Tuesday, October 5, 2010


This morning (10/2/10), I received a call from a young woman claiming that something strange was happening at her friend’s house or premises. When we got to our destination and while we were having a brief conversation outside of the home, suddenly the three of us heard footsteps inside of the home, approximately five to seven loud footsteps, at that time, no one was inside of the home.

I immediately went toward the back door and started to remove my shoes and enter into the home as soon as I could. I closed both of my eyes and tried to see the demonic spirit with my spiritual vision. Unfortunately, it didn’t show me visibly; however, I sensed the presence of the spirit in the home. Sometimes, the spirit or spirits will show themselves and sometimes they don’t.

In this case, it was one male demonic spirit. How can I tell? For me, whenever the male or female demonic spirits don’t show themselves, then I use my senses. In this case, the right sole of my foot became cold with a tingling feeling and I had goose pimples on my right arm, otherwise known as chicken skin.

Now, let’s say both of my arms got chicken skin and both of my feet got a tingling feeling, then I know it is most likely both male and female demonic spirits are present within the home. I know this is not written in any bibles; however, it has worked for me many times over the years whenever they don’t show themselves to me.

When I officiate any wedding, I always have the groom standing on the right side facing toward me and the bride will be standing on the left side. Does it make sense to you? In other words, when I look at the groom, he will be on my left side and the bride will be standing on my right side. I truly believe this is the same scenario as believing the male side will be on the right side and the female will be on the left side.

So, what I do is put an imaginary line from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet and right in the middle of my body, from the center to the right side of my body is the male side and the left side is the female side. At least you will have something to go by, rather than not having any clue to go by. Remember the right side is male spirits and the left side is female spirits. This is all from my experiences by going to many homes to do house blessings and encountering many of the demonic spirits.


When an opportunity comes your way, try it and you may be able to understand and experience the goose pimples and the cold feeling within your foot or feet. This is similar to a reflexology within our body. Now, let’s get back to the blessing of the home. Okay?

Anyway, for a few minutes, we had a conversation with each other. While we were having a small conversation, I was looking toward the bedroom areas. Sure enough, it was a male demonic spirit because my right foot was getting cold and my right arm was getting chicken skin. I immediately walked toward the bedroom and confronted that male spirit and cast it out in Jesus Mighty Name and sent that demonic spirit to the pits of hell. I told that demonic spirit that he doesn’t belong and isn’t welcome in this home and I commanded that demonic spirit to get out of this home, in Jesus Mighty Name. I also asked the Holy Spirit to search from the top of the roof to the bottom of the ground in and out of this home and within the four corners of this property and escort that male demonic spirit out of the home and away from this premises. At the same time, I gave the Holy Spirit full permission and control to search the entire home from the top of the roof to bottom of ground, in and out of this home and to the four corners of this property to make sure there is no other spirit besides that male demonic spirit within the premises.

In the garden, I saw a 20 inches in length or so brownish dragon statue outside and near the garden area. Sometimes, having a dragon statue may attract the demonic spirit to come into your premises or your home. Let’s see what is written in (NLT) Revelation 12:7-9, Then there was war in heaven. Michael and the angels under his command fought the dragon and his angels. 8 And the dragon lost the battle and was forced out of heaven. 9 This great dragon- the ancient serpent called the Devil, or Satan, the one deceiving the world –was thrown down to the earth with all his angels.

As you can see, the dragon is a symbol of the Devil or Satan. Sometimes, by displaying this type of symbol in your house or within your premises, it may attract the demonic spirit to enter into your premises or home. They will have a reason to come into your home and I believe none of us would want that happen to our home. Am I correct? Then why take the chance of having that type of symbol around our home or premises? Does it make sense to you? If it does! Will all of you say amen to that?

Remember in my other topic, I had mentioned that there are many reasons for the demonic spirits to enter into your home. For me, I have narrowed it down to three good reasons.
First: Do not pray for the dead or worship the deceased. Second: Do not have anything that belongs to them, such as a demonic statue, picture, dragon and anything relating to demonic spirit. Third: Do not meditate or talk about the demonic spirit. Without participating in these things that I have mentioned above, chances are they have no reasons to come to your home or premises. In other words, they will leave you or your family alone. Will that be great? Just focus your mind, heart and soul to the Lord Jesus Christ and He will take care of you and your family. Will that be awesome for you and your family without having any demonic spirit problems within your home or premises? Amen!

I pray that this message is very informative to you and your family. I truly believe, if we can know more about our enemy, (Satan), such as his strong and weak points then we can be able to defend ourselves and protect our families by not having anything to do with Satan and his fallen angels. Does it make sense to you? Now, if your answer is yes? Praise the Lord! Say Amen!

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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