Monday, November 8, 2010


This afternoon (10/31/10), I was asked to do a house blessing; the home is located in the upper part of Hilo. I brought along the prayer warriors from our church. The prayer warriors included: Pastor Jeff Lagrimas, Pastor Denise Lagrimas, Mr. John Ide, his wife Lillian, and myself. They believe and have the love of Jesus Christ so much within their hearts. Praise the Lord!

When we reached our destination, I asked the family what is the problem within their home. The daughter complained that while she was lying on her bed, she saw a black shadow and it came upon her and she couldn’t move her arms, body and even call for help. Anyway, while they were explaining the problems, I used my spiritual vision to see if I could see the supernatural spirit or spirits through the windows or the sliding glass door. Unfortunately, the spirit or spirits didn’t show themselves.

Pastor Jeff and Pastor Denise made their prayer inside and the outside of the home, while Mr. Ide and I were discussing with the family in the carport area. As Pastor Jeff and Pastor Denise completed their blessing, I asked Pastor Jeff if he felt or saw anything within the home. His answer to me was in one certain room he felt something strange.

Mr. Ide and I entered into the home and I made my prayer, the room was on the left end of the home, I believe it was the master bedroom of the home. I entered into the bedroom and made my prayer. The female demonic spirit was hidden in the bedroom closet and I commanded that spirit to come out of the closet in Jesus Mighty Name! The woman spirit came out of the bedroom closet and passed along the side of me and went through the hallway of the home. When she passed me, she touched my left ear; it felt very cold. At that time, I told the female demonic spirit: YOU TOUCHED MY EAR! I asked the Lord Jesus to bind that spirit and put it into a knot, in Jesus Mighty Name and sent it up in heaven, until judgment day. It was only one-woman demonic spirit.

I gave the Holy Spirit full permission and control to search from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home, including every contents within the home, also within the four corners of the property to see if there were any other demonic spirit around beside that woman spirit. I asked the angels to escort any demonic spirit out of the home and premises.

Remember, (NLT) Mark 16:17 These signs will accompany those who believe: They will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. Now, the word “Languages,” the phrase of speaking of new languages, what I truly believe is speaking in tongues. For me many times, when I am casting out any demonic spirit or spirits out of the home or places, many times new languages come out of my mouth automatically which is praying in tongues.

Now remember, before you cast out any demonic spirit or spirits from the home or places, always put the whole armor of God upon you and your family. You will find it in Eph. 6:11 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, whenever I leave my home in the morning to go to work or play, I always pray to the Lord Jesus to put the whole covering by applying His precious blood upon me to protect my family and myself. In other words, I will ask my Father God to protect my family and myself against the wiles of the devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Not one single strand of hair shall be harmed upon my family and myself. Without it, I would be too afraid to cast out any of these bad spirits.

Sometimes, I have observed when people pray for someone, the demonic spirit is looking at the person who is doing the prayer. Some are big or small and many of them are very ugly and sometime with horns on the top of their head. Sometimes, the demonic spirit may hop a ride to the person’s home without them being aware about it. (That is the person who did the prayer for someone.) As I mentioned many times, the demonic spirit doesn’t wear any wristwatch or have a clock with them, they are timeless spirits.

Sometimes, it may take a day, week, month, year or more, before it manifests and they may attack you or your family and it could destroy you or your family. Remember, they are here to deceive, to destroy and to kill. Every so often, I receive calls from people with demonic spirit problems. Sometimes, the problems came to them by praying for someone in the church or at a home and he or she didn’t ask God for protection, so they didn’t receive any protection from God. The problems became their problems.

Lets look in (NLT) Eph. 6:10, A final word: Be strong with the Lord’s mighty power. The word “Strong” could mean strong faith with God or could mean receiving higher levels of authorization from God. Remember, the demonic spirits have rankings among themselves and what if you happen to pray for someone that has a higher ranking bad spirit or you encounter a high ranking demonic spirit and your faith wasn’t strong enough to withstand that demonic spirit. Will that demonic spirit attack you or your family? I truly believe it may come to you, now it may become your problem. Don’t you agree with me? So you must be absolutely sure, you can withstand the enemy.

Many years ago, approximately 17 years ago as I recollect, when my faith with God wasn’t strong enough, I encountered a pretty high ranking demonic spirit when I prayed for someone and when I arrived at my home, it had given me a terrible headache, with throbbing on both sides of my head. I wouldn’t dare turn or shake my head; it felt like my head would explode or burst. I took lots of painkillers and it didn’t help me at all. Why? This pain was a spiritual pain. At that time, I didn’t know about it. Anyway, the pain was so great with tears flowing down to my cheeks and I cried to the Lord, why Lord? I did your work to help the person. I waited for an answer while I was sitting on my chair with both of my hands slowly massaging the sides of my head and the back of my neck area. Finally, my answer came to me after approximately two hours or more. Telling me my faith with the Lord Jesus wasn’t strong enough, so I continued to pray and worship Him till today. Amen!

Sometimes, people ask me a question. Pastor Jimmy, is it permissible for me to pray for someone? My answers to that question is, if you have a calling from God, by all means go with the blessing of the Lord. If you don’t, then I wouldn’t recommend praying for anyone, except within your family. Why? Each and everyone of us has received different levels of authorization from God and what if you encounter a strong demonic spirit with a height of eight or nine feet tall and you can’t defend yourself or protect your family. Will that create problems for you? Sure it will. Don’t you agree with me? Day or night, that spirit may harass you such as sitting on or shaking your bed, things moving around within your home, doors open or close, the toilet flushes with no reason at all and you may hear strange sounds or noises and much more. It doesn’t matter, if you are deacon, elder or pastor of the church. Its all depends on individual faith and authorization with the Lord Jesus Christ; However, if you have a strong authorization from God, by all means, go for it in Jesus Mighty Name.

Now I am not trying to discourage anyone from praying for someone, only you and God could answer that question. I would like to make a perfectly clear, some of us may think our sons or daughters are living on the mainland or etc. and may feel it safe for them. The answer is NO! These demonic spirits know your family lineage and it could be there within a split second. Don’t you agree with me? What is the answer? Always pray to the Lord Jesus. Pray to Jesus and ask Him to protect your sons, daughters and your family every day. Does it make sense to you? If you strongly feel it makes sense to you, Say Amen!

The first thing I have observed by going to many homes, the demonic spirit will try to attack the weakest one in the family, usually the children or grandchildren are the innocent ones. It may not attack you, but may attack someone within your family. Tomorrow morning (11/5/10), I have an appointment to do a blessing of a home; I pray God will protect my family and me when I do the blessing at that home. On the average, I have been called to do blessings approximately 8 to 12 homes, sometimes 15 homes within a month period. I try to help many families with many different denominations or beliefs. When they call, then I will go to do the Lord’ work. If they don’t call, I will not go at all. Amen!

At the present time, it is 6:57 AM. (11/5/10), so I will close this topic at this time, may the lord bless each and every one of you in Jesus Mighty name. Amen!

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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