Yes, God’s standards are much higher than our standards, because God doesn’t have any blemish or even one black spot; he is totally pure and perfect. In our standards, it may seem like it’s all right or okay, but in God’s standards, it is not acceptable, because in God’s standard, even one small tiny, tiny sin is sinful. Like I have mentioned, he is totally pure and perfect. We as human beings cannot accomplish being pure and perfect in this world like God. No matter how hard we try. The only way, we can do it is to pray to his Son Jesus Christ. (NLT) John 14:6 Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through me.” Now pray from your heart, meaning one to one with the Lord Jesus and have relationship and fellowship with him. I believe the joy of the Lord will enter into your heart and tears of joy may start to flow from your eyes. There will be no time limit. It could be 15 minutes, 30 minutes, one hour even or more. For example, I am sure we all have experienced when we have lots of fun, or something is very interesting, the time sure goes by fast. Don’t you agree with me? This is the same scenario. Are you with me so far? Amen!!!
Pray from your heart and ask Jesus to forgive you. Forgiveness is your answer. Ask the Lord to apply his precious blood upon you. Then you can become clean and pure for the moment or more, until such time as, you and your inner spirit comes back to this world again.
For me, I am not claiming that I am perfect. NO! I am not perfect, I am the same like everyone else. No exception! Everyday, I have been praying on forgiveness by praying on (NLT) Psalm 51:1-19, it is a prayer from King David, asking God for forgiveness.
Whenever I write these topics for the Lord, the time goes by very fast. For example, let’s say I started to write this topic at 3:00 AM this morning, after writing part of this topic, I looked at my clock and it was 6: 33 AM. I know this topic will take me between 5 and 6 hours to complete. Praying and researching, it takes time. Many times, I feel like going to sleep or do something else, rather than writing these topics. But whenever I receive people’s emails, saying that when they have read my Internet Church Topics, they begin to understand the bible much more. Some have even said, they have gotten saved and feel much better and much lighter within their body. Praise the Lord. All Praises and Glories go to our Father God. Amen!!! Some said their outlook of their lives has been changed. With that in mind, it has encouraged me to continue to write more. I told the Lord, my time was well spent. Amen to that!!!
Now let’s get back to the words, we as a human being have a lot of sins. (NLT) Psalms 51:5 For I was born a sinner-yes, from the moment my mother conceived me. For example, let say a thief stole something from another person, whether big or small, in the eyes of God that thief has committed a sin. In the human world, if the law caught that thief, he or she may end up in jail or prison for a period of time, depending how serious the crime he or she had committed. In our world, the thief may serve one, two or more years in jail or prison; however, with God, it could be eternally in the Lake of Fire. Are you with me so far? Amen!!! Does it make sense to you? (Hawaii’s local style of saying) No touch, no belong! Meaning, do not touch, that doesn’t belong to you. In God’s eyes, he or she may not be able to enter into heaven; also he or she may not be able to have their names recorded in the book of life. (NLT) Revelation 20:12 I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before God’s throne. And the books were opened, including the Book of Life. And the dead were judged according to the things written in the books, according to what they had done. So as you can see, unless he or she confessed all of his or her sins to God and asks him for mercy, it will be very difficult for the thief to accomplish the goal to enter into heaven. (NLT) Revelation 21:8 But cowards who turn away from me, and unbelievers, and the corrupt, and murderers, and the immoral, and those who practice witchcraft, and idol worshipers, and all liars- their doom is in the lake of fire that burns with fire and sulfur. This is the second death.
Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I am sure no one would like to be there. For me, I don’t mind being in a hot tub to relax my body, but not in the lake of fire. I truly believe it is very uncomfortable and painful to be there. There will be no one or angels to help you, and the demons will continue to torment you eternally. “No break time!” (NLT) Luke 13:5 No, and I tell you again that unless you repent, you will perish, too. So brothers and sisters in Christ, we must always ask God to forgive us and repent for all of our sins and ask God to have mercy upon us. When God forgives you, I truly believe he will forget and look at the good side of you. Why? He is a loving and forgiven God. Praise the Lord!
My good friends, Carl Okuyama and his wife Amy in Hilo, Hawaii have the love of God so much within their hearts and they dedicate themselves to the children of Hawaii. They truly believe everything starts at home. When you think about it, it is very true. For brother Carl and sister Amy, I truly believe God would use them very much. I believe they have a big mission for God. Their mission is called, “IT STARTS AT HOME” Praise the Lord!!!
I pray these messages are very informative to you.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason
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