Thursday, September 16, 2010


This morning (9/11/10) I got up at 4:51 AM, made my daily short prayer and asked the Lord what should I write in the Internet Church Topics this morning? At 5:37 AM, the word came to me “Cursing”. So I thought about it for 15 minutes or so, asking myself what about cursing? I opened my bible and started to read and find anything pertaining to cursing.

Many people when they get real angry or upset with someone or family, sometimes cursing may come into their minds or regretful words come out of their mouths. As Christians, we cannot do any cursing to anyone; just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus. We cannot judge anyone in this world of ours or judgment may come upon us.

I have seen people cursing others within their family or neighbors, so much bitterness and anger within their hearts; it is not good for their health. Why? When you stop and think about it, when a person is bitter or angry with someone, his or her blood pressure may get higher and if it gets much more higher, something has to give up. Sometimes, a stroke or heart attack may occur. When that happens to you, don’t you think it will be a great loss for you? Don’t you agree with me? Many times, it could be misunderstanding, exaggerating, stubbornness, and most of all pride. In a calm manner, just solve the problems with that person or family and if that doesn’t solve the problems, just ask God to help you and leave it the hands of God.

If this ever happened to you, just pray and ask the Lord to judge you fairly, let Him judge your problems with that person or family. Don’t judge! Or judgment may come upon you.
Let’s see what the Lord Jesus said in (NLT) Matthew 5:39, But I say, don’t resist an evil person! If you are slapped on the right cheek, turn the other, too.
(NLT) Matthew 5:44-45 But I say, love your enemies! * Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
In Matthew 5:47, If you are kind only to your friends, * how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.

Now when that person doesn’t repent of their wrongdoing, sometimes he or she may get into big problems and at the end tears may flow from their eyes. If that ever happens, don’t blame anyone else, but blame you.

Bitterness and cursing, sometimes it may attract the demonic spirits into your home. It has happened many times. When you stop and think about it, that is what the demonic spirits want to happen within your home. Sometimes, it may break the families apart, so when you think about it, who became the bigger loser? You and your families! Was it worthy? No! I know you will agree with me. Instead of cursing, why not show love within yourself, because “True Love is a long suffering and it covers a multitude of sins.” Does it make sense to you? If, you feel it makes sense to you. Say Amen. (So be it)

I pray this message is very informative to you.

Remember, don’t judge, curse or have bitterness within yourself, but be full of love within yourself.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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