Saturday, December 25, 2010


This is the continuation of the topic called “Spiritual Reflexology Within Our Body” as I previously mentioned in my Internet Church Topic. Now each and every one of us has Spiritual Reflexology within our body if you know it or not. It is there!

20) When a person has a tumor or cyst in the center of the head, sometimes this comes from bitterness with the head of the family, church, company, organization and etc.; in other words, whoever is in charge at that time. When bitterness comes between you and that person, problems may arise for you or that person. What would be the answer to these problems? Forgiveness is your answer to these problems. This must be done from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. If possible, ask the Lord Jesus and the person to forgive you and ask the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit to remove it and heal you in Jesus Mighty Name by applying His precious blood upon you. Remember to swallow your pride and be very humble. In other words, don’t let pride stand in your way. Once it is forgiven, forget about it and continue on with your life. Sometimes, I have had people tell me he or she had forgiven the person, but couldn’t forget about it. I told the person when you forgive a person you must forget about it or it is not forgiven at all and problems may arise at a later date.

21) Small reddish itch, the size of a small ant head sometimes comes from stress or bitterness toward or from another person What would be the answer to this problem? Forgiveness is your answer.

22) Dry coughs or dry throat, sometimes comes from saying bitter words to someone, which may not be true or is a misunderstanding. With these dry coughs and dry throat, it is very painful to cough. It is similar to heartburn, the only thing is it is in your throat and it would make you want to drink lots of water to ease the pain and to moisturize your throat. Forgiveness is your answer to these problems. Don’t let Pride stand in your way. For me, I would rather confront to the person/ persons and shake their hand and ask for forgiveness, rather than suffer everyday. Of course, this must be done from your heart, not 50%, 70% or even 90%, but 100 % sincerely forgiving from your heart.

23) Most internal problems within our body come from one word called “Bitterness.” Forgiveness would be your answer.

24) Heart problems, sometime come from anger or bitterness within your heart. Now let’s think for second, our heart represents love. Right? Why do we give to our loved ones a big red heart inside of the card on Valentine day? Answer: Our heart is a representation of the true love. God looks into a person’s heart and God is love. Are you with me so far? Just think about it for a minute or so, when a person has so much bitterness within their heart, something has to give out; it may cause high blood pressure, a stroke or even a heart attack. Now who will be the biggest loser? YOU! Am I right or wrong? If you feel I am right, Praise the Lord!

We must try our outmost best to keep our heart clean and pure. I know no one is perfect in this world and it is very difficult to do, but we must try much harder so we may be able to please God, not man. Does it make sense to you?

25) Cancer, arthritis, diabetes and many other types of sicknesses may come from our forefathers, such as our parents, grandfathers or even great-grandfathers; who knows when it got started, so we must ask God to cut off the generational curses, so our children will not bear the sins of our ancestors. Spiritually, we call it sins and doctors may call it hereditary. For me it is the same scenario, what would be the answer? Forgiveness is your answer.

There are many reasons for problems within ourselves and we must always ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness is the answer too many of our problems. Remember in my other topic, I had written that there are two types of sickness that I know of: 1) Physical sickness 2) Spiritual sickness. The doctors may be to help you with physical problems and when it gets into spiritual problems then we, as Christians, may be able to help the person in Jesus Mighty name. This must be done with a strong individual’s faith with God or it will not have a good result. (Spiritual Healing)

We as human beings are not perfect at all, unlike our Lord Jesus Christ, He is totally perfect and pure. Let’s look and see what is written in King James Version Psalm 51:5 Behold, I was shapen in iniquity and in sin did my mother conceive me. In other words, the day we were conceived from our mother we are borne with sin. Since God doesn’t have one tiny black spot or blemish and He is totally perfect and pure, God doesn’t want to see sinful people. He wants to see sinless, faithful, loyal and love within the person to Him. How can we cleanse our mind, body and soul? By praying on forgiveness from our heart? By doing so, it is like taking a spiritual bath. You may use Psalm 51:1-19, it is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him for all of his sins that he had committed and God forgave him. Therefore, we must always pray on forgiveness. Don’t let Pride stand in your way or it will not be fruitful for you. Does it make sense to you? If it does! Amen! (So be it)



Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all of my sins, sins in my mind, sins in action, sins big or small, sins that I cannot remember at all and I break every commandment, covenant, ordinance and every statute, I stand all before you Lord Jesus and I ask you to forgive me and wash me with your precious blood and make me whole. Don’t let these curses come upon my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name. Lord Jesus, I ask that you will put the whole of Armor of God upon my family and myself, so we could be able to withstand the wiles of the devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Today Lord, make it a wonderful, profitable, safe and sunny day for my family and myself. Lord Jesus, if I offend anyone for whom I am not aware, please forgive that person and forgive me too. Thank You Lord Jesus. Amen!

Now this prayer can be prayed within 50 seconds or less, so it isn’t a long prayer at all, but I truly believe, it will make you or your family have a wonderful day. Of course, this must be prayed from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.

Now, you could use this prayer and when you get used to it, you could add or delete any words to suit to your prayer or need.

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

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