Monday, February 21, 2011


Yes, we must always place our Lord Jesus Christ first within our life. Sometimes, people place money first before the Lord. It is called “Mammon.” The word mam’-mon is a Greek form of the Aramaic word for “money,” “riches,” “property,” “worldly goods,” or “profit.” In (NLT) Matthew 6: 24, No one can serve two masters. For you will hate one and love the other, or be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.

In (NLT) Matthew 6:19-20 tells us, don’t store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. 20 Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. If you place the value of money first and put God second, chances are you will lose your fortune. When a person places money first and places God second, usually some of these factors will be involved, such as greediness, cheating, stealing and even killing. Some parents or grandparents acquire wealth such as money and lands then plan on giving it to their children or grandchildren. There is nothing wrong with that, if that is the blessing from God. It would be awesome! If that is not from God’s blessing then you may lose it or your children or grandchildren may lose it all at the end. Are you with me so far?

When we take our last breath on this planet and take our first breath up in heaven, can we take our fortunes up in heaven? No! We cannot. Remember we all came from heaven with nothing and must return to heaven with nothing, except our faith with the Lord Jesus Christ. Let’s say your faith wasn’t quite right with the Lord Jesus and let’s say you will be judged at that time. If you read in Revelation 20 verses 12-15, it explains about the books being opened, including the Book of Life and at that time, if our name is not listed in the Book of Life, we will be cast into the lake of fire. I am positively sure; none of us would want to be in that situation. Am I right or wrong? Every morning, I read my newspaper and look in the obituaries to see who had passed away, this morning there were five people; I pray that they will be in the hands of the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!

Going to a good Christian church is very good; there is nothing wrong with that. While you are attending the church have a good relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit and ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you in spirit. Many times, the warmth of the Holy Spirit may come upon you and the joy of the Lord will be with you. At that time, the Holy Spirit may give you a gift of praying in tongues, once you have received the gift, don’t stop it or deny it. You could control it by praying in a low voice or silently. In other words, it is between you and the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Not with anyone else. Don’t be afraid; let it flow in and out of your heart and mouth.

Okay, let’s get back to money or possessions that you acquire on this planet, sure while we are living here we need money to survive. But we must earn our living in an “Honest way,” not by being crooked or cheating people. When a person cheats or does something unethical that person will know deep down in his or her heart and mind that he or she has done what is not right. Now when God looks into a person’s heart, He can see very clearly and it would be very difficult to hide or to explain it to God. Are you with me so far?

Remember our true God’s temple is within our heart. If that is true, then we must keep our heart clean as much as possible. Don’t you agree with me? Sometimes, I see Christian people who believe in Jesus Christ very much and they attend church every Sunday and yet during the day, they do unethical or dishonest things during the working hours. I pray God will forgive them. To be very frank, I feel very uncomfortable and feel very sorry for that person. Sometimes, this is one of the gifts God has given to me where I can see through the person’s heart. For me, I leave it in the hands of God. Many times, I will not say anything to the person, because I will not judge that person at all, but I will let God judge the person. Why? God is the judge and jury.

We must place God first everyday. For example: a husband should place God first rather than his wife. The wife should place God first rather than her husband. Parents should place God first rather than their children or grandchildren. Children should place God first and honor their parents. In other words, always place God first in your life. Once you do that, then God will bless and protect you everyday. Does it make sense so far? If it does, “Praise the Lord!” Amen!

The moral of this message is always placing God first within your life.

Aloha to all of you!

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Sunday, February 13, 2011


We all can be Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous in Jesus Mighty Name.

1.Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proverbs 1: 7
2.Ask God forgiveness by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19 by King David.
3.Give your tithes or offerings to God. Malachi 3: 10

Let’s get back to statement # 1, when you fear God, then that will be the beginning of becoming a strong Christian believer. There is nothing you can hide from the God. As stated in Mark 4:22, For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. So as you can see, when a person fears the Lord that will be your salvation and when a person doesn’t fear the Lord that will be your damnation. Don’t you agree with me?

Statement # 2, Many times as I have mentioned in the past, forgiveness is your answer to most of your problems. Now this must be done by praying from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. In Psalm 51:5 For I was born a sinner – yes from the moment my mother conceived me. As you can see, we all bear the sins from the time of Adam and Eve till today and since God doesn’t have one black spot or blemish, we must all pray for forgiveness; it is like taking a spiritual bath to wash all of our sins, by applying the Lord’s precious blood upon us. In Matthew 18: 21-22 then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone* who sins against me? Seven times?” No! *Jesus replied, seventy times seven! *

Brothers and Sisters in Christ, seventy times seven, that’s 490 times. That’s lots of forgiving to do, don’t you agree with me? Will all of you pray with me on Psalm 51:1-19? It is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him and God had forgiven him. Praise the Lord!

Statement # 3 Give your offering to God, by given your tithes to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. Now when you give your offering to God, you must give it in a cheerful way, not thinking that’s my money and the church is going to get it. No! Absolutely not at all! When you stop and think about it, everything belongs to God anyway. How about the air we breathe, the food we consume, the home we live in, the clothing on our back, the water we drink and etc?

Sure we all take it for granted. I know I used to many years ago, but I was wrong. I realize today everything belongs to God. When the authorized Reverend, Pastor, elder or even deacon blesses the offering, instantly God will accept. Why? God doesn’t need your money at all; He wants to see your obedience to Him. Remember the story about Abel and Cain? Whose offering did God accept? Was it Abel or Cain? You will find the answer in Genesis 4:4.
After the offering is blessed, then the church may use the offering to help defray the expenses, such as paying rent, phone, paper, insurance and etc., whatever expenses the church had incurred. Don’t you agree with me?

Now, let’s say you abide by it, God will forgive you and bless you much more, perhaps 10 fold, 100 fold or even a thousand fold. Now when you stop and think about it, that’s a lot of return back to us. Don’t you agree with me? I know it does, it has happened a lot of times for me. For example, this past February 6, 2011(Sunday) my Sr. Pastor made an announcement that he will be going to the Mainland to do the Lord’s work and will be back on February 16, 2011, those are nine days. I immediately gave him my monetary gift and the next day, which was on Monday, I received a check for $ 1,500.00. You may say it is coincidental, but it has happened many times for me. In my mind, I had passed the word coincidental. Of course, I am not going to take advantage from God; it must be given for a worthy cause and from a cheerful heart then I wait patiently for the blessing. If the blessing should come to me, then once again I will thank God for making it possible. For me, I truly believe God made it possible for me to receive the money. Praise the Lord!

So, we must all be very patient to receive the blessing from God. When you do give your offering to God, don’t expect today or tomorrow that you will receive your blessing. No! It may be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, even next year. This will be done in God’ time, not in your time. I am sure you have experienced this in the past, when you at least expected something, had practically forgotten about it and something good came to you. Right? This is the same scenario that I am talking about. When you least expected something then something good came to you.

When you receive your blessing from God, don’t forget to thank God for your health, wealth and for making you prosperous.

I pray this message is very informative to you.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Friday, February 11, 2011


What is the Holy Spirit or who is the Holy Spirit? The Holy Spirit is our counselor, friend, comforter and etc. We must not forget the Holy Spirit. Many Christian churches and members seem to forget the Power of the Holy Spirit. No! We must not! We cannot forget the Holy Spirit at all. It is very important to include the Holy Spirit in your prayers and church. Why? In King James 5: 7, For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

A few years ago, I met a woman who told me that when a person gets baptized in water, the Holy Spirit would baptize him or her. Up to my knowledge, the only true person who was baptized by the Holy Spirit during the water baptism was the Lord Jesus Christ, when John the Baptist baptized the Lord Jesus.

Jesus told His disciples. In Acts 1:5 (NLT), John baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit. Now, if the Holy Spirit baptized the disciples at the time of water baptism, then why would Jesus tell His disciples in a few days they will be baptized in the Holy Spirit? Now in my personal belief, when a person is baptized in water, he or she is proclaiming they are becoming a Christian believer and the Holy Spirit is waiting for any Christian believer to receive him. Just think for yourself, when you were baptized in water, did heaven open up for you like the Lord Jesus Christ when John the Baptist had baptized Jesus Christ? No!

You must ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you in the Name of the Father, the Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit. When you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, He usually gives you a gift of praying in tongues, and then the joy of the Lord and the Holy Spirit will be with you. Acts 1: 8 but when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will receive power and tell people about me everywhere- in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. So as you can see when Jesus’ disciples were baptized in water and if they had received the Holy Spirit at the time of the water baptism, then why would Jesus tell his disciples in a few days, you will be baptized by the Holy Spirit?

When the Holy Spirit comes, in (NLT) Acts 2: 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, * as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. So as you can see the Holy Spirit is very important for all of us as strong Christian believers. Without the Holy Spirit, the church becomes like an organization or association. For me, I want to have relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit. I am sure you all will agree with me. Right? Right On! Does it make sense to you so far? If, it does! Amen! (So be it)

Remember to always BELIEVE in Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit, RECEIVE all the blessing and knowledge, then you can ACHIEVE by becoming a Christian believer. Amen! There is much more about the Holy Spirit, perhaps I will continue on the next topic.

The moral of this message is never leave out the Holy Spirit; we must always include the Holy Spirit in our prayers. In other words, don’t restrain the Holy Spirit from coming to you. Give the Holy Spirit full permission and control over you. Let him flow it in and out, you may be surprised one day. You will be praying in tongues or speaking unknown languages; so don’t be afraid of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never lead you to any wrong path, but always lead you to Godly paths. The Joy of the Lord will be with you. In other words, “The Joy of the Lord will be our strength within our life. Praise the Lord!

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Anytime, anywhere and anyplace is a good time to worship the Lord Jesus Christ. Before you go to bed, make a short prayer to the Lord Jesus and thank Him for a wonderful day, He has blessed you today. The next morning, when you get up and out of your bed, pray to the Lord Jesus to make you and your family a wonderful, profitable, safe and sunny day. Now this must be prayed from within your heart, not from the corner of your mouth, because God looks into a person’s heart. It not necessary to pray, FATHER GOD! FATHER GOD! Where are you? Like an Opera singer singing songs at the top of his or her vocal cords or looking at the ceiling or praying with a loud voice, which you really don’t need to do, because Lord Jesus is within your heart. If I were Jesus Christ, I would say to you, I am right here inside of your heart; you don’t have to shout or look around at the ceiling or at the floor. I am right here! The true Temple of God is within your heart, Just close your eyes and pray normal, like you are having a conversation with your best friend and your best friends are Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Ask the Lord Jesus to protect you and your family from all adversaries that may try to pierce your mind and heart. We must always pray to the Lord Jesus everyday while we are living on this planet. As you can see, praying is very important for us as Christian believers. It is like a generator or alternator in our car that charges up the battery. In reality, it prolongs our life on this planet. In (NLT) Psalm 90:10 Seventy years are given to us! Some may even reach eighty. So as you can see, it is very important to pray to your Father God up in heaven and the Power of the Holy Spirit. In other words, every true prayer to God will be counted in the eyes of God. Living beyond eighty years of age will be a big plus for you.

For example, I had purchased a battery for my car with a warranty of 48 months and it lasted me approximately 55 months, it was a big plus for me. I truly believe this is the same scenario with your life on this earth. Anything beyond what God allows us to live on this planet is a big plus for us. In other words, I call it an extended vacation. Are you with me so far? Amen!

Every prayer that you make to your Father God up in Heaven, ask the Holy Spirit to baptize you with his Spirit. When the Holy Spirit baptizes you, usually he will give you a gift of speaking or praying in tongues, if you allow it. It will be God and the Holy Spirit and you, no one else. The enemy (Satan) will not be able to understand you or your prayers to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. By praying in tongues, it is strong evidence and it will also edify you with your faith toward the Lord Jesus Christ and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

The joy of the Lord will be within our heart. “Remember the Joy of the Lord is our strength in our lives.” For me, I have three good reasons why I am attending church. Reason # 1 I attend church to listen to the Golden Message of the day that may apply to me. Reason # 2 I attend church not as a association or even as a organization, but to have relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit, that is my ultimate goal for me at the church. Reason # 3 I attend church to feed my soul, so God may prolong my life. For me personally, these are the three good reasons for me to attend church. Now I am not saying to be antisocial with other members of the church. No! But what I am saying is put God and the Holy Spirit first. Don’t you agree with me? Amen! (So be it)

When people ask me to pray for them or to bless their home, then I will go to their home; in other words, I have to be asked or I will not go to their home at all. Many years ago, I had made a covenant with my Lord Jesus and promised my late Kahu (Shepherd); I told the Lord Jesus and my Kahu, if the person calls me, then I will go to their home or I will not go at all.

If the person calls me, then my authorization from the Lord Jesus will grant me the spiritual gifts of vision and senses. Now, Let’s say I go without the authorization from the Lord Jesus, I have experienced in the past that I didn’t had any of the spiritual vision or senses. In other words, I was blind, because it was on my own and I couldn’t see anything at all. It was fruitless for me to pray for the person or go their home. Remember, we must be absolutely careful about what we say or by making a promise to the God, once it comes out of your mouth, we cannot change it back. It is written in the eyes of God.

Today, my only regret is that I said to God and to my late Kahu, “If only the person calls me, then I will go.” So as you can see I need to be asked, then my authorization from God will come upon me. For me, I need the spiritual gifts from God in order to help the person. Without it, it could be very dangerous for my family and myself. Because when I enter into the person’s home, I really don’t know what I am going to encounter within the home. Let’s say there were five or six demonic spirits within the home and I couldn’t see any of the spirits, after the blessing, they may follow me to my home and the problems will be within my home. Time after time, as I have mentioned in the past, they are timeless spirits, they have all the time on their side, they know all your family, such as your husband or wife, children and grandchildren; they may not attack you but may attack the weaker ones within your family. You may think your son or daughter may be on the Mainland or any other place and think, it is safe for them. No! Believe me the demonic spirits know where they are. How do I know? My son is living in a foreign country and the demon was there within a split second and I had to pray for him. I asked God to protect him against all the ungodly angels and keep them away from him in Jesus Mighty Name.

Now I am not trying to discourage anyone from doing the Lord’s work, but what I am saying is to be absolutely sure you have the authorization from God or regretful problems may come upon you and your family. It is not easy or as simple as you think. For me, if I don’t have any authorization from God, I definitely will not go to any home to do the blessing. Not at all!

Let’s get back to praying, praying is very important for us as Christian believers to have a stronger relationship with the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit. Amen!

The moral of this message is always pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

Aloha to all of you.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason