Monday, December 6, 2010


Less than a month from now, it will be Christmas and New Year will be coming soon. For me, this year is a very good year. I have learned many things this year, including God’s words and I thank God for it. Speaking of Christmas, when you break up the word, it becomes “CHRIST-MAS.” In other words, everyday, it should be “Christ-Mass” for all of us as Christians. We should focus our minds, hearts, and souls to worship the Lord Jesus everyday. Remember to thank the Lord Jesus for the breath of life, without it all the wealth and health will mean nothing.

This month, people will be looking for Christmas trees for there homes and decorate their trees with beautiful ornaments and lights. All the beautiful gifts will be placed under the tree and the children will be so anxious to open their gifts. There is nothing wrong with that. Now let’s get back to the word Christ. Christ is English for the Greek Christos, “anointed one.” The Hebrew word is Mashiach or Messiah.

Our Lord Jesus has performed many miracles, such as “The seven signs in John”. (1) John 2:1-11 Tells us Jesus performed his first miracle by turning water into wine. (2) John 4:46-54 Jesus Heals a Government Official’s Son. (3) John 5:1 Jesus Heals a Lame Man by a Pool. (4) John 6:1-15 Jesus Feeds Five Thousand. (5) John 6:16-21 Jesus Walks on Water. (6) John 9:1-41 Jesus Heals the Man Who Was Born Blind. (7) John 11:1-57 Jesus encounters crucial events in Jerusalem, where He raises Lazarus from the dead.

There are seven “I AM” statements. (1) John 6:35 I AM the bread of life. (2) John 8:12 I AM the light of the world. (3) John 10:7 “I assure you, I AM the gate for the sheep.” (4) John 10:11 I AM the good shepherd. (5) John 11:25 I AM the resurrection and the life. (6) “I AM the way, the truth, the life.” (7) John 15:5 “I AM the true Vine” As I have written in my previous topic, the biblical numbers are THREE, SEVEN AND TWELVE written in our bible.

Speaking of a Christmas tree, I would like to believe a Christmas tree represents a healing of all nations. Why? When you stop and think about it and ask yourself what tree would be able to withstand the winter months with snow on the branches and throughout the entire year? A CHRISTMAS TREE! As I recollect, when my friends and I went on the trip to Canada during the winter months, there was much snow on the road and on the ground. In fact, the whole entire area was covered with snow and everything was white; it was a most beautiful sight for me and it was pretty cold on that day.

There were many trees covered full of snow on the branches. We stopped for a few minutes and got out of the car and I walked toward the trees and tried to brush some of the snow off from the branches and I saw many small nuts on the branches. At that time, I remember reading my bible in (NLT) Revelation 22:2, coursing down the center of the main street. On each side of the river grew a tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, * with a fresh crop each month. The leaves were used for medicine to heal the nations.

Now this is my own personal belief, when people buy a Christmas tree, they are buying it for the green leaves and the scent of the tree. Am I right so far? I have witnessed people of many different other faiths buying the Christmas trees and they tell me “Merry Christmas!” Pastor Jimmy! Now I know they are not Christian at all and yet they are buying a Christmas tree for their family, so I replied and said Merry Christ-Mas to you and your family. I truly believe it is very good and I strongly feel at least once a year they acknowledge Christmas, which is a representation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! Perhaps, one day I pray they will become strong Christian believers. Amen!

I have been watching my grandchildren opening their gifts with their mouths wide open and with a lot of surprised looks on their faces for many years. Every year, I always try to make some unusual gift for my grandchildren. Last year, I found a small box, an empty toilet paper roll and short aluminum wire and poked into both sides of the box and bend the two ends, so it would roll out easily. I scotch taped the one-dollar bills one to another to join it together and made into one long length, approximately 50 feet in length. After I rolled the money to the empty toilet paper roll, I made a small opening so the money could be pulled out, then I wrapped the box with beautiful Christmas wrapping paper and I gave it to my grandson. When he opened my gift, he was very surprised. He kept pulling the money out of the box, it seemed like endless money was coming out of the box. I understand he had kept the money gift without spending any of it. Perhaps one day, he will be financial set within his life.

So as you can see, Christmas is a day for all of us to rejoice with one another and with the Lord Jesus Christ and have fellowship with the power of the Holy Spirit. As a matter of fact, everyday we must have the blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Don’t you agree with me?

Last night (12/3/10), I received a phone call from my friend Carl Todaha-Okuyama and we spoke a little over an hour or so about “IT START AT HOME”. I find he has a great of love for all the children in Hawaii, as a matter of fact all the children in this world. He mentioned to me that children shouldn’t worship the parents, but to honor their parents, which make lots of sense to me. If you want to see it, just log on to google and type “Todaha”. It’s about the twelve days of Christmas. It is very cute and I understand he had written the lyrics of the song.

Tell yourself in the coming year of 2011, you will set your mind and study the bible and learn God’s words and accept the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal savior and have fellowship with the power of the Holy Spirit. When you are able to accomplish it. PRAISE THE LORD!

I pray this message is very informative to you.


From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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