Monday, May 31, 2010


Yes, we must preach the Name of Jesus Christ, until everyone knows Him. Jesus gave us, the Great Commission, (NLT) Mark 16:15-18. And then he told them, “Go into the world and preach the Good News to everyone, everywhere. 16 Anyone who believes and is baptized will be saved. But anyone who refuses to believe will be condemned. 17 these signs will accompany those who believe: They will CAST in my name, and they will speak new languages. * 18 they will be able to handle snakes with safety, and if they drink anything poisonous, it wont hurt them, they will able to place their hands on the SICK and HEAL them.” Now, we as Christians must help those who need to be helped in Jesus Might Name. If anybody asks you to pray for he or she, pray for him or her, it could be God wants you to pray for him or her. We must be obedient to God. When people asked me to pray for them, I immediately pray for he or she. In God, there is no shame at all, if you are ashamed, then God will be ashamed of you.

Many times, I have witnessed the Power of the Holy Spirit comes upon them; I could tell when my arms become warm, including my body. Don’t be embarrassed about it; no one has any power in this world, except the Lord Jesus Christ. If nothing came about it when you prayed for he or she, don’t worry, many times, it is not you, it could be he or she didn’t ask God for forgiveness or he or she didn’t confess all of their sins. In other words, sometimes he or she is hiding something from you and God. All you are doing is asking God on behalf of him or her to heal them, in Jesus Mighty Name. The end results will be upon the Lord’s decision, not yours or mine.

Sometime you may win or sometime you may lose, but keep on trying. All to gain! If they got healed of their sickness problems, Praise the Lord! As you can see, we must try, if one prayer didn’t work, pray again and again. Now as a Pastor or Minister, mustn’t have anything negative in his or her mind at all, such thinking in the back of his or her mind, thinking, I wonder if this will work, with that in mind, it may not work at all, but only with a positive faith and mind, it will work. This includes the person that you are praying for must have a strong faith with the Lord. Sometime, I could be able to see when a he or she are praying from their heart, sometime the color of the skin glows in a beautiful color. Praise the Lord!

I encourage all Pastors or Ministers to pray and teach his or her members about healing. Just have them form small group circles and they can be able to pray for each other in the church. It will be a good healing exercise for the members and let the Elders or Deacons of the church help all of them in the groups by becoming assisting to the Pastor of the church. For the Pastor or Minister, it may become fewer problems for him or her in the church. Will that be wonderful in the church? Does it make sense to you? Of course, it makes sense! “Less problems, less work” Everything may run much more smoothly in the church. AMEN! (So be it)

I pray this message will be vey helpful to you and your church.

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Friday, May 28, 2010


Every morning when I get out of my bed, I try to make a habit to make my daily prayer religiously to God. I always ask God to forgive me for all of my sins and have mercy upon me. I usually make a short prayer because in humorous way, I always remind myself; God is a very busy God, so I always make it very short. I truly believe God doesn’t need to hear fancy words of prayer, unless you are trying to impress Him with words. He just looks into the person’s heart and He will understand you very clearly. Impress God with your love toward Him.

Once or twice a month I forget to make my daily prayer to God, I guess due to age or something came up within my mind that kept me occupied so much during the morning and I completely forgot about it. I am sure all of you have experienced this one time or another. Right? But, as soon I remember about it, I immediately pray to God to forgive me and ask God to protect me throughout the day and night, until the next morning and again, it becomes a cycle or routine for me.

My personal daily prayer: O’ Heavenly Father, who is my Lord of Lords, King of Kings for which I worship you, I praise you and I glorify your Mighty Name. Lord Jesus, please forgive me for all of my sins, whatever sins in the past to this present morning, I ask you to wash me with your precious blood and make me whole. Lord Jesus, I ask you to consecrate me from the crown my head to the soles of my feet, in and out of my body, by putting the Whole Armor of God upon me, so I can be able to withstand the wile of the Devil in Jesus Mighty Name. Today, Lord Jesus makes it an enjoyable, profitable, safe and sunny day for my family and me. Today, if I offend anyone for whom I am not aware, please forgive him or her and forgive me too, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen! (So be it)

Now this prayer must be prayed from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. This prayer can be very effective for you. If possible, pray in tongues, so the enemy, (Satan) won’t be able to understand your prayer at all. Are you with me so far? This prayer takes me approximately 55 seconds, so as you can see, it is not a long prayer. Don’t you agree with me? Once again, prayer can be very powerful, when a person prays from his or her heart.
The moral of this message is never forgetting your prayers to God.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


Yes, we must be very careful with our choice of words, especially regarding your health. The words like My, Mine and I have or I got. Many people have told me about their health problems. For examples, Pastor Jimmy, I Have diabetes, I Have arthritis, I Have an eye problem, I have a liver problem and many more. People have even told me, I Have been diagnosed with cancer and MY cancer seems to be in dormant stage at the present time. As you can see, we must stop claiming sicknesses by not saying MY, MINE, ME, I HAVE, I GOT or any other words that claim ownership to you. We must live 70 years or more, not more than 120 years as written in (NLT) Psalm 90:10. Seventy years are given to us! Some may even reach eighty and (NLT) Gen. 6:3 Then the Lord said, “My Spirit will not put up with humans for such a long time, for they are only mortal flesh. In the future, they will live no more than 120 years.” I told the person that isn’t your cancer. It doesn’t belong to you. It belongs to Satan. Why? God wants us to be healthy, wealthy, and prosperous and to enjoy our life while we are living in this world. Right? She said yes! Just think, we all came from heaven to this world of ours to have a little vacation and perhaps, one day, we all can go back to heaven and be with our Jesus Christ. Amen! God doesn’t want us to suffer. Right! She replied, Correct! Now, Satan is opposite from God, he wants us to suffer and have a miserable life in this world. So, when it pertains to your health issue, we cannot claim it by using these words, My, Mine, I have or I got and etc. When a person uses these words then, it may become a self-cursing, because you are claiming it. Does it make sense? Of course it make sense. You must tell yourself, it doesn’t belong to me, so I am going to ask my Father God to remove it away from crown of my head to the soles of my feet, in and out from my body, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

Let’s say you are God and when a person starts claiming that type of sickness belongs to him or her, what would be your answer be, if he or she always claims it by using the words MY, Mine or Me? Would that make him or her the owner of the sickness? I truly believe it does. What would your answer be, if you were God? I know what my answer would be, if I were God. Since you are claiming that sickness then it belongs to you, then it shall become yours. Doesn’t it make sense to you? I would say it belongs to Satan. It is not mine. Since it doesn’t belong to me, then I would cast it out of my body in Jesus Mighty Name.

Regarding your health, I wouldn’t recommend using these words, such as My, Mine, I have or I got. These words pertain to ownership of that sickness. I am sure you don’t want it? Are you with me so far? In this world, we have two types of sickness, one is called Spiritual and the other is called Physical sickness. Now, I am not saying we don’t need doctors, yes we do. Many times in physical sickness, the doctors may be able to help you for cuts, broken bones and etc. In Spiritual sickness, such as Demonic spirits attacking the person, mind controlling spirits and many other spiritual sicknesses an Authorized Minister can help. So as you can see, these require both Doctors and Authorized Ministers to do these types of curing of sickness. What I am trying to say is, it takes two of these people to accomplish the healing for that person, the Doctors and Ministers. Of course, most of all, it depends on the individual patient’s mind. The patient must have a strong faith and a Positive Mental Attitude and then he or she can be healed by a strong faith with Lord Jesus’ blessing and the Doctors to overcome the sickness. Whenever you need to go to the doctor, make a short prayer to God and ask God to give the doctor the wisdom and knowledge, so he or she may be able to help you. Many times God uses the doctors to help you through Him. Amen!
The moral of this message is to be very careful with your choice of words that pertain to your health.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Monday, May 24, 2010


This morning, May 23, 2010 (Sunday) will be a big day for my members and me. Why? Today we are going to have our water baptism, after our Sunday church service at Onekahakaha Beach Park in Hilo, Hawaii starting at 3:00 PM. Those who would like to be baptized in Jesus Mighty Name will be baptized. Praise the Lord! After the water baptism, we usually have a POTFOOD, some people called it POTLUCK, and for me I strongly don’t believe in the word “Luck”. I call it “POTFOOD” which means many foods will be there in many pots. The word POTLUCK, as I interpret, means I hope by luck there will be many foods in many of these pots for the members. Don’t you agree with me? Speaking about food, at every water baptism we have been blessed with many foods that the members of the church bring.

Water Baptism is a Sacred Ritual for Christians to partake in, if you believe in Jesus as your Lord and Savior. I strongly encourage people to be baptized in water by submerging into the water as our Lord has done. I believe submerging into the water is a representation of leaving your old sins and when your head comes out from the water, your sins are buried under the water. I mentioned to the members before the water baptism, in a humorous way, there are many bodies in the water. Some of them said, where? Where Pastor Jimmy? I just smiled at them and we all starters to laugh.

Some people who were previously baptized in water said they had been baptized with the Holy Spirit and still today they couldn’t pray or speak in tongues. Usually, when the Holy Spirit baptizes a person, the Holy Spirit will give the person a gift of praying or speaking in tongues. I truly believe when John the Baptist, baptized the Lord Jesus Christ, the Heavens were opened. (NLT) Matt. 3:13-17 13 Then Jesus went from Galilee to the Jordan River to be baptized by John. 14 But John didn’t want to baptize him. “I am the one who needs to be baptized by you,” he said, “so why are you coming to me? 15 But Jesus said, “It must be done, because we must do everything that is right. *” So then he baptized him. 16 After his baptism, as Jesus came up out of the water, the heavens were opened and the Spirit of God descending like a dove and settling on him. 17 And a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, and I am fully pleased with him.”
(NLT) Acts1:4-5 In one of these meeting as he was eating a meal with them, he told them, “Do not leave Jerusalem until the Father sends you what he promised. Remember, I have told you before. 5 John baptized with* water, but in just a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.” Now lets think for a minute, from what I understand, Jesus’ disciples didn’t get the baptism of the Holy Spirit when John baptized the disciples with water. Am I correct?

(NLT) Acts 2:1-4 On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, * the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of the mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, * as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. Amen!

In regard to our water baptism today, it was very successful and we give our Father God all credits and praises to Him. Amen!
May the Lord bless each and every one of you, in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Sunday, May 23, 2010


Before you purchase any home or land, it is good to have it blessed first, because many times we cannot assume that the land or home is good for you and your family. We may never know what happened on that land or home during the last 100 years or more. In that particular lot or home that you want to purchase, there may be a burial or a battleground. We don’t really know what happened there before. Don’t you agree with me? Are you with me so far? So before you spend your hard earned money to purchase any lot or home, have it blessed. Call an Authorized Pastor or Minister to have it blessed, so you or your family will not encounter any problems in the present or in the future.

I get called to do blessings for new homes, existing homes or empty lots, approximately 8 to 12, sometimes even 15 places within a month. Sometimes, in a vision, I can see the Supernatural things. Sometimes, I experience goose bumps also known as chicken skin in the back of my neck area and on my arms when I make my prayer in the name of my Lord Jesus Christ. These incidents happen to me, approximately 5 or 6 times for every 30 to 35 blessings that I perform.

If it is a home, it is good to bless the home in the evening, rather than during the day, because we are dealing with Ruler of Darkness. Are you with me so far? Ask your Pastor or Minister to come over to your home during the evening, rather than during the day.
If the Lord Jesus Christ ordained the Pastor or Minister, then he or she shouldn’t have any problems. If the Pastor or Minister is ordained from God, then the Demonic Spirits may not be able to see the Pastor or Minister, because the Demonic Spirits will see Christ, instead of them and every knee shall bow before the Lord Jesus Christ.

You can use Psalm 67:1-7 to cast out any Demonic Spirits from the home or lot and send them to the pits of hell, in Jesus Mighty Name. Now, you can accomplish this blessing by having the authorization from the God, without it, the demonic spirits may follow the Pastor or Minister to his or her home and problems may arise within their family.
Eph. 6:12 For we are not fighting people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realms.

In my early Christian life, when people called me, I encountered many of these Demonic Spirits and I was busted up (locally speaking), where my head was spinning and the pain was so bad, it made my eyes full of tears. At that time, I asked myself, how did I get involved with these problems? Why did I do it? Why? Why? Eventually, I had to ask my Reverend at that time and he prayed for me. I asked him this question, why? His answer to me was, the Lord wanted to test my faith and endurance to see if I could handle the punches that the Demonic Spirits gave me.

Today, my faith with the Lord Jesus Christ is much stronger than before, so I am not too afraid of them, although I cannot take these Demonic Spirits lightly. They are master deceivers and I bind these Spirits and send them to the pits of hell, in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen!

I pray this message is very informative to you and may the Lord bless you and keep you safe from all of these Demonic Spirits. Amen!
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Monday, May 17, 2010


There are many reasons why a TRUE CHRISTIAN should pray in tongues. It is very important and an honor to have this gift from the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit baptizes you, the Holy Spirit usually gives you a gift of speaking or praying in tongues. Whenever, you pray in tongues, the enemy (Satan) will not be able to understand any of the prayers that you are praying to Father God up in Heaven.

Now let’s think for a minute or so, say you are praying in English, Japanese, Chinese, German, or many other different languages, the enemy (Satan) will be able to understand all languages, except the language in tongues, because He was there at that time of the Babel Tower and many of your prayers will be blocked by Satan. Satan is a troublemaker! Do you remember, the “Tower of Babel”? Do you know the meaning of the word Babel? The word Babel in Hebrew means “Confusion.” (NLT) Gen.11: 1,7 At one time the whole world spoke a single language and used the same words. God had to change all languages. 7 Come, let’s go down and give them different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other. Now, at that time when God changed the languages, Satan was there to know all of these different languages. So when you make your prayer, many times, God may not hear your prayer.

Many years ago, I used King David’s prayer from Psalms 51:1-19. He asked God to forgive him, for all of his sins. In the same manner, I used Psalms 51:1-19 and I asked God to forgive me for all of my sins by having His Son Jesus’ precious blood wash all of my sins and make me whole. Remember, when God forgives you, He will look at the good side of you. Amen!

Now when God forgave me, I asked God to let the Power of the Holy Spirit baptize me, in Jesus Mighty Name. I gave the Holy Spirit full permission and full control over me. That is when I felt the warmest, from the crown of my head to the soles of my feet in and out of my body. I felt the Joy of the Lord within my heart with tears in my eyes. At first, I must admit, I was concerned about the unusual feeling within myself. However, I just kept on going and praying the word “HALLELUJAH” HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALLELUJAH! HALE, HALE, HALE- LU-JAH! I said it as fast as I could, many times over and over with both of my eyes closed. After approximately 30 minutes or so, finally the language that I had not known came out of my mouth till today. Praise the Lord!!!

A woman asked me, that she would like to pray in tongues, so I prayed for her and finally she began to pray in tongues. This can be done, only with the Lord’s Blessing and with the Power of the Holy Spirit. For me, I only help, by praying for her and asking God and the Power of Holy Spirit to baptize her in Jesus Mighty Name. (NLT) Acts 2:4 and everyone present was filled with Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, * as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.
When a person prays in tongues, he or she edifies himself or herself. Also when we pray in tongues, the Holy Spirit will be within us. (NLT) 1 Cor. 14:14 For I pray in tongues, my spirit is praying, but I don’t understand what I am saying. In other words, your inner spirit understands, that is what really counts, but you may not be able to understand. That is okay! When we pray in tongues, our Spirit is in direct connection with God, who is Spirit. We are speaking to Him by a divine, supernatural communication. There are many more reasons, why we should pray in tongues. Perhaps on the next Topic, I will explain much more deeply about praying in tongues.
I strongly believe many Churches could accomplish having this Gift given to their members by having them pray in tongues. (NLT) Acts 2:1-4 On the day of Pentecost, seven weeks after Jesus’ resurrection, * the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm in the skies above them, and it filled the house where they were meeting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, * as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.
The moral of this message is to encourage every Christian to pray in tongues.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

Sunday, May 16, 2010


When everything seems to be fine within our daily life, we seem to forget about God. When something happens to yourself or to your family, then we start to remember about God. Why are we always doing that? Are you with me so far? Every day there are 24 hours within a day. Am I correct? If we were to give 10% of our time each day (2hrs. 45 min.) to God by studying His words in the Bible or doing something for God, would you believe that God would be very pleased? I truly believe He would be and He will bless you.

I know it is very difficult to do that everyday, even for me; however, I have been writing these Internet Church Topics for God for approximately 11 months or more and I truly feel it is an Honor and Privilege for me to write for the Lord. I write whatever He wants me to write for Him. Sometimes, writing these Internet Church Topics takes me between five to nine hours or more to write one topic, this includes time praying, reading and researching in my Bible. It really takes time. Sometimes, I ask, why Lord? I would rather jump on my boat and troll outside Hilo’s Harbor and go fishing. I have a 19’ 6” Fiberglass boat with a flush deck and a brand new Mercury 115 horsepower outboard motor.

Many times, it becomes very tempting for me to drive my boat on the open sea toward the ocean breeze. With my 115-horse power motor, my boat flies on the top of the water. Ever since I bought the new motor, I have gone out only three times within the past two years. O’ well, so much about fishing, the Lord wants me to become a fisher of men, rather than going fishing regularly. One day I will jump into my boat and go fishing, I have told the Lord many times. I pray on that day He will bless me with many fish.

I have received many emails from all over the Country and World by readers of my Internet Church Topics. They say the topics have helped them have a better understanding of the Bible. The outlook of their lives has been changed for the better. Praise the Lord!!! With these positive emails messages that I have been receiving, it encourages me to continue to write to people through the Internet Church Topics with the Lord’s blessing.

Remember, when we are borne on this earth, we are to enjoy our life to the fullest and always focus our Mind, Heart and Soul to God, until such time we take our last breath on this planet and take our first breath up in Heaven. Don’t you all agree with me?

1) Always focus your Mind, Heart and Soul to God.
2) Always give your tithing to God and name your seed, so He will bless you many times more, as it is written in Mal. 3:10.
3) Always ask God for forgiveness, forgiveness is your answer to many of your problems.
4) When you pray, pray from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth.
5) Never gossip. Gossiping will set you away from God, when you are trying very hard to be close to God.
6) Always read your Bible and try to understand it.
7) Get baptized by the Holy Spirit. (NLT) Acts. 10: 45-48 The Jewish believers who came with Peter were amazed that the gift of the Holy Spirit had poured out upon the Gentiles, too. 46 And there could be no doubt about it, for they heard them speaking in tongues and praising God. Then Peter asked, 47 “Can anyone object to being baptized, now that they received the Holy Spirit just as we did?” 48 So he gave orders for them to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Afterward Cornelius asked him to stay with them for several days.
The moral of this message, never forget about GOD.

At this time, I would like take this opportunity to thank Chris Eliason who spent many hours by helping me put these Topics into the Internet Church. May the Lord bless him a multitude.
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


This past Sunday (May 9, 2010) was Mother’s Day. Chris Eliason and I would like to say HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY! to all the Mothers living in this world. As a matter of fact, every day should be Mother’s Day. We should always be thankful and grateful for all the loving and caring they have given to all of us. Without all the Mothers where would we be? probably still in Heaven. Don’t you agree with us?

Every so often, I do Hospital Ministry if time permits. I visit the Maternity Ward to see the many babies that were borne and sometimes you can see their cute little faces smiling through the window; perhaps, the Angels are entertaining the babies and some of them are crying. They are so cute with their tiny hands and feet with their eyes closed. They have very innocent looks on their faces with no fear or worry of anything in this world.

Some of the mothers were feeding their child with tenderness and loving within their hearts, with kisses on the child’s face. So as you can see, our mothers are very caring and loving people. When I was a very young baby, I couldn’t remember much about my mother at that time; however, I would like to believe my mother was also a loving and caring person when I was borne. Therefore, we must always be grateful to our mothers. Do you all agree with me? Amen!

Once again, Chris and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the mothers.


From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Monday, May 10, 2010


Yes, we as Christians have a Gift or Gifts from God. (NLT) 1 Cor. 12:6-11 There are different ways God works in our lives, but it is the same God who does the work through all of us. 7 A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the entire church.8 To one person the Spirit gives the ability to give wise advice; to another he gives the gift of special knowledge. 9 The Spirit gives special faith to another, and to someone else he gives the power to heal the sick. 10 He gives one person the power to perform miracles, and to another, the ability to prophesy. He gives someone else the ability to know whether it is really the Spirit of God or another spirit that is speaking. Still another person is given the ability to speak in unknown languages, * and another is given the ability to interpret what is being said.11 It is the one and only Holy Spirit who distributes these gifts. He alone decides which gift each person should have. So, you must find out what your gift or gifts are. Amen!

The gifts could be VISION, HEALING, DELIVERANCE, PREACHING, TEACHING THE YOUTHS, WORSHIPPING MINISTRIES and many more, that would be between you and God. As a true Christian, every one of us has a gift or gifts from God, so we can do things that will please Him. (NLT) John 16:24 You haven’t done this before. Ask, using my name, and you will receive, and you will have abundant joy. As you can see, you must ask God to use you as one of His servants, so you will be able to help people that need to be helped in Jesus Mighty Name.

For me, I always ask my Father God what He wants me to do for Him and sometimes it comes into my dream or He will show me in my mind what He wants me to do for Him. Remember, always be obedient to God and He will not lead you into anything that will be bad for you. First listen to God, Second listen to the Lord Jesus Christ and Third listen to the Holy Spirit and they will not lead you into anything bad for you or your family, but into everything good for you and your family.

God is pure, perfect and without any sins, unlike we as human beings have lots of sins; therefore, we must cleanse our mind, body and soul by praying on Psalm 51: 1-19, it is a prayer from King David, asking God to forgive him for all of his sins that he had committed and have mercy upon him. Once God forgives you, He will look at only the good side of you and forget the bad side of you. Praise the Lord! It is very important to ask God for forgiveness from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. Are you with me so far? Amen!

If God calls upon you, then ask God what He wants you to do for Him. Perhaps, you want to have a ONE to ONE relationship with Him. For me, sometime this coming September, I would like Jesus to have a ONE to ONE relationship with me. That means closing my room door and locking it, lowering my phone ringer volume, no radio or television will be turned on, and it shall be absolutely quiet, so there will no distraction. It may take me one hour, two hours or even five hours or more. I really don’t know. This will be in God’s time, not in my time. With God there is no time involved. I have experienced many times with the Holy Spirit and believe me; it makes my body very warm from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet, in and out of my body. Praise the Lord! The Joy of the Lord comes into my heart with tears in my eyes.

NOW, LET ME MAKE IT PERFECTLY CLEAR TO ALL OF YOU, I AM NOT PERFECT OR A SAINT PERSON, I AM NOT SOMETHING SPECIAL, BELIEVE ME, I AM NOT AT ALL, I AM THE SAME AS MANY OF YOU. However, I truly believe with all my mind, body and soul, that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God who sits next to His Father’s throne. Amen!

I know a Reverend who did it, by having relationship with the Lord and he accomplished receiving the blessing from the Lord. He had gone into fasting for many days and nights and while he was fasting, he read his Bible Scriptures without eating any food, but only drinking some water.

For me, I want more of Jesus; I want His blessing very much. Even it means pleading to Him, I will do it!

For me, attending a church is a very serious thing for me. Why? a) First, I attend Church to listen to the Golden message of the day, that may apply to me, b) Second, I attend Church to feed my soul, so God may prolong my life, c) Third, and I attend Church to have relationship with the Lord and the Power of the Holy Spirit.

When I look at any Church, I don’t look at it as an Organization or Association, but as place to have relationship with the Lord and the Power of the Holy Spirit. Now, I am not saying to be antisocial or to be stuck up, the Lord wants all of us to have good fellowship with one another. We must focus our minds only to the Lord Jesus Christ, not to the Pastor or Elder of the church, but only to the Lord. Does it make sense to you? Of course it makes sense!

Remember, the higher you are elevated in the church, the more accountability you will receive. For example, in the military, the higher the rank you hold, the more responsibility you will have. In the eyes of God, the accountability will be much greater for you and it could be very difficult to explain to God. So as you can see, it is the same scenario. If not, a wake up call may come upon you, it depends on how great the sins you had committed. On the other hand, it could be very rewarding for you. As you can see, we cannot take it very lightly and think God doesn’t know, believe me He knows it. Therefore, we must always ask for forgiveness from God. Forgiveness is the answer to most of our problems.

We must give our tithes to our church to break the curses that we have inherited. (NLT) Psalm 51:5 For I was born a sinner- yes from the moment my mother conceived me. By giving our tithes with a joyful heart, we have proven to the Lord that we are also obedient to Him. He will bless you many times, perhaps 100 fold or more. (NLT) Mal. 3:10 Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my temple. If you do, “ says the Lord Almighty, “ I will open the windows of heaven for you. I will pour out a blessing so great you won’t have enough room to take in! Try it! Let me prove it to you! When you think about it, He owns everything anyway in our precious life, home, clothing, health, even our wealth and much more. In my interpretation about the windows of heaven as written above, I truly believe what it means is many opportunities will come your way even while you are living on this earth, just be patient. This will happen in God’s time, not in our time. Amen!

Now, let's go back to the message about responsibility. As Pastors or Ministers we cannot say, Lord it is not my fault; we must answer to Him correctly, honestly and He will judge us fairly.

If you have done something wrong, you can’t think in your mind, no one knows about it and let it slide until such time as you forget about it, hoping that no one catches you. I truly believe the Lord knows about it, because he can read your mind and heart. Why? Because He is God! He knows everything from the beginning to the end of time of this world. If you agree with me, say Amen!

I pray this message is very informative to you. Amen! (So be it)

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason

Friday, May 7, 2010


This past Sunday (5/2/10), after our normal church service, I was invited to go to a home and try to get rid of the unclean spirits from their premises and home. I brought along my “J troop” with me, I call it Jesus’ Troop. We rode to the countryside on the island and when we reached our destination, we encountered many of these Demonic Spirits on the empty lot next-door that has many old growth mango trees. The trees were probably forty to fifty feet in height or more with moss growing on the bark of the trees. We saw many old stonewalls and some of them were piles of old rocks where moss grew. We found two small caves and one of them was in the form of an oval shaped circle with moss growing on the rocks. The other cave had an oval shape circle of rocks and one huge tree was growing in the middle. I know someone had planted the tree a long time ago. There were many wild vines growing there and several times I almost tripped from walking through the vines. We had to cut our way in to walk approximately five to six hundred feet or more to reach the next road. Speaking of my “J troop,” Diane K. and John I., are both strong prayer warriors and I am trying to teach both of them how to cast out Demonic Spirits. In the future, they will be able to teach others to protect their families and themselves. We must all help each other, because the enemies are not among us, the enemies are out there to deceive us.
Many times, we need to know how to defend our families or ourselves against these wild Demonic Spirits. In our lifetime, we may fall into troubles with these spirits, whether we like it or not. If that ever happens to you or your family, what will you do? As you can see, it may become a very difficult situation. Don’t you agree with me? When we are dealing with these Supernatural Spirits, we cannot call any police officer to help us. Am I right? Are you with me so far? Many times, people tell me at one time or another they have experienced a heavy pressure on their chest, where they couldn’t even move their legs, arms, body or even open their eyes. I am sure you have heard of these incidents before. If any of these problems arise within you or your family, do not procrastinate, I repeat again, do not PROCRASTINATE about it, just go to your Pastor or Minister, look straight into his or her eyes and say Pastor we need your help! Confidentially discuss with them and ask them to help you or your family. It is their obligation to help you and your family as a member of the church, even it means having them coming over to your home or place. The best time is around 7:00 PM. or 8:00 PM. at night, while it is dark. Why? We are dealing with the “Ruler of Darkness.” Does it make sense to you so far? I have often mentioned that these Demonic Spirits are master deceivers; they are here to deceive, to destroy and to kill us. However, before you reach your destination, pray on “The Whole of Armor of God”. (NLT) Eph. 6:10-11 A final word: Be strong with the Lord’s mighty power. 11 Put on all of God’s armor so that you will be able to stand firm against all strategies and tricks of the Devil. 12 For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against the evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against those mighty powers of darkness who rule this world, and against wicked spirits in the heavenly realm.
I have mentioned in my other topics, these Demonic Spirits don’t wear any wristwatch or a clock, they are timeless spirits. They have all the time in world. Sometimes, everything may seem to be fine in the home, that doesn’t mean they are not around. They may be around and you may not know about it. Remember, they have all the time until one day they may show themselves and things may happen within your family or your home.
Last week an elderly oriental woman approached me, asking me about Demonic Spirits. Are they for real? My answer was yes. I gave her one example, by asking her, do you believe there are such things as germs or bacteria in this world and her answer was yes. I asked her, have you seen a germ or bacteria with your eyes or felt it with your hands? Her answer was no! Then why do you believe there are such things? Her answer was, she read it in books or heard about it from the time when she was a child. Her mother always reminded her to wash her hands before she had her breakfast, lunch or dinner. I believed her, because it was the same scenario for me too. I told her my Bible mentioned many times about these Demonic Spirits or Devils. Believe me they exist. She just looked at me and couldn’t say anything.

Anyway, let’s get back to this past Sunday experience. So we blessed both of the small caves and one oval shaped circle with the tree growing in the middle with my Holy Oil, by pouring it around the entrance of the caves and also into the ground where the existing huge tree is growing, in Jesus mighty name. I let Diane K. and John I. make the prayer. While they were praying, I immediately closed my eyes and was trying to see the Demonic Spirits with my vision. Unfortunately they didn’t show themselves; however, I felt the presence of them. It felt like many of them were looking at us from a distance, approximately 50 to 60 feet on the slight hill away from where we were standing. In the Demonic Spiritual Realm, sometimes they will show themselves and sometimes they don’t. Whenever they are present, many times you may experience goose pimples, otherwise known as chicken skin or a cold feeling within your body, especially on your arms, legs and back of your neck area.

Presently, I have been going to approximately 8 to 12 places a month and sometimes it can be very tiring for me. When I get home, I just want to rest on my couch or bed for a while. Whenever, I receive a call as a Pastor, I strongly feel it is my obligation to help those who need to be helped in Jesus mighty name. It doesn’t matter what denominations they come from. If I can help them, then I will go; of course, with the Lord’s blessing, unless I am on a trip to the mainland or elsewhere, then I will not be able to go to their home or place. I truly believe, the Lord will know and understand.
Now, how can we overcome these Demonic Spirits? Pray to the Lord Jesus Christ and ask Him to bless your home, your family and yourself against these Demonic Spirits. Always pray from your heart, not from the corner of your mouth. God will look into a person’s heart, not at the color of your skin. Amen! (So be it)

I pray that this message will be very informative to you.
May the Lord bless each and every one of you in Jesus Mighty Name! Amen!!!
From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason.

Monday, May 3, 2010


Every so often, I make an effort to go to Hilo’s Shopping Mall. Besides looking at the merchandise in the stores, I have observed many people looking around and going in and out of the stores. Some of them are elderly and some of them are young adults or children trying to do their shopping and the vendors are trying their best to sell their items or products, which are normal things to do. Some of the teenagers walk with their friend’s chit chatting while doing their shopping, some of the younger children run around and the parents try to discipline their children, not to run around in the mall.
One day a thought came to my mind, thinking about the next 50 years, many of these people won’t be laughing, chit chatting and playing or running around. I know some of them may be leaving this planet, probably tonight, tomorrow, next week, next month, this year or next year. It saddens my heart; as a matter of fact tears slightly came to my eyes knowing many of them have not accepted Jesus Christ as their savior.
I know I can’t save everyone; however, most of the time, when opportunity comes my way, I will tell them about Jesus Christ and try to make them understand that he is the true Son of God, so we must accept Him as our savior. Sometimes, it may take talking to approximately twenty to thirty people about Jesus before one or two may listen and he or she may accept the Lord Jesus Christ. Amen!!! While we are living on this planet, we must try our best to have people come to our Lord Jesus Christ. I truly believe that is the true obligation or duty of a Christian, not only to associate with members of your church.
For example in 50 years, a ten year old child will be sixty years old, or a thirty year old will be eighty years old or a fifty year old will be hundred years old and so on. When you think about it, our life is very short. At that time I strongly felt, we as Christians have a great task for the Lord, by bringing them to the Lord Jesus Christ, so they can be able to be saved. If every Christian could save one person at a time, in the course of one year many will be saved, perhaps, thousands or even millions will be saved by having them accept Jesus Christ as their savior. At that time, would you believe that Angles will be singing and Heaven will rejoice? Believe me, they will. Most of you will have saved a soul and the credit will be going to you. I truly believe Heaven would record your good deed as a true Christian. If you all agree with me, say Amen!!!
When you have chance at any shopping mall, find a bench, sit down and observe all around and you will be able to understand what I have been talking about. Just think to yourself and ask a question about the next fifty years, where will these people go?
I pray that they will be with the Lord Jesus Christ. So brothers and sisters in Christ, we don’t have much time, we must try our best to save a soul as soon as possible by bringing them to the Lord or to your Christian Church. (NLT) Rev. 22: 16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this message for the churches. I am both the source of David and the heir to his throne. * I am the bright morning star.”
The moral of this message is 50 years may seem like a long period of time; actually, it is a very short period of time. Don’t you all agree with me?

If you wish to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord, read the scriptures and Say the Prayer at Welcome to the Kingdom of God and the Book of Life!

From Pastor Jimmy Nishimoto and Chris Eliason