Thursday, August 5, 2010


Tonight (8/3/10), in Hilo, Hawaii is a very beautiful evening as I walk toward my neighbor’s home to pick up her mail from her mailbox. She has gone to the mainland to visit her daughter. She asked me to take care of her mail, I told her, okay! Anyway as I was walking, I noticed, there were not any clouds at all in the sky. The stars were twinkling in the sky and I noticed one of the stars was the largest of all. I stopped walking for a minute or two and realized, how beautiful the star is. I immediately thanked the Lord Jesus, that I could be able to see and appreciate the stars. Sure, many years ago, I have seen many stars during the evening and I took it all for granted, without giving God the credit for it. At that time, I was young and didn’t know the Lord Jesus at all, but now I have strong faith with Him and I appreciate everything that God had created in this world of ours. Amen!

For many years, I seem to have forgotten this beautiful Island of Hawaii that we are living on. I thank the Lord Jesus for what God had created for us, such as the sun, moon, stars and many other things. Tonight is very quiet, peaceful, including my neighbor’s dogs are not barking at all and some of my neighbor’s lights were turned on, so I could be able to walk in the dark night with no flashlight to turn on. It is a very cool evening for anyone to walk around. There is no wind blowing; in my eyes, it is a perfect night. As I recollect what is written in Genesis 1:16, For God made two great lights, the sun and the moon, to shine down upon the earth. The greater one, the sun presides during the day; the lesser one, the moon, presides through the night. He also made the stars.

If you have a chance, when the night is still and quiet with no wind-blowing take the opportunity to look at the sky and see all the stars twinkling, you will realize how grateful and thankful we should be. Many times, we take everything for granted and forget to appreciate what God had created for all of us. We should all say, Thank You God!

I know we are all very busy with our daily lives trying to make a living; however, just think for minute, yes one minute and think to yourself without the breath of life, it would be all useless. I know I had a good friend living in Honolulu, Hawaii and he passed away and I flew over to Honolulu and attended his funeral service on Oahu. I remember, one of his sons was very health conscience, watching his diet, exercising and lifting weights at the gym to try to be in perfect condition, but one day as he was exercising, he had a heart attack and he passed away. He died in his late twenty’s, I believe he didn’t have time for God or know God at all, he only believed what his eyes could see, what his ears could hear and what his hands could feel or do. He didn’t attend any church, except on special occasions, such as wedding or funeral services. Those were the only times he went to church.

When he passed away, I prayed that God would forgive him and take care of him. Amen! As you can see, while we are living on this planet, we should take the time or make the time for God, because tomorrow, it may be too late. For some of us, tomorrow may not come to you at all. We cannot procrastinate with God; we must worship and have fellowship with Him now! (TNT) Today, not tomorrow! Amen! Now let’s get back to the beautiful evening in Hawaii.

We the people of Hawaii invite all of you from all over the world to come over to Hawaii and enjoy the evening and also the beautiful sunset at the west side of this Island, located in Kona, Hawaii. It is very awesome to watch the sunset, setting down at the horizon of the ocean and at the same time looking at the stars.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

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