This morning (9/27/10), I got up at 5:12 AM and got out of my bed and started to make my short morning prayer and ask the Lord what shall I write in the Internet Church Topics? The word that came to me was “BIBLE.”
I started to do some research and I found it is very interesting to know, especially for all the Christian believers. We as a Christians, every week, once or twice a week, we carry our bible to the church or bible study. Am I correct? Some of you may know or may not know who had written the bible. I felt this morning is a good opportunity to share some of the knowledge with all of you.
Let’s look in (NLT) 2 Timothy 3:16, All scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It straightens us out and teaches us to do what is right. In other words, all scriptures were given from God.
I found this in (NLT) 2 Peter 1:20-21, Above all, you must understand that no prophecy in Scripture ever came from the prophets themselves* or because they wanted to prophesy. It was the Holy Spirit who moved the prophets to speak from God.
Who wrote the Bible? It was God who wrote the Bible and He is the writer of the Bible Scriptures and He uses men to speak it and write it down through the inspiration of God. The King James Version was completed in the year 1611 and till today it has been considered one of the excellent Bibles.
We must take good care of our bible by putting some kind of covering on the outside of the bible to protect it from all the elements, such as the sun, rain and wind. For me, I have gone through five bibles through my Christian life; somehow, even after putting a cover on my bible, still the cover and pages got all worn out because of heavy usage. I pray that when you carry your bible to church or anywhere to do God’s work; carry it with pride and respect. Why? It is all God’s word in your bible; we must respect it to our fullest and take care of it.
Occasionally, I have seen people or even pastors; putting their bible on the floor, where people are walking, sometime people accidentally step on their bible. I strongly believe we cannot mistreat our bible like an ordinary book. Believe me it is not right! Silently, it really saddens me very much when people mistreat or neglect their bible by throwing it on the floor. The Bible is God’s words right? The bible will always feed our soul with His words. Right? Remember that is all God’s words in the bible. So, if that were true, would you place your food on the floor and eat your food from the floor? I am sure many of you will say No! Right? If you agree with me, say Amen!
Many times when I do my blessing at a home or do deliverance on the person, I place my precious bible on the person’s neck area and cast out any demonic spirits out of the person. I believe that the back of the neck area is the demonic spirits housing, where they will try to get into the person and take control of the person. Sometimes, the demonic spirits come screaming out of the person and my bible becomes my sword and all demonic spirits know the bible has God’s words in it. With your strong faith and your bible, they will leave the person. Therefore, we must carry our bible with pride. For example, in ancient times, soldiers carried their swords with pride, because they knew their swords can protect and may save their lives. Right?
Back in the year 1962, I was in the military army (National Guard) and I was taught the value of our weapons that may save our life, so we must take good care of our weapons with respect. We always were cleaning our rifle, especially the inside of the barrel. I strongly feel it is the same scenario with our bible; we must carry it with respect and take care of it.
For me, when I travel with my car to my destination, I always place my bible on my car dashboard. Why? I strongly believe God is always the head, not the tail end by leaving it in the car trunk. I have never placed my bible on the car seat. First of all, I know that is where people sit down in the car? Right? Locally speaking, on their “Okole” meaning rear butt. For me, I believe God isn’t the tail end, but always the head.
I have experienced in the past, other people driving in the opposite direction from me coming toward me, it seemed like they were going to collide with my car and we would have an accident; somehow, unexplainable things happened where we didn’t get into any accident at all. Some people may think, perhaps, it is coincidental we didn’t get into any accident. For me, I believe God prevented the accident from occurring. So as you can see, we must always carry our bible with care and respect by placing it on the front dashboard of the car. Make sure the bible doesn’t slide away while you are driving your car. Amen! (So be it)
The moral of this message is always taking care and respecting your bible.
Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Thursday, September 16, 2010
This morning (9/11/10) I got up at 4:51 AM, made my daily short prayer and asked the Lord what should I write in the Internet Church Topics this morning? At 5:37 AM, the word came to me “Cursing”. So I thought about it for 15 minutes or so, asking myself what about cursing? I opened my bible and started to read and find anything pertaining to cursing.
Many people when they get real angry or upset with someone or family, sometimes cursing may come into their minds or regretful words come out of their mouths. As Christians, we cannot do any cursing to anyone; just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus. We cannot judge anyone in this world of ours or judgment may come upon us.
I have seen people cursing others within their family or neighbors, so much bitterness and anger within their hearts; it is not good for their health. Why? When you stop and think about it, when a person is bitter or angry with someone, his or her blood pressure may get higher and if it gets much more higher, something has to give up. Sometimes, a stroke or heart attack may occur. When that happens to you, don’t you think it will be a great loss for you? Don’t you agree with me? Many times, it could be misunderstanding, exaggerating, stubbornness, and most of all pride. In a calm manner, just solve the problems with that person or family and if that doesn’t solve the problems, just ask God to help you and leave it the hands of God.
If this ever happened to you, just pray and ask the Lord to judge you fairly, let Him judge your problems with that person or family. Don’t judge! Or judgment may come upon you.
Let’s see what the Lord Jesus said in (NLT) Matthew 5:39, But I say, don’t resist an evil person! If you are slapped on the right cheek, turn the other, too.
(NLT) Matthew 5:44-45 But I say, love your enemies! * Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
In Matthew 5:47, If you are kind only to your friends, * how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.
Now when that person doesn’t repent of their wrongdoing, sometimes he or she may get into big problems and at the end tears may flow from their eyes. If that ever happens, don’t blame anyone else, but blame you.
Bitterness and cursing, sometimes it may attract the demonic spirits into your home. It has happened many times. When you stop and think about it, that is what the demonic spirits want to happen within your home. Sometimes, it may break the families apart, so when you think about it, who became the bigger loser? You and your families! Was it worthy? No! I know you will agree with me. Instead of cursing, why not show love within yourself, because “True Love is a long suffering and it covers a multitude of sins.” Does it make sense to you? If, you feel it makes sense to you. Say Amen. (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Remember, don’t judge, curse or have bitterness within yourself, but be full of love within yourself.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Many people when they get real angry or upset with someone or family, sometimes cursing may come into their minds or regretful words come out of their mouths. As Christians, we cannot do any cursing to anyone; just leave it in the hands of the Lord Jesus. We cannot judge anyone in this world of ours or judgment may come upon us.
I have seen people cursing others within their family or neighbors, so much bitterness and anger within their hearts; it is not good for their health. Why? When you stop and think about it, when a person is bitter or angry with someone, his or her blood pressure may get higher and if it gets much more higher, something has to give up. Sometimes, a stroke or heart attack may occur. When that happens to you, don’t you think it will be a great loss for you? Don’t you agree with me? Many times, it could be misunderstanding, exaggerating, stubbornness, and most of all pride. In a calm manner, just solve the problems with that person or family and if that doesn’t solve the problems, just ask God to help you and leave it the hands of God.
If this ever happened to you, just pray and ask the Lord to judge you fairly, let Him judge your problems with that person or family. Don’t judge! Or judgment may come upon you.
Let’s see what the Lord Jesus said in (NLT) Matthew 5:39, But I say, don’t resist an evil person! If you are slapped on the right cheek, turn the other, too.
(NLT) Matthew 5:44-45 But I say, love your enemies! * Pray for those who persecute you! 45 In that way you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven.
In Matthew 5:47, If you are kind only to your friends, * how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that.
Now when that person doesn’t repent of their wrongdoing, sometimes he or she may get into big problems and at the end tears may flow from their eyes. If that ever happens, don’t blame anyone else, but blame you.
Bitterness and cursing, sometimes it may attract the demonic spirits into your home. It has happened many times. When you stop and think about it, that is what the demonic spirits want to happen within your home. Sometimes, it may break the families apart, so when you think about it, who became the bigger loser? You and your families! Was it worthy? No! I know you will agree with me. Instead of cursing, why not show love within yourself, because “True Love is a long suffering and it covers a multitude of sins.” Does it make sense to you? If, you feel it makes sense to you. Say Amen. (So be it)
I pray this message is very informative to you.
Remember, don’t judge, curse or have bitterness within yourself, but be full of love within yourself.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Friday, September 10, 2010
When a person wants to be Baptized in the Name of the Father, Son and the Power of the Holy Spirit, by all means, let that person be baptized. There are two types of baptisms, one is called water baptism and the second baptism is by the Holy Spirit.
When a person is baptized in water, he or she is proclaiming that they are strong Christian believers and this is a sacred ritual that we as Christians must participate in. When they are submerged into the water, they close their mouths and they don’t breathe at all; it means they have died and are leaving all of their sins under the water. Now, when their heads get up and out of the water, they have been born again. Whatever sins they had, are buried under the water.
Many times when the person is nervous about the water baptism, I would say in a humorous way, there are many bodies buried in the water. Many of them would ask me, where Pastor Jimmy? Where? I just smile at them and they started to laugh about it. I am trying to make them relax and ask them some questions before the baptism begins.
Questions asked such as: why he or she would like to be baptized? Did you confess all of your sins to God and ask Him to forgive you for all of your sins? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accept Him as your personal savior? If their replies are yes, then I will commence the water baptism. Sometimes, it is very interesting to listen to all of the answers to the questions. Of course, these answers to all of these questions, are confidential, it is between God, the person and myself. I can never repeat it to anyone else.
Water baptism is a spiritual death, which we as Christians must participate in. When we participate in the water baptism and hold our breath, while we are submerging under the water momentarily, it is a representation that we have died with all of our sins and left all of our sins under the water. When we rise to the surface of the water, we are born again and are free of the condemnation of God’s law. You will find it written in Romans 6:5-8 speaking of baptism.
Matthew 3:11 tells us, John the Baptist said I Baptize you with water for repentance of your sins and someone who is far greater than me will be coming soon, so much greater that I am not even worthy to be his slave. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Jesus was baptized by submerging into the water, by John the Baptist and when He got up and out from the water, the heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, “ This is my beloved Son, and I am fully well pleased with him.” You will find it in Matthew 3:16-17.
What this means is He baptized Himself with the help of His cousin, John the Baptist.
For your information, the mother (Mary) of Jesus and the mother (Elizabeth) of John the Baptist are sisters.
As you can see, Jesus was baptized in water and the Spirit of God came upon Him.
So, water baptism is a sacred ritual for people who would like to be baptized and cleanse their mind, body and soul and become a strong Christian believer. Water baptism is to be born again and to be free of sins. It is like a spiritual bath for all of us.
These are the some of the areas you would find in your bible about baptism:
In Acts 22:16 (NLT), And now, why delay? Get up and be baptized, and have your sins washed away, calling on the name of the Lord.
In Ephesians 5:26, To make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s word.
In John 3:3-7, Jesus replied, “I assure you, unless you are born again, * you can never see the Kingdom of God.” 5 Jesus replied, “the truth is no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the spirit. 6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. 7 So don’t be surprised at my statement that you must born again.
Was John the Baptist receiving the Holy Spirit? The answer is Yes! You will find the answer in (NLT) Luke 1:15 for he will be great in the eyes of the Lord. He must never touch wine or hard liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth.
John the Baptist was there to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus. You will find the answer in John 3:28.
Water baptism is the entrance doorway to the Kingdom of God as written in (NLT) John 3:3, Jesus replied, “I assure, unless you are born again, * you can never see the Kingdom of God.”
Apostle Peter tells us in Acts 2:38 (NLT), Peter replied, each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive gift of the Holy Spirit.
There are numerous scriptures written in your bible about baptism, I would like to encourage all of you to read your bible and study God’s words, so you could be able to understand much more clearly. Before you study your bible, make a short prayer and ask God and the Holy Spirit to help and to teach you and pray when you don’t understand the scriptures that you are reading. Amen!
There are two Baptisms; one is with the water to cleanse all of your sins and be born again and second Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire. You will find it in John 3:3.
Mathew 28:19 (NLT) Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I pray that this message will be very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
When a person is baptized in water, he or she is proclaiming that they are strong Christian believers and this is a sacred ritual that we as Christians must participate in. When they are submerged into the water, they close their mouths and they don’t breathe at all; it means they have died and are leaving all of their sins under the water. Now, when their heads get up and out of the water, they have been born again. Whatever sins they had, are buried under the water.
Many times when the person is nervous about the water baptism, I would say in a humorous way, there are many bodies buried in the water. Many of them would ask me, where Pastor Jimmy? Where? I just smile at them and they started to laugh about it. I am trying to make them relax and ask them some questions before the baptism begins.
Questions asked such as: why he or she would like to be baptized? Did you confess all of your sins to God and ask Him to forgive you for all of your sins? Do you believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God and accept Him as your personal savior? If their replies are yes, then I will commence the water baptism. Sometimes, it is very interesting to listen to all of the answers to the questions. Of course, these answers to all of these questions, are confidential, it is between God, the person and myself. I can never repeat it to anyone else.
Water baptism is a spiritual death, which we as Christians must participate in. When we participate in the water baptism and hold our breath, while we are submerging under the water momentarily, it is a representation that we have died with all of our sins and left all of our sins under the water. When we rise to the surface of the water, we are born again and are free of the condemnation of God’s law. You will find it written in Romans 6:5-8 speaking of baptism.
Matthew 3:11 tells us, John the Baptist said I Baptize you with water for repentance of your sins and someone who is far greater than me will be coming soon, so much greater that I am not even worthy to be his slave. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
Jesus was baptized by submerging into the water, by John the Baptist and when He got up and out from the water, the heaven was opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. And a voice from heaven said, “ This is my beloved Son, and I am fully well pleased with him.” You will find it in Matthew 3:16-17.
What this means is He baptized Himself with the help of His cousin, John the Baptist.
For your information, the mother (Mary) of Jesus and the mother (Elizabeth) of John the Baptist are sisters.
As you can see, Jesus was baptized in water and the Spirit of God came upon Him.
So, water baptism is a sacred ritual for people who would like to be baptized and cleanse their mind, body and soul and become a strong Christian believer. Water baptism is to be born again and to be free of sins. It is like a spiritual bath for all of us.
These are the some of the areas you would find in your bible about baptism:
In Acts 22:16 (NLT), And now, why delay? Get up and be baptized, and have your sins washed away, calling on the name of the Lord.
In Ephesians 5:26, To make her holy and clean, washed by baptism and God’s word.
In John 3:3-7, Jesus replied, “I assure you, unless you are born again, * you can never see the Kingdom of God.” 5 Jesus replied, “the truth is no one can enter the Kingdom of God without being born of water and the spirit. 6 Humans can reproduce only human life, but the Holy Spirit gives new life from heaven. 7 So don’t be surprised at my statement that you must born again.
Was John the Baptist receiving the Holy Spirit? The answer is Yes! You will find the answer in (NLT) Luke 1:15 for he will be great in the eyes of the Lord. He must never touch wine or hard liquor, and he will be filled with the Holy Spirit, even before his birth.
John the Baptist was there to prepare the way for the Lord Jesus. You will find the answer in John 3:28.
Water baptism is the entrance doorway to the Kingdom of God as written in (NLT) John 3:3, Jesus replied, “I assure, unless you are born again, * you can never see the Kingdom of God.”
Apostle Peter tells us in Acts 2:38 (NLT), Peter replied, each of you must turn from your sins and turn to God, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. Then you will receive gift of the Holy Spirit.
There are numerous scriptures written in your bible about baptism, I would like to encourage all of you to read your bible and study God’s words, so you could be able to understand much more clearly. Before you study your bible, make a short prayer and ask God and the Holy Spirit to help and to teach you and pray when you don’t understand the scriptures that you are reading. Amen!
There are two Baptisms; one is with the water to cleanse all of your sins and be born again and second Jesus will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and Fire. You will find it in John 3:3.
Mathew 28:19 (NLT) Therefore, go and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen!
I pray that this message will be very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
Sunday, September 5, 2010
When you feel lonely, depressed, have financial problems, health problems and etc, come to Jesus, He will guide and lead you to solve all of your problems. This can be done, if you could only believe and accept the Lord Jesus as your personal savior. He can make all things possible for you. Of course, this will all be done in God’s time, not in our time. Amen!
When you attend your church, give your tithes or offering to God to show your obedience to God. Now, let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mal. 3:10, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will enough food in my temple. If you do,” says the Lord Almighty,” I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!
In other words, what this means is you not only store your treasure up in heaven, but an opportunity will be given to you even while you are living on this earth. Just keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mind awake. When it comes to you, confirm with the Lord and thank Him for the opportunity He has given to you.
Always remember to name your seed and be a cheerful giver, then drop your offering into the collection basket and when it reaches the bottom of the collection basket, instantly God has accepted your offering and He will bless you many times more. You and I cannot out give God, He will bless you 100 or even a thousand fold and somehow He will fulfill your need. Now, be a cheerful giver and receive you’re cheerful blessing.
Give your tithing from within your heart, because God looks into your heart. For example, lets say you and I become farmers and we are partners for these one hundred acres of land. We decided we are going to plant corn in our field, I am sure we are not going to plant one seed in the whole field. Right? We are going to plant thousands and thousands or more of the corn seeds, so when the corn gets mature and ready to harvest, we would have tons of corn to market. Right? At that time, we must give our thanks to God by giving our offering to Him.
Remember the story about Cain and Abel and God accepted Abel’s offering rather than Cain’s offering. Why? Abel gave his offering to God of the best of his flock. In other words, Abel gave his offering from his heart and because it was for God, he brought to God several choice lambs from the best of his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but did not accept Cain and his offering. As you can see, when we give our offering or tithing to God, we must give it from our heart and be a cheerful giver. Amen!
After the blessing of tithing or offering, your church may use the money to defray the expenses that the church occurred, such as rental, insurance, phone, electricity and etc. For me, personally I don’t want to handle any of God’s money at all. Why? It becomes an additional responsibility for me, especially with God’s money where I know no one can misuse God’s funds, because the accountability is too great, thinking no one knows about it, believe me God knows about it. (NLT) Mark 4: 22 Everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light. When the accountability becomes too great, then a wake up called may come upon the person or family. When you stop and think about it, everything belongs to God anyway such as our breath of life, the air we breathe, the water we drink to satisfy our thirst, the vegetables, the fruits, the fish, the meats and so on, that we enjoying eating what God has created for us.
Today, I am not rich or wealthy, but I am very comfortable and I give all THANKS, GLORY AND PRAISES TO MY FATHER GOD. Amen!
For me, I give more then 10% of my wages and I am very happy to give to the Lord and receive His blessing. Many times, I received His blessing in God’s time, not in my time. Sometime, He has granted me much sooner than I expected. Sometime it’s later. I just wait patiently. All I want to prove to the Lord Jesus is my obedience to Him, not to anyone else, but to the Lord, so He will bless me much more and put protection upon my family and myself. So far does it make sense to you? If it makes sense to you, say Amen!
The moral of this message is to give your tithing or offering from your heart and be a very cheerful giver.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
When you attend your church, give your tithes or offering to God to show your obedience to God. Now, let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mal. 3:10, Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will enough food in my temple. If you do,” says the Lord Almighty,” I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take it in! Try it! Let me prove it to you!
In other words, what this means is you not only store your treasure up in heaven, but an opportunity will be given to you even while you are living on this earth. Just keep your eyes and ears wide open and your mind awake. When it comes to you, confirm with the Lord and thank Him for the opportunity He has given to you.
Always remember to name your seed and be a cheerful giver, then drop your offering into the collection basket and when it reaches the bottom of the collection basket, instantly God has accepted your offering and He will bless you many times more. You and I cannot out give God, He will bless you 100 or even a thousand fold and somehow He will fulfill your need. Now, be a cheerful giver and receive you’re cheerful blessing.
Give your tithing from within your heart, because God looks into your heart. For example, lets say you and I become farmers and we are partners for these one hundred acres of land. We decided we are going to plant corn in our field, I am sure we are not going to plant one seed in the whole field. Right? We are going to plant thousands and thousands or more of the corn seeds, so when the corn gets mature and ready to harvest, we would have tons of corn to market. Right? At that time, we must give our thanks to God by giving our offering to Him.
Remember the story about Cain and Abel and God accepted Abel’s offering rather than Cain’s offering. Why? Abel gave his offering to God of the best of his flock. In other words, Abel gave his offering from his heart and because it was for God, he brought to God several choice lambs from the best of his flock. The Lord accepted Abel and his offering, but did not accept Cain and his offering. As you can see, when we give our offering or tithing to God, we must give it from our heart and be a cheerful giver. Amen!
After the blessing of tithing or offering, your church may use the money to defray the expenses that the church occurred, such as rental, insurance, phone, electricity and etc. For me, personally I don’t want to handle any of God’s money at all. Why? It becomes an additional responsibility for me, especially with God’s money where I know no one can misuse God’s funds, because the accountability is too great, thinking no one knows about it, believe me God knows about it. (NLT) Mark 4: 22 Everything that is hidden or secret will eventually be brought to light. When the accountability becomes too great, then a wake up called may come upon the person or family. When you stop and think about it, everything belongs to God anyway such as our breath of life, the air we breathe, the water we drink to satisfy our thirst, the vegetables, the fruits, the fish, the meats and so on, that we enjoying eating what God has created for us.
Today, I am not rich or wealthy, but I am very comfortable and I give all THANKS, GLORY AND PRAISES TO MY FATHER GOD. Amen!
For me, I give more then 10% of my wages and I am very happy to give to the Lord and receive His blessing. Many times, I received His blessing in God’s time, not in my time. Sometime, He has granted me much sooner than I expected. Sometime it’s later. I just wait patiently. All I want to prove to the Lord Jesus is my obedience to Him, not to anyone else, but to the Lord, so He will bless me much more and put protection upon my family and myself. So far does it make sense to you? If it makes sense to you, say Amen!
The moral of this message is to give your tithing or offering from your heart and be a very cheerful giver.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
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