Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Every so often people have mentioned to me that they have experienced the “Press!” While they were sleeping or lying on their bed, they could feel something on top of them. For those of you who are not familiar with the press, it is a spirit or spirits who may sit or lie down on the top of your chest area while you are lying down on your bed or sofa with your eyes closed and your mind is wide awake. Some people tell me they wanted to open their eyes, but couldn’t open them and at the same time they wanted to move their arms, hands, legs, feet or even yell from their mouth and no sound came out of their mouth or couldn’t do anything. Sometimes, this “PRESS” could be from jealous, angry, cursing, bitter spirits or you may have been worshipping the dead. If you have been worshipping the dead, the dead may come to you. Now, if you have a bible, turn to Ecclesiastes 9:5-8, it will explain to you about the dead.

Now let’s get back to the Press, If this situation ever happens to you, first of all you must relax and do not panic. I will repeat again, DO NOT PANIC! Now focus your mind, heart and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. One thing we should all be grateful and thankful for is that the demonic spirit/spirits cannot read your mind. They may give you suggestions or thoughts and will try to create fear upon you and that is what they will capitalize on. So within your mind, pray to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to come into your heart and mind. Now within your mind, say, “I rebuke you demonic spirit/spirits in Jesus Mighty Name!” until such time when your voice comes out of your mouth and pray the Lord’s precious blood to cover you from the crown of your head to the soles of your feet, in and out of your body in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

How many of you have had the experience of putting some salt on the slugs or snails crawling in your back yard? What do slugs or snails do? They will try to avoid the salt instantly. Am I correct? I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits; they instantly will be gone, when they see you are covered with Lord’s precious blood upon you.
Approximately 35 years ago or longer, I had experienced the press and I understand what is like to be pressed down by the demonic spirit. At that time, I wasn’t a Christian at all and I was very desperate and scared, because of this happening to me. I tried to open my eyes or to move my arms, legs, and feet and even tried to yell or say something and couldn’t do any of these things. I remember I was perspiring on my forehead, because of the fear in my mind. I thought, I was getting a heart attack or even getting a stroke, these things had been crossing my mind while my eyes were closed.

Now, I didn’t experience any of these symptoms such as getting a heart attack or even a stroke. Also at that time, I didn’t know anything about demonic spirits at all. Anyway, then suddenly the name of Jesus came to my mind and I called His Name and instantly something had let go of me. Praise the Lord! As I recollect, I couldn’t move my arms, hands, legs, feet, yell or even open both of my eyes at all. Till today, I didn’t know why I had called upon the Name of Jesus Christ. Approximately nineteen years later I accepted the Lord Jesus as my personal savior. At that time I didn’t anticipate becoming a strong Christian believer. Today, it is totally different for me, everyday; I try to get a closer relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. It is like inch by inch trying to get closer to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. I believe this was all in God’s plan for me. Sometimes, when you get closer to the Lord Jesus, your family, friends, members of the church or even other Christians may speak negative about you. If that ever happens to you, don’t worry about it, just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus and let Him take care of it.

One thing is for sure, sometimes, it becomes strong evidence that you are getting a closer relationship with Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Just think for a second, when a person gets closer to the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, do you think Satan and his followers would like that? Of course not! Satan and his followers will not give a pat on that person’s back and say you are a faithful servant to the Lord Jesus Christ, so please continue. No, Satan will use every means of discouraging the person from being closer to the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. How? By using other people to speak negatively about the person, without the person knowing that he or she may have been used by Satan and his followers. So don’t worry about it. As a pastor, I have countless times, where people try to tell me about another person, at that time in my mind it is just gossip, so what I normally do and say, is that right? I just smile and walk away from that person without trying to offend that person who doing the gossiping. Let’s say I would stand or sit down and listen to that person’s gossip; in God’s eyes I would be just as guilty as that person telling the story. Am I right or wrong? In James 3:7-10 you will find the answer about a person who gossips. Our job as a Christians is to study God’s words and be obedient to Him. Does it make sense so far? If it does make sense to you, say Amen. Remember, you cannot judge anyone or judgment may come upon you. Only the Lord can judge each and every one of us fairly.

Now let’s get back to the Press, if it ever happens to you, just pray to the Lord Jesus and call His Name and the Holy Spirit to help you. Even in a short prayer, “Lord Jesus save me!” Now this must be prayed from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.

Aloha to all you.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

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