the Israelite battlefront. He had torn his clothes and out dirt on his head to show that he was in mourning. He fell to the ground before David in deep respect. (Amalekite who killed Saul to put Saul out his misery)
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Monday, March 28, 2011
Yes, what are angels? Angels are God’s servants and soldiers. They do special assignments for God. Sometimes God uses angels to rescue or help people from danger. Remember when Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit at the Garden of Eden and they were punished by God? God sent an angel with a fiery sword to keep Adam and Eve away from the Garden of Eden.
When Apostle Peter was in prison for preaching the words of God, King Herod had put Peter in prison to be executed, but an angel appeared before Peter while he was sleeping and chained. The angel woke Peter and removed the chains from him and Peter followed the angel.
God used angels to bring messages to people, like the three angels that came to Abraham and one of the angels told him he would have a son. The angels came to Abraham and told him that God was going to destroy the city where his nephew (Lot) lived.
Two angels in the Bible have names: Michael, the Archangel and Gabriel, the angel who brought the news of Jesus’ birth to Mary. One of the most powerful angels we understand is Michael, the archangel. He is the commander, whose chief responsibility is to guard the children of Israel. Gabriel made special announcements about God’s plans to the prophet Daniel and he announced to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive a son. Gabriel is a powerful and wise angel.
Cherubim are fearsome creatures with four faces and four wings. What is written in Ezekiel 1:5-6? (NLT) From the center of the cloud came four living being that looked human, 6 except that each had four faces and two pair of wings. (NLT) Ezekiel 1:10 Each had a human face in the front, the face of a lion on right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle at the back. Their job is to protect God and his holiness.
Seraphim, fiery angels have six wings. Seraphim means “to burn.” Some of the angels have wings and some don’t, for instance to my knowledge Gabriel didn’t had any wings at all. In other words, not all angels have wings. Always listen to the Angels, the Holy Spirit and most of all to the Lord Jesus Christ; they will lead you to the godly paths within your life.
We as strong Christian believers must try as much as possible to save the souls of our brother and sisters in this world. Each time a sinner turns to follow God, I truly believe heaven will rejoice and the angels will sing. Amen to that!
Angels are mentioned many times in our bible as messengers and soldiers, they existed before humans were created on this planet.
I encourage every one of you to read your bible about angels; you will be very surprised to see how many times they are mentioned in our bible. Believe me, they are mentioned many times.
As you can see there are so many angels and all kinds of different angels and they all have different responsibilities and none of them look alike. The book of Hebrews mentioned there are so many angels we can’t count them. For example, can we count all the sand on this planet? No! We cannot count it at all, it is the same scenario, and so as you can see it is impossible to count all the angels. Right? Right on!
We must not worship any angels; let’s see what Apostle John found out after he had a vision of heaven. He wanted to worship the angel who was guiding him, but the angel told him not to. He was to worship only God.
I pray this message will be very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
When Apostle Peter was in prison for preaching the words of God, King Herod had put Peter in prison to be executed, but an angel appeared before Peter while he was sleeping and chained. The angel woke Peter and removed the chains from him and Peter followed the angel.
God used angels to bring messages to people, like the three angels that came to Abraham and one of the angels told him he would have a son. The angels came to Abraham and told him that God was going to destroy the city where his nephew (Lot) lived.
Two angels in the Bible have names: Michael, the Archangel and Gabriel, the angel who brought the news of Jesus’ birth to Mary. One of the most powerful angels we understand is Michael, the archangel. He is the commander, whose chief responsibility is to guard the children of Israel. Gabriel made special announcements about God’s plans to the prophet Daniel and he announced to the Virgin Mary that she would conceive a son. Gabriel is a powerful and wise angel.
Cherubim are fearsome creatures with four faces and four wings. What is written in Ezekiel 1:5-6? (NLT) From the center of the cloud came four living being that looked human, 6 except that each had four faces and two pair of wings. (NLT) Ezekiel 1:10 Each had a human face in the front, the face of a lion on right side, the face of an ox on the left side, and the face of an eagle at the back. Their job is to protect God and his holiness.
Seraphim, fiery angels have six wings. Seraphim means “to burn.” Some of the angels have wings and some don’t, for instance to my knowledge Gabriel didn’t had any wings at all. In other words, not all angels have wings. Always listen to the Angels, the Holy Spirit and most of all to the Lord Jesus Christ; they will lead you to the godly paths within your life.
We as strong Christian believers must try as much as possible to save the souls of our brother and sisters in this world. Each time a sinner turns to follow God, I truly believe heaven will rejoice and the angels will sing. Amen to that!
Angels are mentioned many times in our bible as messengers and soldiers, they existed before humans were created on this planet.
I encourage every one of you to read your bible about angels; you will be very surprised to see how many times they are mentioned in our bible. Believe me, they are mentioned many times.
As you can see there are so many angels and all kinds of different angels and they all have different responsibilities and none of them look alike. The book of Hebrews mentioned there are so many angels we can’t count them. For example, can we count all the sand on this planet? No! We cannot count it at all, it is the same scenario, and so as you can see it is impossible to count all the angels. Right? Right on!
We must not worship any angels; let’s see what Apostle John found out after he had a vision of heaven. He wanted to worship the angel who was guiding him, but the angel told him not to. He was to worship only God.
I pray this message will be very informative to you.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Friday, March 18, 2011
It’s doesn’t matter what Country, what State, what Nationality or what Name is on your Church. It’s doesn’t matter at all, I truly believe, we are all equal in the eyes of God. We must always be in unity and pray in one accord to our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
The enemy is not among us, Satan is our enemy and he out there with his followers trying to distract all of us from attaining our goal of getting closer to Christ. Remember he is a Master Deceiver and tries to Deceive, Destroy and Kill us. Now we as Christian believers cannot permit Satan and his followers to achieve this goal. Are you with me?
Whenever, I am giving my offertory prayer in the church, many times, I ask God to bless the President of our Country and all of his officials to lead our great Country to be safe and become prosperous. Also I ask to grant all the Reverends, Pastors, Elders and Deacons who are giving their offertory prayer, to give them the wisdom and knowledge, so they can express their prayer for this morning, day or evening in Jesus Mighty Name. Also I ask to grant all the Ministers the wisdom and knowledge, so they can express their Golden message of the day or evening to their members. Thank You Lord Jesus!
Let me you ask a question, if Christians were to be in unity and in one accord, would Satan and his followers be worried? Of course they would be! Like the old saying “United we stand, divided we fall!” Now we cannot be divided and have this happen to all of us. Right? Right On!
We must stand firm on the ground with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit or we all will be standing on sinking sand. I am sure all of you will agree with me by standing firm on solid ground, we can overcome Satan and his followers trying to deceive us, cause fear and negative thoughts that guide us to do sinful things. Once he hooks you, he will lead you to your destruction, such as doing drugs, stealing, cheating and doing things that will be harmful to you or your family.
One of the primary things, Satan wants to do is “Waste Our Time; he knows, we cannot get it back, in other words, our time is gone. Remember, in one of my topics I wrote. “Yesterday is today’s memories, tomorrow is today’s dream, so do not procrastinate because tomorrow may not come to some of us.” While we are living on this planet, we must always try to help one another; In other words, Christians helping Christians. I truly believe God will approve of this and will bless you and your church much more. Amen!
It may be difficult for a church to stand-alone and confront the wickedness of Satan and his followers, but if we were to join in unity, then we become the Mighty Force Of Christians. Satan and his followers won’t like it at all and they will move out of there. Therefore, we must all help each other, so we can withstand or overcome all the trickery of Satan and his followers trying to deceive us. In other words, we should never fall into their snares. Every opportunity you have, keep praying to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to lead all of us to the godly path. Does it make sense to you? If it does! Amen! (So be it)
Aloha to all of you from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
The enemy is not among us, Satan is our enemy and he out there with his followers trying to distract all of us from attaining our goal of getting closer to Christ. Remember he is a Master Deceiver and tries to Deceive, Destroy and Kill us. Now we as Christian believers cannot permit Satan and his followers to achieve this goal. Are you with me?
Whenever, I am giving my offertory prayer in the church, many times, I ask God to bless the President of our Country and all of his officials to lead our great Country to be safe and become prosperous. Also I ask to grant all the Reverends, Pastors, Elders and Deacons who are giving their offertory prayer, to give them the wisdom and knowledge, so they can express their prayer for this morning, day or evening in Jesus Mighty Name. Also I ask to grant all the Ministers the wisdom and knowledge, so they can express their Golden message of the day or evening to their members. Thank You Lord Jesus!
Let me you ask a question, if Christians were to be in unity and in one accord, would Satan and his followers be worried? Of course they would be! Like the old saying “United we stand, divided we fall!” Now we cannot be divided and have this happen to all of us. Right? Right On!
We must stand firm on the ground with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit or we all will be standing on sinking sand. I am sure all of you will agree with me by standing firm on solid ground, we can overcome Satan and his followers trying to deceive us, cause fear and negative thoughts that guide us to do sinful things. Once he hooks you, he will lead you to your destruction, such as doing drugs, stealing, cheating and doing things that will be harmful to you or your family.
One of the primary things, Satan wants to do is “Waste Our Time; he knows, we cannot get it back, in other words, our time is gone. Remember, in one of my topics I wrote. “Yesterday is today’s memories, tomorrow is today’s dream, so do not procrastinate because tomorrow may not come to some of us.” While we are living on this planet, we must always try to help one another; In other words, Christians helping Christians. I truly believe God will approve of this and will bless you and your church much more. Amen!
It may be difficult for a church to stand-alone and confront the wickedness of Satan and his followers, but if we were to join in unity, then we become the Mighty Force Of Christians. Satan and his followers won’t like it at all and they will move out of there. Therefore, we must all help each other, so we can withstand or overcome all the trickery of Satan and his followers trying to deceive us. In other words, we should never fall into their snares. Every opportunity you have, keep praying to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to lead all of us to the godly path. Does it make sense to you? If it does! Amen! (So be it)
Aloha to all of you from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
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