Wednesday, March 16, 2011


We must always worship the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit everyday until we take our last breath on this planet. Worshiping the Lord Jesus from your heart, it becomes the most joyful moment of your life. Why? “The Joy of the Lord is our strength in our life.” We can worship the Lord Jesus anytime, anywhere and anyplace. How about right now in Jesus Mighty Name? Will that be all right? Ready set go!

Suggested Prayer:

Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all my sins and have mercy upon me. Sins in the past to this present day, I ask that you wash all of my sins with your precious blood and make me whole. Lord Jesus, today I ask you to use me as your humble servant, where I could be able to do your work and help others that need to be helped in your Mighty Name. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen!

Make it a brief and a simple prayer. When a person makes a sincere prayer to the Lord Jesus, the Lord understands you by reading your heart, before it comes out of your mouth, so it isn’t necessary to make a long or fancy prayer.

If it is a church, have an authorized person bless the church’s areas to keep all the ungodly angels away from the church’s premises. If it is a private home, where a group of people holds their bible study, have the home blessed by an authorized person from the group. Why? Many times, when the worship team or group starts singing the worship songs, it may attract the ungodly angels and they may come over to the church or home and may enter without anyone knowing about it. Sometimes, problems may arise within the church or home.

For example, Let’s talk about fishing, when you reach the shoreline at the beach and start throwing some sardines from the can as chum, do you believe all kinds of fish will be attracted to the chum? I know they will, because whenever time permits me to go fishing, I always start chumming the water to attract the fish, so I can catch them. I feel that this is the same scenario with the demonic spirit/spirits. Does it make sense so far? Amen!

Suggested closing prayer for the church or home:

Lord Jesus, we thank you for being with us throughout the service of this morning or evening. However, we are coming to the closing of our service and as we are about to leave the premises, we ask you to protect each and every one of us till we reach our destination. Lord Jesus we ask that not one single strand of our hair shall be harmed upon us and we ask that you bring us back safely to the church or to this home again. Thank You Lord Jesus! Forever more the Father, forever more the Son and forever more the Power of the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Now this is a very short prayer, it can be prayed within 45 seconds and it can be very powerful and effective, if you were to pray from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.

Some people believe because they are in a church, Satan and his followers cannot enter. Satan tempted and confronted our Lord Jesus; when the Devil told him, (3) if you are the Son of God, change these stones into loaves of bread. (4) Jesus told him No! ‘People need more than bread for their life; they must feed on every word of God. (5) The devil took him to Jerusalem, to highest point of the Temple (6) and said if you the Son of God jump off! (7) Jesus responded, by saying do not test the Lord your God. (8) When the Devil took Jesus to the peak of the mountain and showed him the nations of the world and all their glory. (9) The Devil told him, I will give it all to you, if you kneel down and worship me. (10) Jesus told the devil, you must worship the Lord your God; serve only him. You will find these scriptures written in Matthew 4:3-10.

So as you can see, if the Devil can approach the Lord Jesus himself, then who are we? Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! But we could become something when we have the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit within our heart and have the Lord’s precious blood upon us. Don’t you agree with me? Until then, we can’t say that because we are in a church or a home and the demonic spirit/spirits cannot enter. Believe me they can enter in any church or home, until they see the blood of the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. (Locally way of speaking, they will dig out!) Amen! Remember the blood of the Lord Jesus is the most important and also get baptized by the Holy Spirit. Does it make sense to you so far? Now if it does make sense to you? “Praise the Lord!”

From the time we started till today, I have taught OJT (On the Job Training) to Mr. John Ide and I am very pleased for all the knowledge and experiences he has acquired from the Lord and me. I truly believe the Lord Jesus will use him to do the Lord’s work and to help others that need to be helped in Jesus Mighty Name. Praise the Lord!

I pray this message will be very informative to you.

Aloha to all of you from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

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