Jesus Gives the Great Commission to all true Christian Believers as written in Mark 16:18 they will be able to place their hands on the sick and heal them. I truly believe many of the sicknesses come from Satan and his followers.
Remember the story about Job; he was a very wealthy and religious man who seemed to have life under control. One day Satan challenged God, and said the reason Job is very successful is because you have blessed him, when you take the blessing away from him, he will curse you. So God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do with Job, except take his life. Satan had stricken Job with boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I truly believe Job had really suffered a lot, even losses of all his possessions and children. Still Job didn’t curse God; he had proved his faithfulness to God and God blesses him many times more than what he had lost. So as you can see Satan can cause sickness and problems.
Now just stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you really believe God Jehovah wants us to be sick, suffer and die? No! He wants all of us to enjoy our life while we are living on this planet; it is like a little vacation on this planet because we all came from heaven and one day we must all return back to heaven. Don’t you agree with me?
Remember the story about Job; he was a very wealthy and religious man who seemed to have life under control. One day Satan challenged God, and said the reason Job is very successful is because you have blessed him, when you take the blessing away from him, he will curse you. So God allowed Satan to do whatever he wanted to do with Job, except take his life. Satan had stricken Job with boils from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. I truly believe Job had really suffered a lot, even losses of all his possessions and children. Still Job didn’t curse God; he had proved his faithfulness to God and God blesses him many times more than what he had lost. So as you can see Satan can cause sickness and problems.
Now just stop and think about it for a few minutes. Do you really believe God Jehovah wants us to be sick, suffer and die? No! He wants all of us to enjoy our life while we are living on this planet; it is like a little vacation on this planet because we all came from heaven and one day we must all return back to heaven. Don’t you agree with me?
God wants us to be healthy, wealthy and prosperous while we are living on this planet. Satan knows we are all created in the image of God as written in Genesis 1:26. Satan wants to destroy all what God has created on this planet, mostly man. Therefore, we must always ask God and the Holy Spirit to protect our families and ourselves against the wiles of the devil in Jesus Mighty Name. How? By praying to God every chance you have. Don’t wait until something happens to you and your families then start to pray. Sometimes, it may be too late. Does it make sense to you so far?
"Psychosomatic" is a word that means "soul and body," it is referring to the close relationship of body and soul. Jesus truly believed in healing of the body. The methods of healing Jesus used included: prayer, laying on hands, anointing with oil, and assurance of forgiveness of sins. In (NLT) James 5:14-16 any among you are sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. 15 And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And anyone who has committed sins will be forgiven. 16 Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed.
Before you pray for someone, remember to consecrate yourself by putting the Whole Armor of God upon you, so you can be able to withstand the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! Sometimes by not having this protection upon yourself, the sickness may come upon you from the sick person that you are praying for. We must not take any chances at all; sometimes, troubles or problems may come upon you or your family. So don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come against you and your family.
Let me make one thing perfectly clear, no one has any power at all to heal any person, only God has the power to heal the person, God uses authorized people to do the healing for Him. God gives authorization to certain people who have strong faith with God. It all depends on the individual’s faith that you have with God. Now, if the person that you are praying for truly believes the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accepts the Lord Jesus as their personal savior, then all things are possible for the person that you are praying for and he or she shall be healed in Jesus Mighty Name.
When God heals a person, he or she is completely healed. Before you pray for a person, you may ask the person a few questions, such as: do you believe Jesus Christ is the True Son of God? Do you believe Jesus died for our sins? Do you accept Jesus Christ as your personal savior? If that person answers all truthfully and answers yes, then I say that person has won 50% or more of the battle of his or her problems.
God gives certain individuals the authorization to do His work. Wait until, the Authorized Minister allows you to pray for the sick person. In other words, don’t jump in and start praying for the sick person on your own without the authorization from the Minister; sometimes, the person’s problems may become your problems. Usually the Authorized Minister will know your capabilities to pray for the sick person or not. If the Minister feels it could be very dangerous for you to handle it, then I truly believe he or she will not call or tell you to pray for that sick person.
For me in the church, I will not pray for anyone, unless I am told to pray for the sick person; then I will pray for the sick person. Why? Many, many years ago, I made a covenant with the Lord Jesus and to my late "Kahu" (Shepherd); I told the Lord and my late Kahu, if they call me I will go in your Name and pray, if they don’t call me, then I will not go at all. Sometimes, it takes lots of spiritual energy away from me and I must pray to the Lord Jesus to restore my energy and strength back to me. It is not as simple as you think. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits coming out of the person’s mouth or nose. I have watched other people praying for the another person with sickness problems and sometimes, the demonic spirit/spirits comes out the sick person and goes to the back of the person that was doing the praying for the sick person and that person who was doing the praying for the sick person doesn’t know about it.
When the church service is over, he or she may have gone home. Now, if I happen to be there and see this happening to that person that was doing the praying, I will walk slowly to the person and stretch my hand and pray silently without the person being aware about it and ask the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to remove that bad spirit away from that person. Now, lets say I wasn’t there or being aware about it, then sometimes, the bad spirit/spirits may hop a ride to the person’s home who was doing the praying for the person with sickness. Sometimes, things may happen within their home. Now those problems may become their problems, for instance: sickness, financial and family problems. Many times when that happens, the demonic spirit/spirits may be within their home and they may not be aware of it.
The demonic spirits may like to strike their health, wealth and family. So we must always pray to the Lord Jesus for protection and don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come to you and your family.
The demonic spirits may like to strike their health, wealth and family. So we must always pray to the Lord Jesus for protection and don’t leave any opening for Satan and his followers to come to you and your family.
God uses certain individuals and gives him or her authorization to lay their hands on the sick person so he or she shall be healed. In other words, all authorization comes from God through the person that is doing the praying for the sick person. It is like a conduit pipe flowing through from God to the person that is doing the praying and to the sick person.
Numerous times, I have mentioned in my topics to always consecrate yourself and your family before you pray for someone. Sometime, their problems may become your problems or may enter into your home without you knowing about it. Now, I am not discouraging anyone from praying for someone. No! What I am saying is to always protect yourself against the wiles of the Devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! (So be it) Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.
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