Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Today (7/24/11) after the church service was over, we had our usual Sunday luncheon at the church and I was asked to do a house blessing in the Kea’au area. I brought along with me Elder Darrel Aniban and Brother Ray Okabayashi. While we were driving in my truck to the destination, we prayed to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit to protect the three of us by praying the “Whole Armor of God”, so we could be able to withstand the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. I prayed to the Lord Jesus Christ that not one single strand of our hair shall be harmed and when we leave the premise, not one demonic spirit or spirits will be able to follow us to our homes. We all said Amen! That night, we all slept well because the spirits didn’t follow us to our homes. Amen! (So be it!)
When we reached our destination and entered into their home, they told us that this lot has two adjoining lots with two homes built next to each other and I believe it is made into two separate lots. The upper side of the lot is the parent’s home and the daughter lived with her own family in the lower level of the lot. It is approximately 75 to 100 feet distance between the two homes. Anyway, we all sat at the living room of the daughter’s home and they were explaining to us what was happening within the two homes. I understand that one-day the daughter’s husband went to the back yard of their home and started cutting the big old trees and some bushes completely down. Their lots are surrounded by big tall trees and lots of bushes and he told us while he was cutting the trees, from the corner of his eyes, he could see something had just passed by, so he looked around and there was nothing. Anyway he kept on cutting the trees and bushes.
I can’t remember what day he was putting on a tinting film sheet to tint his car windows; now this tinting film sheet comes in a roll and normally when you put this material on the windows without wetting it and you let it go, it will normally roll back. When you dampen the tint sheet film, it will stick to the car windows and when you squeeze out all the excess water between the glass window and the tint film sheet, it will stick on the glass window.
Anyway, he had put the tint film sheet on the car window and when he turned around and tried to do something else for few minutes then he turned around and looked back at the car window, the tinting film sheet was laying flat on the floor with a 4 to 5 inches long tiny foot print on the tint film sheet. His wife took a photo of the footprint. I asked her, if she would email the photo of the tiny foot print to me, she said yes and she did so I could put the photo on this topic and everyone could be able to see the Demonic Spirit’s tiny foot print that had been walked on the tint film sheet.
From what I could see, I believe it is the left foot of the demonic spirit that had been walked on the tint film sheet. I zoomed in on the photo through my computer to make it much larger; I realized I could be able to see the demonic spirit’s face on the big toe, four on the rest of the toes, one on the side of the little toe and one big face on the dark area. If you were to look at it very slowly and carefully, you would be able to see very clearly. On the big toe, you will see the whole face, eyes and nose with the mouth slightly open with some teeth in it. A total of seven faces of demonic spirits can be seen on this photo. Six faces on footprint and one large face on the dark area, located on the topside of the footprint. I will try to put this on this topic with zoom in photos so many people could able to see it. As you can see, these demonic spirits do exist on this planet; therefore, we must always pray to our Lord Jesus Christ and to the Holy Spirit for protection for your home, premises, families and yourself. We must not let our guard down for even one second; believe me they are out there, waiting for the opportunity to strike you and your family. When you have Jesus Christ within your family and yourself, you needn’t worry at all, because the demonic spirits will see Christ instead of you and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen to that!
Her father explained to me, at approximately 4:00 AM in the morning he could see something was passing by outside of his home. In one incident, he had seen a demonic spirit with a hunchback wearing like an off white hairy fur coat on his body. As he tried to approach the demonic spirit by taking a few steps toward it, the spirit moved away from him and disappeared into the trees and bushes. He told me; sometimes the dogs will keep on barking in an unusual way. I told them, sometimes when the dogs start making howling sounds instead of barking, it is a bad omen, usually things may happen to someone within the home. Sometimes animals such as dogs, cats and younger children can see these supernatural spirit/spirits. Why? Because the child is innocent and the animals have keen senses and sight.
For example, a child that is between one through three years old and can hardly speak, usually he or she will start to cry with fear. Remember that child couldn’t speak at all because of the age; the only thing the child could do is express itself by crying out loud with fear. It may sound like a tantrum crying. In other words, something is bothering that child. If that ever happens to a child, pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask the Lord to protect that child by removing all of the demonic spirit/spirits out of the home and premises. If you find things doesn’t work too well for you and the child, call your Authorized Minister and invite the Minister to your home and have your Minister bless that child and the premises in Jesus Mighty Name to set that child free from all of the demonic spirits.
I had asked Elder Darrel and Brother Ray, if they would pray at the outside of the home, which is located toward the trees and bushes areas by praying on Psalm 67: 1-7, which they did. While they were praying, I used my spiritual vision looking at the top of the trees, to the bottom of the trees stumps and throughout the entire premises. When they got through praying, I passed them by walking toward the trees and bushes and started to pray again. I had even tried to provoke the demonic spirit/spirits several times by saying, “Are you afraid of me? Show yourselves to me or do some kind of action, such as shaking the trees branches or move something”; regretfully nothing happened to the trees or bushes.
We had all entered into the home and I used my spiritual vision to look at the top of the house roof, to the bottom of ground, in and out of the home, including all the bedrooms, closets and attic, I couldn’t see any of the demonic spirit/spirits within the premises. My spiritual energy had come down; nearly fifty percent of my energy was gone. I was getting tired, which is a normal thing to happen for me. To use my spiritual vision, it takes lots of energy away from me. It is not too easy or simple, many times after the house blessing, I just want to go to my home and walk straight to my bed or couch and go to sleep.
I was asked if we could bless the next home, which is the daughter’s parent’s home, I told them sure, let’s go and when we got to the father’s home, we starter to pray within the home and there was nothing. Her father mentioned to me from Tuesday to Sunday the place became quiet, in other words, there were no activities of the demonic spirit. I asked him what day did you call me? He said Tuesday. Sometime when people call me from their land line house phone or within their premises, the demonic spirit may hear our conversations and may leave before I get there, because the demonic have eyes and ears, they will know when I will be arriving at their home or premises. Sometime they will leave the home or premise before I arrive at my destination and may return back when I leave the premises. Therefore, I would like to have the person call me outside of their home and premises. In other words, I would like to catch the demonic spirits at the first house blessing, so I could be able to see and bind the spirits in Jesus Mighty Name.
For me, I always try to tell the person not to call me from their landline house phone or within the premises, even with their cell phone, unless they are away from their premises, because they will know when I will be coming to their home. I would like to bind that demonic spirit/spirits on my first visit to the home, in Jesus Mighty Name and apply the Lord Jesus’ Precious Blood upon the demonic spirits and send them to the pits of hell until judgment day.
Three days after the houses blessing, I called one of the family’s members to see if everything is okay and she told me, so far everything seem to be fine. Praise the Lord! I must admit I was a little concerned at that time because the demonic spirit wasn’t around at the time of the house blessing and I wasn’t be able to bind any of the demonic spirits and send them to the pits of hell, in Jesus mighty name.
Many times, the demonic spirits are around on this planet, because this is their domain and unfortunately we cannot do anything about it, but keep on praying to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit for protection. Some people don’t really believe that Satan and his followers exist on this planet because fortunately nothing has ever happened to them or their families. I don’t really blame them, because many years ago, even I didn’t believe it at all. I used to tell people it’s all in your mind and in the movies, I was wrong about it, they do exist.
Whenever questions arise about the subject of demonic spirits, I always bring the question about germs and bacteria. For example, I ask them the question, do you believe there is such thing as germs or bacteria on this planet? They all answer to me yes. Why do you believe there are such things as germs and bacteria? Can you see them with your naked eyes? They answer to me, no; then why do you believe such things as germs and bacteria really exist? Well, their parents always told them, did you wash your hands before you eat? Perhaps when they had a cut and didn’t take care of it, it became infected with pus on the wound.
Well my answer to them, in my bible, if I counted and recollect correctly; 52 times Satan is mentioned in my bible, 54 times, demons and devils are mentioned and 58 times hell is mentioned in my bible, so I cannot really convince myself that these do not exist on this planet. Believe me, they really exist; furthermore, why do people have problems with the supernatural, such as they could hear footsteps, doors opening for no reason, walls pounding, low voices, things moving within the home, windows starting to rattle and much more? Why? Why? Because, I truly believe they exist on this planet, whether we like it or not. They exist! How can we protect our families and ourselves? We must always pray to the Lord Jesus and to the Holy Spirit for protection for our families and ourselves, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!
Take a look at the demonic spirits faces, just click on the links below.
I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.
Aloha from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
See the photos at:

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