We all can be Healthy, Wealthy and Prosperous in Jesus Mighty Name.
1.Fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Proverbs 1: 7
2.Ask God forgiveness by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19 by King David.
3.Give your tithes or offerings to God. Malachi 3: 10
Let’s get back to statement # 1, when you fear God, then that will be the beginning of becoming a strong Christian believer. There is nothing you can hide from the God. As stated in Mark 4:22, For everything that is hidden will eventually be brought into the open, and every secret will be brought to light. So as you can see, when a person fears the Lord that will be your salvation and when a person doesn’t fear the Lord that will be your damnation. Don’t you agree with me?
Statement # 2, Many times as I have mentioned in the past, forgiveness is your answer to most of your problems. Now this must be done by praying from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. In Psalm 51:5 For I was born a sinner – yes from the moment my mother conceived me. As you can see, we all bear the sins from the time of Adam and Eve till today and since God doesn’t have one black spot or blemish, we must all pray for forgiveness; it is like taking a spiritual bath to wash all of our sins, by applying the Lord’s precious blood upon us. In Matthew 18: 21-22 then Peter came to him and asked, “Lord, how often should I forgive someone* who sins against me? Seven times?” No! *Jesus replied, seventy times seven! *
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, seventy times seven, that’s 490 times. That’s lots of forgiving to do, don’t you agree with me? Will all of you pray with me on Psalm 51:1-19? It is a prayer from King David asking God to forgive him and God had forgiven him. Praise the Lord!
Statement # 3 Give your offering to God, by given your tithes to God as stated in Malachi 3:10. Now when you give your offering to God, you must give it in a cheerful way, not thinking that’s my money and the church is going to get it. No! Absolutely not at all! When you stop and think about it, everything belongs to God anyway. How about the air we breathe, the food we consume, the home we live in, the clothing on our back, the water we drink and etc?
Sure we all take it for granted. I know I used to many years ago, but I was wrong. I realize today everything belongs to God. When the authorized Reverend, Pastor, elder or even deacon blesses the offering, instantly God will accept. Why? God doesn’t need your money at all; He wants to see your obedience to Him. Remember the story about Abel and Cain? Whose offering did God accept? Was it Abel or Cain? You will find the answer in Genesis 4:4.
After the offering is blessed, then the church may use the offering to help defray the expenses, such as paying rent, phone, paper, insurance and etc., whatever expenses the church had incurred. Don’t you agree with me?
Now, let’s say you abide by it, God will forgive you and bless you much more, perhaps 10 fold, 100 fold or even a thousand fold. Now when you stop and think about it, that’s a lot of return back to us. Don’t you agree with me? I know it does, it has happened a lot of times for me. For example, this past February 6, 2011(Sunday) my Sr. Pastor made an announcement that he will be going to the Mainland to do the Lord’s work and will be back on February 16, 2011, those are nine days. I immediately gave him my monetary gift and the next day, which was on Monday, I received a check for $ 1,500.00. You may say it is coincidental, but it has happened many times for me. In my mind, I had passed the word coincidental. Of course, I am not going to take advantage from God; it must be given for a worthy cause and from a cheerful heart then I wait patiently for the blessing. If the blessing should come to me, then once again I will thank God for making it possible. For me, I truly believe God made it possible for me to receive the money. Praise the Lord!
So, we must all be very patient to receive the blessing from God. When you do give your offering to God, don’t expect today or tomorrow that you will receive your blessing. No! It may be today, tomorrow, next week, next month, even next year. This will be done in God’ time, not in your time. I am sure you have experienced this in the past, when you at least expected something, had practically forgotten about it and something good came to you. Right? This is the same scenario that I am talking about. When you least expected something then something good came to you.
When you receive your blessing from God, don’t forget to thank God for your health, wealth and for making you prosperous.
I pray this message is very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
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