Sunday, July 24, 2011


This morning at approximately 5:23 AM (7/16/11) the word “Holy Spirit” came to me so I did some research about the Holy Spirit, it must be for someone that God wants me to give this to, I really don’t know who it is for. Well anyway, the Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity through whom God acts. In the King James Version 1 John 5: 7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Spirit: and these three are one. So as you can see, we cannot leave out the Holy Spirit, because “These three are one.” Some churches or denominations don’t really allow or include the Holy Spirit into their church’s services. Till today, I don’t really know the real reason why, they don’t allow the Holy Spirit to participate in the church services. If the Holy Spirit is in the church and even takes 15, 30, even 60 minutes or longer than the normal church services time, in my personal’s belief it is okay or I should say it is an honor and privilege to have the Holy Spirit into the church’s services. Don’t you agree with me? By doing so, you may see some of the members of the church with tears in their eyes and the Joy of the Lord will be with them and within the church. They may even pray in tongues. Remember, “The Joy of the Lord is our Strength.” Amen!

Psalm 51:11 tells us, do not banish me from your presence, and don’t take your Holy Spirit* from me. Now the word “Banish” according to the dictionary means to drive out, clear away or to remove from a home or place. Some churches don’t allow the Holy Spirit to have His way for various reasons. The first thing that comes to their mind, is the church running on time or over time? Do we have to close the church service as soon as possible? No! No! No! We must not do that! We must let the Holy Spirit have his way with full permission and control within the church services. We cannot stop the Holy Spirit by ending the church service as soon as possible. The Holy Spirit is like, no I shouldn’t say the word like, the Holy Spirit is a gentleman where the Holy spirit will enter into the church, if you invite the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit will leave the church when the Holy spirit is not wanted, then the church may become just a organization or even as a association. Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen!

The Holy Spirit is God’s wind or known as mighty wind and during the time of Exodus, God deployed this wind to part the sea, so the Israelites could cross the sea and prevent Pharaoh and his army from attacking the Israelites. In Luke 1:15, Zechariah and Elizabeth, John’s parent were informed that their son would be filled with Holy Spirit, even before his birth.

For me, I always invite the Holy Spirit into the church and give the Holy Spirit the full permission and control to help and to teach us the true meaning of God’s words that are written in our bible. At the same time, I would ask the Holy Spirit to search out the entire premises to see if there are any unclean spirits/spirits around. If there are any unclean spirit/spirits around, I will ask the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort them out of the church’s premises and send the unclean spirit/spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name.

Many times when the worship team leader and the worship members start singing their worship songs, it may invite the unclean spirit/spirits into the home or church and they may just cruise around these areas and to look within the home or church. Today, some people still believe Satan and his followers cannot enter into any homes or churches. People have asked me, if the demonic spirit/spirits could enter into the church property. My answer to that question was, do you believe in your bible that Satan had approached and tempted our Lord Jesus three times as written Matthew 4: 1-5 while He was fasting for 40 days and 40 nights? They answered to me was, yes.

If Satan can approach our Lord Jesus Christ, then what are we? Nothing! Absolutely nothing, but if we have our Lord Jesus Christ within our hearts and believe He is the true Son of God, then we become something. For example, Jesus has the covering from His Father (Jehovah) and the Authorized Ministers will have the covering from the Lord Jesus and the members will have the covering from the Authorized Minister. It is very important to have an “Authorize Ministers” within the church. So it will be a big covering for all of us as Christian members, now as members of the church we must do our part too. As I recollect in my childhood days, we call it choo, choo train. Does it make sense to both of you? They said yes. Anyway let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?

Sometimes, the unclean spirit/spirits may manifest themselves into the areas and problems may arise. In other words, we must let the Holy Spirit search and clean out the entire premises, yes absolutely clean out the entire areas of your home or church.

Many times pastors or ministers would like to hold their church services in a building, not in their personal residence. Sometimes, the unclean spirits or demonic spirits may come into their home and problems may arise within their home, such as affecting their children, grandchildren and etc. Remember, as I had mentioned numerous times that demonic spirits don’t carry any clock or wristwatch, they are timeless spirits. In other words, they have all the time on their side and when they strike, it could make your head spin real bad, including your families. Now let’s say, If it does come to your home, can you honestly fight all of these demonic spirits, perhaps even one, five or even hundreds. If you’re true answer is yes! Praise the Lord! By all means, go with the Lord Jesus’ blessing and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

I have seen in one incident nearly twenty or more unclean spirits at the same time on the topside of a hill, which was a vacant lot, looking at us while we were blessing a home next to the vacant lot. Most of the time during house blessings, it is one to five of the unclean spirits and they come all in different sizes, shapes and some of them are very ugly looking demonic spirits. In (NLT) Mark 16:17 these signs will accompany those who believe: they will cast out demons in my name, and they will speak new languages. In other words, Jesus had given to all true Christian believers a Great Commission. Now, I am not discouraging you for doing the Lord’s work, but to encourage you to have the lord Jesus’ blessing and the Holy Spirit to be with you at all times. Without it who knows what may or could happen to you or your family.

Many years ago, I witnessed a young man challenge the demonic spirits in the back of his home. The back of his home had lots of tall trees and bushes growing and he thought someone was trying to steal something or locally speaking “ripping him off,” because he had seen lots of small lights around in the back of his home. He told me, he went into the bushes and start yelling in profane languages toward the lights. It was lots of demonic spirits and he didn’t know about it. His mother called me and told me her son couldn’t sleep at all at night and couldn’t go to work. He was trying to sleep with his family’s bible on his chest because of fear. I had asked him a question, would you try again? His replied to me was, No way!

I got out of the house and walked toward the bushes and trees and blessed the ground by pouring my Holy Oil on the ground, in Jesus Mighty Name. From what I understand, till today the demonic spirits didn’t come back for the past twelve years. Praise the Lord! Let’s get back to the Holy Spirit. Okay?

We cannot condemn the Holy Spirit, it is unpardonable sin. Let’s see what is written in (NLT) Mark 3: 29 but anyone who blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven. In Hawaii we called it “Pau!” Meaning, you are finished. I have mentioned numerous times in the past, the Father (Jehovah) may PARDON you; the Son (Jesus) may FORGIVE you, but not the Holy Spirit. Once a person condemns the Holy Spirit, there will be no FORGIVENESS for that person. Yes, absolutely none at all. We must be very careful about the Holy Spirit. In the bible there are numerous times written about the Holy Spirit, we must always respect and acknowledge the Holy Spirit. In the bible, 87 times that the spirit known as wind and 37 times known as God’s wind will do the work for God. In (NLT) Psalm 104:3, you lay out the rafters of your home in the rain cloud. You make the clouds your chariot; you ride upon the wings of the wind. In other words, God uses this wind to go whenever He wants to go. Amen! At this time, I will stop and continue on a later date about the Holy Spirit.


I pray this message is very informative to you.

Aloha form Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

(131) House Blessing in Pahoa, Hawaii

On Sunday (7/10/11), after the Church Service was over, I went to Pahoa, Hawaii with two of the members of my church to do a house blessing. We all sat in the living room area and listened to the complaints of what was happening in the home. The living room area was gloomy dark, even though the sun was shining bright outside of the home. I immediately took my oil and asked God to bless the oil, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name. Instantly transformation took place with the oil and it became Holy Oil. I told the family that I would take the scriptures and pray from Psalm 67:1-7 for casting out any demonic spirit/spirits that may be within the home.

As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.

I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.

Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.

Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.

Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.

Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.

After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.


I have been going to many homes when people call me for help and many of them are Christian Believers and some are not. Within a month’s period, I have been going to approximately eight to twelve, sometime fifteen homes. I only go when they call me. When I get there, I listen to their problems and ask them what denomination of church that they belong to? They tell me so and so church. I answer and say okay.

Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.

Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.

I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?

Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.

Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

(131) House Blessing in Pahoa, Hawaii

On Sunday (7/10/11), after the Church Service was over, I went to Pahoa, Hawaii with two of the members of my church to do a house blessing. We all sat in the living room area and listened to the complaints of what was happening in the home. The living room area was gloomy dark, even though the sun was shining bright outside of the home. I immediately took my oil and asked God to bless the oil, in the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit in Jesus Mighty Name. Instantly transformation took place with the oil and it became Holy Oil. I told the family that I would take the scriptures and pray from Psalm 67:1-7 for casting out any demonic spirit/spirits that may be within the home.

As I was praying and commanding the demonic spirits out in Jesus Mighty Name, there were three male spirits and one female spirit. I told the woman of the house to open the screen door of the front entrance of the home which she did and at the same time, I asked and gave full permission to the Holy Spirit and Angels to search out the entire home from top of the roof to the bottom of the ground, in and out of the home. I asked the Holy Spirit and Angels to escort all of these demonic spirits to the pits of hell in Jesus Mighty Name. The female spirit came around the back of my neck area and I kept on praying and finally, the female spirit left the home with an angry looking face.

I mentioned to the husband and his wife that there are many reasons that these spirits may come back to their home. I have narrowed it down to three reasons.

Reason 1: If you pray for the dead, they may come back.

Reason 2: If you have something that belongs to them, they may come back.

Reason 3: If you mediate or talk about them, they may come back.

Now if both of you don’t do any of these three reasons, chances are they don’t have any reason to come back. I repeated it two or three times and finally they understood me.

After the blessing was completed, I asked the two members of my church to pray on Matthew 6: 9-13, which is the Lord’s Prayer. The gloomy darkness in the living room lifted and it became much brighter. When we left the premises, I prayed to the Lord Jesus to protect the three of us from the crowns of our heads to the soles of our feet, in and out of our bodies; not one single strand of our hairs shall be harmed in Jesus Mighty name. We all said Amen! (So be it)

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011


I have been going to many homes when people call me for help and many of them are Christian Believers and some are not. Within a month’s period, I have been going to approximately eight to twelve, sometime fifteen homes. I only go when they call me. When I get there, I listen to their problems and ask them what denomination of church that they belong to? They tell me so and so church. I answer and say okay.
Sometimes, you can see the gloomy side of darkness within the home even during the daytime with the sun shining in from the windows and it is still dark within the home. Sometimes, certain rooms feel a little chilly compared with the rest of the other rooms within the home. Sometimes, I can see the unclean spirit/spirits moving away from me and sometime they stand approximately six or seven inches to seven feet or more away from me. My arms, body and feet get a cold feeling and at the same time I have goose bumps known as chicken skin all around my body, but I will stand firm in the Name of Jesus Christ, the Anointed One.
Sure, sometimes it has crossed my mind what the demonic spirit/spirits will try to do to me. I had an incident where the demonic spirit breathed next to my ear with a heavy breathing sound. Sometimes, the smell is very stink, in other words it is a very unpleasant smell. It is like they didn’t brush their teeth or rinse their mouth for many, many years. If that ever happens to you, stand firm in the Name of Jesus and consecrate yourself and your family by praying on Ephesians 6: 10-12 “The Whole Armor of God”. For me, before I leave my home 99.9 % of the time, I would pray on “The whole Armor of God” because I must protect my family and myself against the wiles of devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Why? I had mentioned 99.9 % of the time, because sometimes I forget to pray “The Whole Armor of God” and things don’t seem to go well for me during the day and that’s when I realize, I had forgotten to pray.

I truly believe even a short prayer everyday will make a lot of difference for you and your family, because when you leave your home, you really don’t know what you may encounter during the day. Don’t you agree with me? “For example, Lord Jesus put your precious blood covering on my family and myself, makes it a wonderful, profitable, enjoyable and a safe day for my family and myself in Jesus Mighty Name.” Amen! (So be it) Now isn’t that a short prayer?

Anyway, let’s get back to the demonic spirit or devil, whenever you are in this predicament, stand firm with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit and do not show any fear to any of the demonic spirits/spirits. I know some of you may have experience with a dog, don’t let the dog know you have fear with it, because that dog may sense you are afraid of it and it may become much worse or will try to take advantage of you. I feel this is the same scenario with any of the demonic spirit/spirits. They will capitalize on fear and fear will show them your lack of faith with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

I truly believe in the demonic spirit world, that they have rankings among themselves like in our military forces. For example, like a buck private all the way up to the general. Everyday, you cannot let your guard down or take it for granted that nothing will ever happen to you. We must always pray to our Father God up in heaven for protection.

Remember, the demonic spirits cannot read your mind, but they will capitalize on “Fear.” Even when things start to move within the house or make banging sounds, like windows, doors, contents and etc., STAND FIRM, not on sinking sand with the Lord Jesus and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Amen!

Coming back to the topic, don’t be afraid of the demonic spirit, first discuss with your Pastor or Minister of your church and explain to the Pastor or Minister what is happening within your home and ask the Pastor or Minister to help you and your family by having the Pastor or Minister bless your home and your family. If he or she comes to your home and blesses your home, Praise the Lord! Why? Every Pastor or Minister is the Shepherd of his or her church and must protect his or her flock. Church Members, Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! (So be it)

I pray this message is very informative to you and your family.

Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

(129) GREED

Let’s see what is written in the dictionary about greed. It is defined as a selfish and excessive desire for more of something (as money) than is needed. In other words, don’t let greed for riches have control over you. Sure we all need money to survive in this world of ours. Jesus warned against all types of greed. Let’s see what is written in Luke 12:15, Then he said, “Beware! Don’t be greedy for what you don’t have. Real life is not measured by how much we own.”

Let’s see what is written in 1 Sam. 2: 29, so why do you scorn my sacrifices and offerings? Why do you honor your sons more than me-for you and they have become fat from the best offerings of my people! Let’s look into 1 Tim. 3:3, 8 He must not be a heavy drinker or be violent. He must be gentle, peace loving and not one who loves money. 8 In the same way, deacons must be people who are respected and have integrity. They must not be heavy drinkers and must not be greedy for money.

Numerous times, I have mentioned people place money first and then place God second. No! It must not be! We must place God first. People who are in this situation serve “Mammon,” Greek form of a Syriac or Aramaic word for “money,” riches,” property,” “worldly goods,” “profit.” In other words, it is for their personal gain. Let’s look in Zephaniah 1:18, your silver and gold will be of no use to you on that day of the Lord’s anger. For the whole land will be devoured by fire of his jealousy. He will make a terrifying end of all the people on earth. In other words, our fortunes or value of money will be all useless on that day, it will be worth nothing. Yes, absolutely nothing. It will be worthless. People will be throwing their fortunes out on the street, such as gold, silver and money. It will be just pieces of paper and lots of metals.

Why? As I recollect, many, many years ago, I saw lots of wealthy people while I was working at the Memorial Park who passed away from this planet and they didn’t take their fortunes with them. What now? Could they buy their way to heaven? No! Absolutely not! They will be judged according to what they had done while they were living on this planet. Question, were they productive, generous or helpful to the less fortunate ones living on this planet? Are you with me so far? For me I truly believe, before a person takes their last breath on this planet, God will show them where they will be going. I have experienced in the past as I looked into their faces, sometimes the expression on the faces of the deceased showed fear and sometimes, it was a joyful face, it seemed like the person was smiling.

What really counts is while we are living on this planet; we must help the unfortunate ones who are struggling to live and to survive everyday of their lives and lead them to the Lord Jesus Christ. Many of them don’t have enough food, medical or shelter to keep them warm from the harsh climate conditions that we encounter while we are living on this planet. Whenever time permits me, every so often, I watch the television programs where children are starving, without food, shelter, medical and they are stricken with sickness within themselves. It really saddens me very much. I pray to the Lord Jesus to comfort and protect them and provide whatever is necessary that they need to survive on this planet. Amen! (So be it)

The moral of this message is never being greedy, but to be very generous with others and I truly believe God will bless you much more in your wealth and health. Take care of your family and yourself, and then help others that need to be helped in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! Does it make sense to you so far? If it does, say Amen! Praise the Lord!

Aloha, from Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.